Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery

parents are going to cling on to any hope there is ,I would
The thing is, there isn't any hope. Going by the comments, the attorney said the MRI shows that "she still has brain tissue" but people commented that it's filled with cerebro-spinal fluid. When the brain deteriorates it creates holes and those holes fill with CSF. They oh so briefly showed the MRI at about 26 minutes in, so you have to pause it to really get a look at it.

That "chunk of glass" moved across her foot months ago was a piece of ice, not glass. All of those movements are just reflexes that don't rely upon the brain to occur. The mom is also photoshopping pictures that are being released. You can see the most recent photoshopping here IF they aren't photoshopped, it's makeup. Why do either? Nearly all of the photos of her face are from the same side, they rarely show the other side of her face. Makes you wonder if they really are hiding necrosis on her eye, like the author of that site suggested.
Jahi McMath hearing postponed after doctor’s determination

A Thursday court hearing to decide whether Jahi McMath will be declared “alive again” was postponed after her family said their “team of international brain death experts” needs more time to review a letter from the court-appointed doctor reaffirming his belief that the 13-year-old Oakland girl is brain dead.

Jahi was declared brain dead after suffering what doctors said were terminal complications from surgery for sleep apnea at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland in December.

Her family rejected the determination, and challenged it in Alameda County Superior court, where they lost. But last week, family attorney Christopher Dolan released video that he said shows Jahi moving her feet and hands at her mother’s request. The video, he said — along with sworn declarations from five doctors who specialize in brain death and injury and who belive Jahi is not brain dead — all bolster the family’s request that the court overturn its initial ruling that Jahi is brain dead.

The doctor who initially examined Jahi, however, said nothing in the video or the sworn declarations changed his mind.

Stanford University’s Paul Graham Fisher, a pediatric neurologist who last year examined Jahi as a court-appointed independent expert, wrote in a letter to Judge Evelio Grillo that the doctors used standards and tests that are irrelevant.

“Overall, none of the current materials presented in the declarations refute my (Dec. 23) examination and consultation finding ... or those of several prior attending physicians who completed the same exams, that Jahi McMath met all criteria for brain death,” he wrote. “None of the declarations provide evidence that Jahi McMath is not brain dead.”

Fisher noted that he is not being paid for his opinion, has no connection to Children’s Hospital and continues “to extend my sympathies to the family and friends of Jahi McMath.”

Dolan, who claims Fisher has a conflict of interest and legal bias, said in a written statement that he asked to reschedule Thursday’s hearing in order to “address any concerns that Dr. Fisher has in an effort to demonstrate that, with an open and transparent dialogue between health care professionals, only one conclusion can remain: that Jahi McMath is not brain dead.”

He asked the court to let “all of the doctors” sit down and review the evidence together.

“I can understand what a difficult place Dr. Fisher finds himself in as he is the doctor who originally diagnosed Jahi as brain dead,” Nolan said. “We are not seeking to fault Dr. Fisher’s original exam. Experts say that Jahi’s brain swelling would have given the impression of brain death at that time. What we do want to do is to bring all the evidence forward to be looked at critically, and not defensively, as this is an important medical and legal debate which goes far beyond Jahi.”

If the court were to reverse its findings, Jahi could return from New Jersey, where she is being cared for by her family, and her costs for care could be shifted to the state of California or possibly to Children’s Hospital.

Jahi McMath hearing postponed after doctor’s determination
"not seeking to fault Dr Fisher's original exam"? Sounds to me like they are.
I don't think any hospital in Calif will admit her because of no insurance that will cover it.
I don't know. It is really confusing. I got the feeling that the doctors are going to let go and let the judge decide on the evidence whether she is brain dead or not brain dead at all. If she is not brain dead, then she is fully in a coma. It is going to be hard to wake her up unless there is a miracle that she can wake up from the coma.

For now, I am just flabbergast. :shock:
I don't think she's in a coma. When there is no brain activity, they are brain-dead. I think the family just isn't accepting it.
She is brain dead. There are huge hunks of her brain missing, they've rotted and been absorbed into the cerebrospinal fluid that is now filling those spaces. Her brain will get smaller and smaller until they admit defeat and she has a little tiny hardened chunk of brain rolling around her skull.

Also, they said she's gotten her period. That has to be wrong. She's missing the entire part of her brain that regulates that. It's more likely her organs are rotting and it looks like a period. Read this article and the comments and it explains it.
So then the two videos of her foot and her hand including her body which were moving but I think those videos look like earlier within a year ago. Or maybe the videos were doctored up to make the patient look real. I tried to see her face but don't know if that is her true face in the videos.

I don't understand why Jahi's family had to put up with the media claiming that she is alive just because she was breathing with the breathing machine. I feel that they are lying to cover up, not want to accept the fact that she is really brain dead. They need professional help as part of their mental health crisis. It has been months too long to not accept the truth that their daughter and sibling are long past dead.

I feel sorry for them but they need to let her go into peace and dignity. God will take care of her. Right now Jahi is still stuck with the breathing machine and would not be able to go into her spirit world. :(
So then the two videos of her foot and her hand including her body which were moving but I think those videos look like earlier within a year ago. Or maybe the videos were doctored up to make the patient look real. I tried to see her face but don't know if that is her true face in the videos.

I don't understand why Jahi's family had to put up with the media claiming that she is alive just because she was breathing with the breathing machine. I feel that they are lying to cover up, not want to accept the fact that she is really brain dead. They need professional help as part of their mental health crisis. It has been months too long to not accept the truth that their daughter and sibling are long past dead.

I feel sorry for them but they need to let her go into peace and dignity. God will take care of her. Right now Jahi is still stuck with the breathing machine and would not be able to go into her spirit world. :(

The parents are trying to get sympathy from the pubic so people will keep sending them $$$ to pay for medical bills . And there are a lot suckers out there , if I had extra money to give away I would spend it on kids that are alive and need food to eat. Not a walking dead and this isn't even walking.
what happens if turns to something like Karen quinland...I think parents wanted turn machine off but doctors refused,when finally took her off she still carried on breathing dont know what happen after that but made world headline news,and some American laws were put into place because of it
programme on tv this morning about brain dead they now think patient is aware
you cling to about time hospital judge and parents got together and someone like judge make objective decision
you cling to about time hospital judge and parents got together and someone like judge make objective decision
Hope for a miracle which rarely happens. They know but they are stubborn.
From Calvin's posted link:

A Florida woman named Terri Schiavo often is associated with end-of-life legal fights. Schiavo collapsed at her home when she was 26 and was on life support from 1990 to 2005. Multiple doctors diagnosed her as being in a persistent vegetative state, but her parents refused to accept that. Schiavo maintained signs of limited brain activity and was able to breathe without a ventilator.
I never knew she was on life support for 15 years. I supported her husband's decision that it was time for her to go to a better place. Her parents, OMG...
From Calvin's posted link:

I never knew she was on life support for 15 years. I supported her husband's decision that it was time for her to go to a better place. Her parents, OMG...
Not the same situation. Terri could breathe without a ventilator. She was intentionally starved to death.