Family wants to keep life support for girl brain dead after tonsil surgery

??? If she was a vegetable, how did she do that?
Her husband intentionally starved her by forcing the care staff to quit feeding her.
The parents are trying to get sympathy from the pubic so people will keep sending them $$$ to pay for medical bills . And there are a lot suckers out there , if I had extra money to give away I would spend it on kids that are alive and need food to eat. Not a walking dead and this isn't even walking.

But then this isn't your child. Your opinions would change drastically if it was...I can't fault them for what they're doing but I know I wouldn't want to exist under her conditions.

But then this isn't your child. Your opinions would change drastically if it was...I can't fault them for what they're doing but I know I wouldn't want to exist under her conditions.


I would honor my daughter wishes. I really don't think I could keep my brain dead daughter hooked up like a freak , it would be too painful for me and too cruel to my daughter. Of course it would be up to her husband and I think he would agree with me.
I would honor my daughter wishes. I really don't think I could keep my brain dead daughter hooked up like a freak , it would be too painful for me and too cruel to my daughter. Of course it would be up to her husband and I think he would agree with me.
That's why it's important for people to put their wishes in writing so that family members don't have to dispute about the person's desires. Of course, in this case the person is a child, so that's left up to the parents. But adults should make living wills for themselves.
I think Terri Schavio situation is a huge example for everyone to realize the importance of the living will. This saves the pain and the tearing apart of both families making the heart wrenching decision.

As for the child to teenager, the parents have a lot of burden to make difficult decisions. Jahi is a teenager, and doesn't have the living will nor have the power to make decision for herself over her parents. The question in everyone's mind is would Jahl wanted to live like this or not?
But then this isn't your child. Your opinions would change drastically if it was...I can't fault them for what they're doing but I know I wouldn't want to exist under her conditions.


Bingo, right on the nose. That is how I feel if I don't have a Living Will to let the doctors and family know that I don't want to go through if there were no hope of living. :(
They removed her feeding tube, and she died of starvation and dehydration 13 days later.

feeding and fluids are human rights...I think of Karen Quinland her parents wanted her off machine it took much legal battle then she carried on breathing when off machine not sure if fed her or not
we play god with human life then this outcome...myself could not deprive person of fluids cruel .. I could stop antibiotics and proper medication that not fundamental rights and let nature take wonder bed sores skin infections killed her anyway
That's why it's important for people to put their wishes in writing so that family members don't have to dispute about the person's desires. Of course, in this case the person is a child, so that's left up to the parents. But adults should make living wills for themselves.
I remember reading about one married couple who had those agreements in writing. Then one day the wife became a vegetable so the husband requested to have her life support plugged off which she wanted but the state of Texas (not sure that was Texas or other state) blocked it. He fought but I don't know if he won or not. So that's the problem because some states have laws against it.
I learned that there are ads showing in some posts. Seems to be the 1st post on a page.

Oops, wrong thread. I'm tired. Made cookie dough for cut-out sugar cookies and wrapped presents. Cookies will have to keep chillin' another day/night before get around to making my Santas, snowmen, candy canes, etc.
I learned that there are ads showing in some posts. Seems to be the 1st post on a page.

That's been happening to me too, and it's one of the reasons I paid for the premium membership.

It was promised not to happen for those who upgraded.
That's been happening to me too, and it's one of the reason's I paid for the premium membership.

It was promised not to happen for those who upgraded.
I'm a premium member and I see the ads on the posts.
Family of Jahl McMath suing the Hospital

The family of Jahi McMath, the Oakland girl who was declared brain-dead in the wake of surgery for sleep apnea but remains on a ventilator more than a year later, sued the Oakland hospital that treated her on Tuesday, alleging medical negligence.

Jahi suffered cardiac arrest and was declared brain-dead at age 13 by her doctors at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland. The hospital said Jahi died after she had her tonsils and adenoids removed, along with excess tissue from her throat and nose.

The lawsuit, filed in Alameda County Superior Court, accuses surgeon Frederick Rosen of recommending a “complex and risky surgery.” During the procedure on Dec. 9, 2013, Rosen noted that Jahi had a congenital condition that would put her at risk of hemorrhaging, but he failed to notify nurses and other doctors who would be taking care of her afterward, the suit alleges.

Jahi’s parents, Marvin and Nailah Winkfield, were alarmed to find their daughter coughing up blood into a container, though nurses assured them that the bleeding was “normal,” the suit says.

A nurse gave Jahi’s mother a suction wand to siphon the blood out of the girl’s mouth, according to the suit.

But Jahi continued to cough up blood, and her mother continued to suction out blood, only to be admonished by another nurse for doing so, the suit says. That nurse said suctioning the blood would “remove blood clots that are vital for her healing,” the complaint says.

Nailah Winkfield said she called her mother, Sandra Chatman, for help, because she is a nurse at another hospital. On the morning after the surgery, Chatman noticed Jahi’s heart rate “drop precipitously” and summoned the nurses to “institute a code,” or livesaving measures, the suit says. A doctor arrived and said, “S— her heart stopped,” the suit says.

The cardiac arrest lasted for more than two hours, leaving Jahi severely brain-damaged and dependent on life support, said the family’s attorney, Bruce Brusavich.

“None of this should have happened,” Brusavich said. “It should have never gotten this far.”

The suit names Rosen and the hospital as defendants and seeks unspecified damages.

In a statement Tuesday, hospital spokeswoman Melinda Krigel said, “Our hearts go out to the McMath family. We are not aware of any litigation filed by the McMath family, but it is our policy not to comment on any litigation that might be pending.”

After Jahi was declared brain-dead, the Alameda County coroner’s office issued a death certificate on Dec. 12, 2013.

But her family took the hospital to court, rejecting doctors’ assertions that Jahi was dead as a result of brain death.

They said Jahi was alive because her heart continued to beat while she was on a ventilator.

Since then, Jahi has been at an undisclosed location in New Jersey and hooked up to machines that keep her heart pumping.

Her family still insists the girl is alive and has released videos showing her moving. Others have said the movements reflect involuntary muscle reflexes.
Another attorney representing the family, Christopher Dolan, has said the family is “still planning on seeking to have the death certificate rescinded.”
Damn. She is still on machine and basically half alive half dead.
Hospital is in hot water right now.
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Damn. She is still on machine and basically half alive half dead.
Hopsital is in hot water right now.

Um no, she's DEAD...the only reason why she's technically "alive" is b/c a machine is keeping her heart beating.
Um no, she's DEAD...the only reason why she's technically "alive" is b/c a machine is keeping her heart beating.

she is alive due to the machines.she is not dead.
Take away the machine she dies
But ssme goes with half the human population on meds.tske away the meds they die...mmmmmm