It seems that some on this board think that a CI is a fix for deafness and that surgery "fixes" a child -- a concept I strongly disagree with for the reasons I've put forward much earlier in this conversation. This makes me think that you (those who think Li-Li is "fixed") consider her a broken object to begin with and now a 'working model'.
Aren't you very much disrespecting my deaf child by framing the discussion as if he or she is a broken object?
People tend to value things that are "fixed" over things that are broken -- I wonder if you ascribe the same value to a child with or without a CI, which would be a natural step given the common association.
That's an attitude I might expect to find among some small number of uneducated people unfamiliar with deafness, something we'd have to combat (a misbegotten idea that my deaf child is broken, incomplete, not capable). I'm surprised to see people here -- enlightened to the equality of all people, deaf or otherwise -- would want to promote the idea that some children are fixed, and support any associated value that might have.
I still just find it very hard to get behind a view in which people can be "fixed" in any way -- with surgery, therapy, handtools, environments, whatever the tool you use. If you say my child is fixed, you are saying that a deaf child without a CI is broken. I find that offensive.