French police report shootout and explosion in Paris

Where I did saying about ignoring the Islamist threat?
I didn't say that you were; it was just a statement of fact.

What's sick... I'm saying that more than 98% refugees aren't associated with terrorist organization and I cannot speak about children. It is parent's job to discourage their child from supporting terrorist organization. Most terrorist attack plots are from international and thwarted by federal government.
That other 2% can do a lot of damage.

There are some born Americans joined/sponsored ISIS, even if they are white and raised as Christianity before convert to Islam, so the religion can be conversion, that's happen, but we can stop them from sponsoring or joining terrorist organizations with imprisonment and rehab.

If you don't understand about what I'm saying, please ask me before spreading of misinformation.
I've spread no misinformation.
". . . But under the 1990 law known as the Lautenberg Amendment, the federal government initially granted a presumption of refugee eligibility for Jews and Christians fleeing the former Soviet Union and Southeast Asia. Nowadays, the amendment, extended last year by Obama, prioritizes the resettlement of Jews, Christians, Baha’is, and other religious minorities who flee Iran…."

Contrary to Obama claim US has admitted refugees based on religion
I didn't say that you were; it was just a statement of fact.

That other 2% can do a lot of damage.

I've spread no misinformation.

Damage? There are high chance for them to be arrested and deported before execute the plot for terrorist attack and a lot of plots have been thwarted.

You said that I stated that we should ignoring Islamist threat - that what I'm not saying.
Just a little America history on refugees:

Most Americans opposed admitting Jewish refugees before WWII



With negative attitudes being expressed toward Syrian refugees in the wake of the Paris attacks, the Washington Post and Historical Opinion dug back to another troubled time and found sentiments that sound familiar.

Polls in 1938 and 1939 showed a majority of Americans opposed to allowing Jewish refugees from Germany and Austria into the country. A July 1938 survey--which didn't explicitly say the refugees were Jewish--found 67 percent wanted "to keep them out."

A January 1939 Gallup survey about admitting 10,000 refugee children, which said most of them were Jewish, found opposition by a 2-to-1 ratio.

The attitude was shared by U.S. policymakers. In a notorious incident, the SS St. Louis cruise liner carrying 900 Jewish refugees was turned away from Havana and then refused permission to land in Florida by President Franklin Roosevelt. It had to return to Europe, where about 250 of the passengers eventually died.

Is the current situation, with more than half the nation's governors not wanting Syrian refugees, similar?

The Post's Dana Milbank argues that Republicans are creating a "xenophobic bidding war" in their efforts to keep refugees out. "This growing cry to turn away people fleeing for their lives brings to mind the SS St. Louis, the ship of Jewish refugees turned away from Florida in 1939. It's perhaps the ugliest moment in a primary fight that has been sullied by bigotry from the start. It's no exaggeration to call this un-American."

The conservative National Review, however, says the cases aren't equivalent. Among the differences: "There was no international conspiracy of German Jews in the 1930s attempting to carry out daily attacks on civilians on several continents."

But Historical Opinion notes that some policymakers believed the Jews were a threat in an era when Communism was as feared as much if not more than the Nazis. For example, assistant secretary of state Breckinridge Long opposed Jewish refugees' entry out of fear many were "radical and subversives."

Another article with similar title here:
Damage? There are high chance for them to be arrested and deported before execute the plot for terrorist attack and a lot of plots have been thwarted.
If they're planning an attack we certainly wouldn't deport them. Arrest them yes, but not deport. We don't want them to go free.

You said that I stated that we should ignoring Islamist threat - that what I'm not saying.
I did not say that.
Just a little America history on refugees:

Most Americans opposed admitting Jewish refugees before WWII

Another article with similar title here:
That was certainly a shameful and regrettable action by the US prior to WWII. :(

That's what the Christian Syrian refugees are facing now--genocide in their home country.

There's got to be some way to check out all the refugees better before bringing them into the US.

I think what also bothers the governors is that they have no say in how many refugees are sent to their states, where they are sent (which cities), and when they are sent. The governors are also required to provide services for the refugees without money in their state budgets to cover the services.

We need to get rid of ISIS so the Syrian people can feel safe within their own country.

If something terrible like ISIS happened in my country I would much rather get rid of that threat than to have to leave my own country. I'm sure many of the Syrians feel the same way. They don't want to leave their homes--they were forced out.
That was certainly a shameful and regrettable action by the US prior to WWII. :(

That's what the Christian Syrian refugees are facing now--genocide in their home country.

There's got to be some way to check out all the refugees better before bringing them into the US.

I think what also bothers the governors is that they have no say in how many refugees are sent to their states, where they are sent (which cities), and when they are sent. The governors are also required to provide services for the refugees without money in their state budgets to cover the services.

We need to get rid of ISIS so the Syrian people can feel safe within their own country.

If something terrible like ISIS happened in my country I would much rather get rid of that threat than to have to leave my own country. I'm sure many of the Syrians feel the same way. They don't want to leave their homes--they were forced out.

