No, that is not what rolling7 said at all. You are clearly confused. He said that RR answered your question (and she did). But that you keep "badgering" her by claiming she did not answer your question (which she did), and that if you did not like her answer (and she did answer your question), that instead of badgering her, YOU should walk away. If you are not satisified that someone did not take your bait, you should troll elsewhere.
He is not claiming that you should accept whatever Rolling7 is saying and walk away,. He is saying that you should walk away if you do not like the answer to your questions instead of badgering people. I wouldn't go so far as to say you are a bully, but you are sometimes very rude.
Bullying is the word rolling7 used, and yes, you are a borderline bully if you continue to harass people the way you do.