

Active Member
May 26, 2006
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I am SO frusterated...I missed about a month of school due to having bronchitis (i'm also asthmatic) and then i got the flu...SO newho i came back to school and got put in group projects for 3 classes of mine and i got put with other ppl who decided to not go to class...Well i had a LEGITIMATE reason for not going to now im stuck with the ppl who NEVER come to now for 2 classes i am by myself for the projects the group went from 5 ppl to ONE...ME! One of my teachers didn't care at all! SHe was like well u have to deal with it and just do the presentation and PRETEND the other side that i am arguing is there..It's a MOTION assignment so it's a "trial". last time i checked you couldldn't argue by yourself ..but APPARENTLY i have to..which sucks! 2 Ppl dropped out of the class last week with 3 weeks left in the semester so there are 2 of us for a 5 person project...and again for a mediation assignment the group went from 2 parties a lawyer for each party and a mediator to a group of ONE..who should i be...i think the mediator so i can say the mediation has been thrown out and adjourned!...arrggg

I also feel like crying cuz i still don't have new hearing aids so im frusterated with classes and on top of it all i have to do all these projects that are worth big chunks of my grade...and it's like the profs don't even care :(
Well, let me say - - I am so happy I am not in school anymore! (sorry, had to say it)

I think you should have many a drinks and do the project where you are supposed to argue w/ someone who is not there. Remember now, w/ a hearing loss, we make stuff up all the time when we don't understand what the other is saying.

I know this didn't help much. I am sorry you are having difficulties but I am happy you are in good health now!!
Alicia, have you contacted your university's disability centre for assistance in having a notetaker or a one to one tutor?

You do have a right to accessibility and education.

If things do not work out for you, please consider contacting the Ottawa Deaf Centre.

Best of luck, tactile smile.
Miss whole month at college-level? I don't know they would allow, it seem difficult to catch up. If I were you, I would drop out and re-do on next semester/quarterly.
have you stepped it up to your Dean? Usually called Dean of Student Affair... or perhaps the Dean of that department. Your first stop should be your Dean of Disability Office. Time's of great essence and you must do it fast. The longer you take, the MUCH harder it will be for Deans to help you.

Good luck!
Sorry Alicia. Maybe withdraw and get an incomplete? Then it would not be on your gradepoint and you could retake?
I agree with the advice given by Jiro and Bott.

I'm sorry school has been so rough for you Alicia and hope you're able to withdraw or contact the Dean to get some assistance.

I'm also a college student, so I know how frustrating group projects can be.

In fact, I'm currently taking a Statistics class this semester in which we work in groups every week. I hate it, but that's the way it goes.

Good luck! :)
I spoke to my mom about it and I'm going to try to get through everything the best I can if I fail im just going to withdraw and take the semester off and then go into the program i wanted to in the Fall which is Linguistics...
Alicia, I'm really HOH and I wear hearing aids. But for the last 2 years, I decided to be deaf, and it's hard, hahaha, but relax, keep these words in your mind.

Fail = Ways of Don't do that
Fail = Early Attempts at Success
Fail = A lesson for the future
Fail = you are a human
Alicia, I'm really HOH and I wear hearing aids. But for the last 2 years, I decided to be deaf, and it's hard, hahaha, but relax, keep these words in your mind.

Fail = Ways of Don't do that
Fail = Early Attempts at Success
Fail = A lesson for the future
Fail = you are a human

wtf? epic fail advice.
Talk with your professor...get it in WRITING. If nothing happens, go to the Dean and explain your situation. It would be helpful if you had documentation to prove you were sick, etc. Even receipts for RX.

I've been in your not fun. I ended up getting an F in Algebra for being in the hospital. :(
Yea it really sucks...and my teachers don't like me either..i think they think i am a hassle cuz i require more accomodation than others...which is quite rude...
My head of my DEPARTMENT told me in the summer..."it's really hard to adapt to students with disabilities, especially Ddeaf/hoh students..i've been there myself and I can truly say that it was very hard to adapt to the student" Well guess what you HAVE to adapt I and others can't just magically get more hearing like wtf people are so ignorant..and this is from the HEAD of my dept like do ppl not care anymore why do they become profs than! I complained about it to my disabilities counsellor about what she said already and she was appaled and said if need be she would give her a call and she would speak to her at any point in time in the futre if need be because I told her i was disgusted with how and why she ever became a i was quite mad! Also toni, my disability counsellor, can't do too much with class situations if it doesn't really involve something with my hearing loss... But i've been through ALOT in the past 7 months with my ex-bf and trying to help him thru an addictin problem and I've been to see a counsellor several times over the course of those 7 months so if i need a note saying not only was i SICK but STRESSED/DEPRESSED i will, i just don't see a need for my teachers to need to know why i am struggling outside of school..i don't see it being their business, esp since one of my teachers is my friends mom and shes a HUGE bitch
What is frusterated?

I was so frustrated when i wrote this thread that I misspelled the word! FRUSTRATED frus⋅trat⋅ed   /ˈfrʌstreɪtɪd/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fruhs-trey-tid]

–adjective 1. disappointed; thwarted: an announcer who was a frustrated actor.
2. having a feeling of or filled with frustration; dissatisfied: His unresolved difficulty left him absolutely frustrated.

MODS can you please re-spell the name of my thread the proper way please! Thanks :)
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Ah gotcah :)

Like one poster suggest - either WD or ask professor to give you INC so you can come back next quarter/semester to retake course again. It happened to my friend when he got mono during semester, he received INC then came back next semester when he felt better.
Miss whole month at college-level? I don't know they would allow, it seem difficult to catch up. If I were you, I would drop out and re-do on next semester/quarterly.

I would suggest a medical leave/withdrawal. Then I think, if you get granted a medical leave, you could get tuition refund (at least in my ex roommate's case, they refunded her tuition when she got medical leave/withdrawal) or at least get all your grades waived for that semester so you won't get any F's. And then return to school the following semester. That way your GPA won't be least my ex roommate's GPA wasn't affected. She was granted a medical leave/withdrawal due to ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) and needed to take the semester off so she could have a kidney transplant done.
Actually, USUALLY, I spell very well. I've always been much past my grade level in spelling, reading, and writing. Thanks for your concern though.