EVIDENCE of being deaf with Hearing Aid device

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:gpost: Nice postings on your last two posts!
Myth: Parents lose their deaf children to the Deaf community.

Reality: Deaf people who enjoyed a close rapport and good communication, sign or oral, with their parents while growing up tend to remain close to them for the rest of their lives.>>>>>>>

well if we go back............................about 30 yrs ago (around 1980) yeah parents DID lose their kids to the deaf community. Many 'lost' them when they ahd to send them away to school, at that time the kids were sent home maybe a couple weeks or so a year? So tell me exactly how are the parents to have aclose rapport and good communication with kids they never saw?

My 4th grade teacher had a deaf daughter who went to the state school for the deaf at around 4 yrs of age, they only saw her a couple times a year, she (teacher) expressed to my mom once that she regretted not have learned ASL so she could talk with her daughter. But in the 50's & 60's there really wasn't any classes available to people who did not live around the city where the deaf were educated or larger cities where many deaf individuals settled.

A co worker grew up in the dorms back in the 70's. she didn't like it, yeah she liked being with her friends but hated not seeing her family...they only went home a couple times a year. I'm not sure when they started sending the kids home every week, but it's a vast improvement and finally the parents actually have practice with the language their children use, and this probably only happened because parents insisted.

So at one time parents were prohibited from forming a loving relationship with their children because of the insistance that the only place they could be educated was at the school for the deaf. Is it any wonder that some parents chose to have their children be educated in oral programs? :dunno:
gnulinuxman said:
The "deaf and dumb" stereotype is very often assumed to be true in the USA, and it makes me mad. :pissed:

My daughter had down syndrome, she's mentally retarded, if you use the words in correct context i have no problem with them, some people think it awful, if you use the word as an insult I do.

Deaf and dumb techniquelly refers to deaf and can't speak. So if you know a deaf person who can't speak (using their voice) then they are dumb. They also can be referred to as deaf-mutes I believe.

Now before mentally impaired there was mentally retarded and they were referred to as educatable and trainable (sounds like they think theyre puppies :ugh3: ) Before the puppies they were referred to as imbeciles and idiots. These were the medical names and were exceptable before we became super P.C.
Reality: Hearing aids are assistive devices that improve hearing for some individuals. Unlike glasses that can restore 20/20 vision, hearing aids do not restore or correct hearing. Hearing aids amplify sound. A hearing aid may enable a person to hear someone’s voice, even though she may not be able to understand distinct words. Just because someone wears a hearing aid does not mean the person hears normally.

You all ignored the fact that we do not hear everything, people need to face the reality.. It s no difference between CI an HA behavior patterns. You are wasting my time. So be it! Of course denial is always answer. More than less parents refused to learn ASL. So what s your point?

Sorry pal, It s a bunch of crap, pushing innocent Deaf children into CI without a choice. I feel it s not right. So be it! Most of you need interpreters that you cannot deny that. Also you all read lip that is a struggle too. You dont hear everything , too.

So it s no difference from HA that we wore it since when we were one or two years old.. So what makes you think CI is gonna to make a huge difference.. I have to laugh all along. I have seen deaf children with CI.. that is no difference from me when I was a child. It s more of brainwash concept. You do EVERYTHING visually.

You think CI is the best device for Deaf children then big joke of your own decision to force those d/Deaf children with no respect. Also I have seen and listened to Deaf teenagers about how parent s are abusive toward their children a lot. It s sad you dont give a hoot. Sighs! Also, they get bit older and dont want to wear it. Some d/Deaf children get punished for it. I see get slapped for taking it off. I have a friend who shared with me that one mom slapping her about 12-year-old daughter for taking her processor off. What is this? Sighs! Then the parents say "Oh, no, I would NEVER do that to MY kid". they say "Why did you do that? You don't want to listen to anybody, do you? HUH??" or "You know you're supposed to wear that or you're grounded". Thats what it turns me off with that kind of negative audist attitude. Deaf children should not get punished for this stupid consequences. It s way too much abuse by parents that you cover your eyes as usual.

So tell me why many Deaf teenager wait until they get older that they have more control on their own and refuses to wear CI devices. Then d/Deaf children and parents are ending up to fight each other over CI that is the same old audist attitude with HA too. You are wasting my time and destroying their Residual Hearing for nothing. Thats damage.