I just heard on the news last night that we don't have the resource to do a back ground check on all the refugees , this was one of my concerns .
If we do allow refugees into USA will the background checks less thoroughly . Obama is planning on letting refugees in slowly over the next two years . This was on news you see on the bottom of the TV so I didn't get anymore details .
Apparently if Trump gets in he giving thought to all Moslems registering ,not a clever move
Registering for what?

I think that he means religion registration - it means Muslim people have to register their religion to government.

Red flag for First Amendment.
All Moslems registering for being Moslem.How where what it your country I not clue what and where your registrations go.
to be mere foreigner I would thought just being a American citizen all need to be and if don't give alience to that then give it thought but signel a group out unwise
Its a no brainer really...

Until the west gets its head out of its collective ass..(we wont)
Paris. Is just the beginning.

Nothing will change here..

We will leave our doors open to them, they will come and attack, we will apologize and let, they will attack and kill more,we will apologize.more and let more in, ...
Repeat repeat...repeat....


Mark my signs...
This will continue, the attacks will continue...

Besides a few bombs, and political spin......
The west will do nothing..


Given how we have addressed the islamist threat so far..
We deserve what we get.

Lets just let more in...why not....
Its a feel good photo op....
Thats all that matters really
That is going to happen that's why registering them make situation worse.What ever private thoughts are must keep them.
T hey put some on Isl of Bute it most beautiful place well out price range of most people this gone down like a brick.We got treat people equally and putting them there not it
I think that he means religion registration - it means Muslim people have to register their religion to government.

Red flag for First Amendment.
Do you have a link so I can read about it? I don't understand how that would work.
All Moslems registering for being Moslem.How where what it your country I not clue what and where your registrations go.
to be mere foreigner I would thought just being a American citizen all need to be and if don't give alience to that then give it thought but signel a group out unwise
I need to find his statement about registering before I can comment on it. The US government isn't supposed to keep tabs on its citizens by religion.
That is going to happen that's why registering them make situation worse.What ever private thoughts are must keep them.
T hey put some on Isl of Bute it most beautiful place well out price range of most people this gone down like a brick.We got treat people equally and putting them there not it

No one will be registering them....

Trump no trump..

Thats just silly diversion...

What i see short and long term in france and other european a very real shift and rise of the FAR right....

Which isnt anything to be happy about...

And along with that...attacks on right wing orgs.....right or wrong....
Their will be a huge backlash....

All this could of been prevented...but france has had for decades absurd immigration policies in regards to former colonies such as algeria so on....thus they have a large plm on their hands with numbers...the uk also has had an absurd imigration policy perticularly under blair and new labour who essentially through the doors wide open for pakistanis who came by the hundreds and thousonds...the idea was long term to secure votes...(it didnt really work out as planned)....butit was only in the interests of new.labour and NOT inthe interests of the uk long term

And as a thank you of course we had bombed busses and innocent dead in london.

Some plms.

Here is the european rulng class and middle class is aging, theirs been a drastic drop in births....(that translates of course in the future to a drastic drop in the case of the working.class, and manegers and beurocrats in the case.for the middle.)

The idea was to let these people in....assimilate them...make them good tax paying workers so europeans could enjoy their retirement pensions so on...and the nations continue to function...the plm of course is most they targeted for immigration where from islamic nations (in the case.of france perticular), while purposely ignoring or even denying applicants from.christian ones...(this alao occures with the americans)


One answer to this complex question is the ascendent left with all the nonsense that comes with it....white guilt, ect ect..and the shadow of wwii. (In the german case)...and the long shadow of colonilism (in the french case)

Their is no easy answer here..

This plm wont go away.....this plm will only get worse..

Not all muslems are terrorist...(the fact that we need to constantly state this shows how much the left controls the discussion)

Not all germans were nazis either...

Not all japanese were imperilists...

Not all italians were fascists...

The free world in spite of the above did what it had do to end those evil regimes..with a huge huge loss of innocent lives...(the americans carpet bombed my families.citiy...30, thousand were killed in a weekend....thats real carpet bombing....what putin is doing. To isis is less then.chump change)

But ..i guess total war is only an option for whites or japanese....

The islamist threat, will instead get some bombs....and somw pin pricks here and there....

And we will let more in....and the attacks will continue...
You right about immigration rules not only France..In EU you can go all over place no one will register it as in Belgium Greece and uk little better but not much.This could been trawted if better immigration rules.
it was on tv trump been asked by various right winged groups to do it but be hell stupid thing if he do,it be like Jews with hitler yellow stars.
in France they have the Arabic area and French cops got no teeth what they Is doing If they get tough treat them like Frenchmen punishment the same

against laws of France illegal mosques the Cocain Dens .The cops never set foot in these areas,They should maned up arrested them treat them like any other French citizen the law may got respect then.May not felt disenfranchised if law seen to be for everyone.

My own country stopped 3 nasty koo last week but thankfully these idiots put it on Twitter that how they found,
most Muslims are ordinary people who hate this as much as any one.Islam don't insist
women wear veils and all the other things like force marriage need moderates Muslims shouting from roof tops explaining it.
as most of bombers are 15 how can we say war with children,Places like Nigera have had it far worse Yemen but nothing is done until until European country affected