[Fox News Traitorous and Unpatriotic?] [Navy SEAL's book gives different account ..]

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What in world are you say about bullying?

Jiro is no bullying, period and if you can't stand it so get out of debate thread.

Foxrac, look at post #31 and past #35. RR gave her honest and best answer and yet she is being attacked for her answers as not being good enough for him. Leave her alone.
Foxrac, look at post #31 and past #35. RR gave her honest and best answer and yet she is being attacked for her answers as not being good enough for him. Leave her alone.

That's not bullying nor is attacking so you are obviously troublemaker, no doubt.

Jiro is just discussing in civil matter and he is free to disagree whatever he wants. That's just how debate works and if you can't handle by call bullying or attacking in scream way so time for you to get out of thread. I don't want to hear your whine about behavior problem from most toughest member in this forum.

Your statement on between publisher and Fox News is just like "CSA won the civil war" effect.
Foxrac, look at post #31 and past #35. RR gave her honest and best answer and yet she is being attacked for her answers as not being good enough for him. Leave her alone.

oh I see.

if you don't answer my question and I keep asking you, that's considered as bullying.
if I don't answer your question and you keep asking me, that's not considered as bullying.

oh ok. I apologize. I am sorry that you have such a contorted view of life.
No one caught the "sleight of hand" today?

Now that it has become clear that the official version of events released by the white house was not what happened, Mark Owen is being charged with a "crime".

What crime?
How many AD members have authored a high profile book?

Your question isn't related to my post so I'm talking about member reveal other member's real name in public without member's permission.
Your question isn't related to my post so I'm talking about member reveal other member's real name in public without member's permission.

But this thread is about Mark Owens' unrealistic expectation of privacy after authoring a high profile book. Since you are trying to make a parallel argument in regards to AD members, how many have authored a high profile book?
But this thread is about Mark Owens' unrealistic expectation of privacy after authoring a high profile book. Since you are trying to make a parallel argument in regards to AD members, how many have authored a high profile book?

no..... you got that thread locked.

this thread is about "Navy SEAL's book gives different account of bin Laden death".
No one caught the "sleight of hand" today?

Now that it has become clear that the official version of events released by the white house was not what happened, Mark Owen is being charged with a "crime".

What crime?

huh? you got your facts all mixed up.

The stories did not match up. White House later amended its statement. Mark Owen was never charged with anything.
oh I see.

if you don't answer my question and I keep asking you, that's considered as bullying.
if I don't answer your question and you keep asking me, that's not considered as bullying.

oh ok. I apologize. I am sorry that you have such a contorted view of life.

RR, in her two post, DID answer your question......honestly and clearly...but if you don't like the answers WALK AWAY.
RR, in her two post, DID answer your question......honestly and clearly...but if you don't like the answers WALK AWAY.

just because she "replied back" to my question doesn't mean it's actually an answer.

it's quite very simple - if you don't want to answer my question, walk away. better to walk away than to waste my time with non-answer answer. you are clearly bullying me - telling me to accept whatever you say and walk away. oh my!
just because she "replied back" to my question doesn't mean it's actually an answer.

it's quite very simple - if you don't want to answer my question, walk away. better to walk away than to waste my time with non-answer answer. you are clearly bullying me - telling me to accept whatever you say and walk away. oh my!

We have evidence that is confidential. :lol:
just because she "replied back" to my question doesn't mean it's actually an answer.

it's quite very simple - if you don't want to answer my question, walk away. better to walk away than to waste my time with non-answer answer. you are clearly bullying me - telling me to accept whatever you say and walk away. oh my!

Oh my!...you sound like a "drill sargent" and demanding an answer to whatever question(s) (and it really was a stupid question)....And no, I don't have to walk away.....and the same to you...if you cannot accept whatever I said...then you walk away.
just because she "replied back" to my question doesn't mean it's actually an answer.

it's quite very simple - if you don't want to answer my question, walk away. better to walk away than to waste my time with non-answer answer. you are clearly bullying me - telling me to accept whatever you say and walk away. oh my!

No, that is not what rolling7 said at all. You are clearly confused. He said that RR answered your question (and she did). But that you keep "badgering" her by claiming she did not answer your question (which she did), and that if you did not like her answer (and she did answer your question), that instead of badgering her, YOU should walk away. If you are not satisified that someone did not take your bait, you should troll elsewhere.

He is not claiming that you should accept whatever Rolling7 is saying and walk away,. He is saying that you should walk away if you do not like the answer to your questions instead of badgering people. I wouldn't go so far as to say you are a bully, but you are sometimes very rude.

Bullying is the word rolling7 used, and yes, you are a borderline bully if you continue to harass people the way you do.
No, that is not what rolling7 said at all. You are clearly confused. He said that RR answered your question (and she did). But that you keep "badgering" her by claiming she did not answer your question (which she did), and that if you did not like her answer (and she did answer your question), that instead of badgering her, YOU should walk away. If you are not satisified that someone did not take your bait, you should troll elsewhere.

He is not claiming that you should accept whatever Rolling7 is saying and walk away,. He is saying that you should walk away if you do not like the answer to your questions instead of badgering people. I wouldn't go so far as to say you are a bully, but you are sometimes very rude.

Bullying is the word rolling7 used, and yes, you are a borderline bully if you continue to harass people the way you do.

Thank you:ty:
Oh my!...you sound like a "drill sargent" and demanding an answer to whatever question(s) (and it really was a stupid question)....And no, I don't have to walk away.....and the same to you...if you cannot accept whatever I said...then you walk away.

You go, Girl! Stand strong.
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