No wonder there are so many deafies are being so negative and angry all the time because you havent find your own true identity. You all were forced by the parent who do not accept you fully for years and years. PERIOD!

Thank you! ;)

You have made the point well, but

(1) I know where your heart is.
(2) I sense that you are not comfortable with what you are saying.
(3) I know what kind of person you are deep down and that you cannot continue this position and maintain your integrity.

Your cold, analytical approach of this issue does not take into account the human element.

Also, some parents admitted their mistakes after implanting CI on their d/Deaf child. They finally worked so hard to learn ASL that works for both of them. I feel sorry for the parents frustration in some ways. It is not their faults because Doctor or Oral professional lied to them. I wish more parents have more courage to tell the truth for the mistakes they made. I feel it s fair enough for people's needs to be heard about it. Thats for Deaf children s sake.

Thank you! ;)
Hey Sweetmind..
I bet you remmy me.. aka chippy.. Now I realized that you kept pressure everyone... I recommend please move on and let them everyone happy as long their mind business... Really not necessary your high pressure and trying to effort them 100% proof that ci isn't working.. Useless your speech total wasting your time..

I have nothing can I do with other people who want ci.. let them go..
their choice preferable have them ci or not... let it be!

If not working.. their choice contuine repair or not.. their pocket.. not yours..
I know child is innocent but not your own them anyway..
Child will grow up and understand why parent want have child implanted ci.. and sort it out talk their parent asking so many question.. Don't worry you don't have to pressure them and kept lecture all the time..

Look yourself face and body works getting down down which isn't good health for yourself... Can you sit back and let them..

Be try remember that techogoies always delevoping improved it lot than old past oldest techogoies... No difference!

How's about computer.. you're happy w/computer best techoglies than old ones.. why you're accept using new techoglies computer where you can communcation w/other friends or parent or anywhere name it.. should you happy..? If you don't like why don't you throw your computer out is part of techoglies! Get it ?

Heart reparied by heart machine.. help pumping.. that part of techoglies...
Eye cocera (sp) did made it works little bit improved that part of techolgies hepful future improve goal...

So many different develping..

What make you living happy everything you have t.v., computer, machine so many different appliances... what more easy way off....
If you not happy w/different things.. why don't you move Amish's way and doesn't believe electric things....

zip your mouth shut... no need lecture them... total wasting time..

Future powerful than you have!
Sweetmind said:

You have made the point well, but

(1) I know where your heart is.
(2) I sense that you are not comfortable with what you are saying.
(3) I know what kind of person you are deep down and that you cannot continue this position and maintain your integrity.

Your cold, analytical approach of this issue does not take into account the human element.


NOW I *know* she's using a ghostwriter!!!! After reading the way she posts for YEARS, its blaringly obvious this is NOT something she wrote, but something she either got a friend/family member to write for her.
GalaxyAngel said:
Hey Sweetmind..
I bet you remmy me.. aka chippy.. Now I realized that you kept pressure everyone... I recommend please move on and let them everyone happy as long their mind business... Really not necessary your high pressure and trying to effort them 100% proof that ci isn't working.. Useless your speech total wasting your time..

I have nothing can I do with other people who want ci.. let them go..
their choice preferable have them ci or not... let it be!

If not working.. their choice contuine repair or not.. their pocket.. not yours..
I know child is innocent but not your own them anyway..
Child will grow up and understand why parent want have child implanted ci.. and sort it out talk their parent asking so many question.. Don't worry you don't have to pressure them and kept lecture all the time..

Look yourself face and body works getting down down which isn't good health for yourself... Can you sit back and let them..

Be try remember that techogoies always delevoping improved it lot than old past oldest techogoies... No difference!

How's about computer.. you're happy w/computer best techoglies than old ones.. why you're accept using new techoglies computer where you can communcation w/other friends or parent or anywhere name it.. should you happy..? If you don't like why don't you throw your computer out is part of techoglies! Get it ?

Heart reparied by heart machine.. help pumping.. that part of techoglies...
Eye cocera (sp) did made it works little bit improved that part of techolgies hepful future improve goal...

So many different develping..

What make you living happy everything you have t.v., computer, machine so many different appliances... what more easy way off....
If you not happy w/different things.. why don't you move Amish's way and doesn't believe electric things....

zip your mouth shut... no need lecture them... total wasting time..

