There have been some people who say that they dont trust cops just because one of them did something bad. Does that mean they are all being trained to act this way? Are they all evil? Its like saying, hey that hearing guy was acting all mean and stupid to me so that must mean all hearing guys are mean and stupid. Its like MsGiglz said, not all cops are bad, they are people too so ya they make mistakes. Cops do have a right to defend themselves so i cant completly blame the cop for freaking out, not how the world is now days. a lot of people are either running away or attacking the cops with something. Look at it from the cop's point of view as well. Dont think im siding with the cop and not feeling anything for the victim cause im not, im looking at it from both perspectives. While i believe the cop acted how he was trained to do i also think he overdid it. Way overdid it.