Future powerful than you have!

Oh well...Sweetmind cares about deafies and its deaf culture... she does not want to see it disappear.... we deafies needs to understand Sweetmind's battles for all deafies... I understand her and her feelings... I totally agree with her...


SxyPorkie said:
Oh well...Sweetmind cares about deafies and its deaf culture... she does not want to see it disappear.... we deafies needs to understand Sweetmind's battles for all deafies... I understand her and her feelings... I totally agree with her...



Deaf culture will NOT disappear. When HA's came out the same rallying cry came that they would be the end of deaf culture. It wasn't true. CI's have been around for 20 years and deaf culture is still as strong as ever.
neecy said:
NOW I *know* she's using a ghostwriter!!!! After reading the way she posts for YEARS, its blaringly obvious this is NOT something she wrote, but something she either got a friend/family member to write for her.

What do ghostwriting have anything to do with this thread? Please refain from attacking her personally and stick to the topic of this thread please.
neecy said:
NOW I *know* she's using a ghostwriter!!!! After reading the way she posts for YEARS, its blaringly obvious this is NOT something she wrote, but something she either got a friend/family member to write for her.

Ha. Now I am getting the impression that you dont have any faith that d/Deaf people can improve themselves with their writings after they read a book or practice to express their true soul without being control by someone, learning from people s opinions and ideas or creative thinking or have a good discussion or whatever that everyone will learn new things every single day.. So I m asking you to stop being so degrading on d/Deaf people all the time after all they tried to work hard to improve their English written. It doesnt mean d/Deaf people without HA/CI do not improve or stop learning every day of our lives.

I have many friends who have discussed anything about deaf issues with me all along.. Thats where I learned from them because it s their true experiences and inner soul. It s very good additional information that I can share with people who want to understand how d/Deaf people went through. So be it! Sometimes they give me permission to use their ideas or opinions that I agree with. They say go ahead and take it to educate all of you people. After all I m growing more to learn everyday.

You are a former hearing just like Cloggy who is hearing.. Same stinky attitude as well.

Time for you to grow up!
Sweetmind's Ghostwriter said:

You have made the point well, but

(1) I know where your heart is.
(2) I sense that you are not comfortable with what you are saying.
(3) I know what kind of person you are deep down and that you cannot continue this position and maintain your integrity.

Your cold, analytical approach of this issue does not take into account the human element.

(1) You have no clue
(2) Check your senses, I am
(3) You don't know me, I can, I do.

Why don't you become a member of AllDeaf...???
LinuxGold said:
What do ghostwriting have anything to do with this thread? Please refain from attacking her personally and stick to the topic of this thread please.
Because we are dealing with two different people and one of them is covering behind Sweetmind.
HAve a look at 1324 (The real Sweetmind) 1325 (Not Sweetmind) and 1326 (Again, the real Sweetmind) all in one row. People switched chairs....

I know it has nothing to do with the topic,but after 1300+ posts, the topic has been everywhere anyway.
Cloggy said:
Because we are dealing with two different people and one of them is covering behind Sweetmind.

And your point is? This is a THREAD of discussion REGARDLESS of who says it. I could be a dog typing anything I want on keyboard, or a cat, who cares?

Please return back to the topic of this THREAD, not towards someone personally.
Sweetmind said:
I have many friends who have discussed anything about deaf issues with me all along.. Thats where I learned from them because it s their true experiences and inner soul. It s very good additional information that I can share with people who want to understand how d/Deaf people went through. So be it! Sometimes they give me permission to use their ideas or opinions that I agree with. They say go ahead and take it to educate all of you people. After all I m growing more to learn everyday.
Obvious, biased to your liking...

Sweetmind said:
You are a former hearing just like Cloggy who is hearing.. Same stinky attitude as well.

Time for you to grow up!

snide remark used.... eh... why?

snide |sn?d|
1 derogatory or mocking in an indirect way : snide remarks about my mother. • (of a person) devious and underhanded : a snide divorce lawyer.
2 chiefly Brit. counterfeit; inferior : snide Rolex watches.

an unpleasant or underhanded person or remark.

snide*ly adverb
snide*ness noun
snide*y adjective

ORIGIN mid 19th cent.(originally slang in sense 2 ): of unknown origin.

at his final snide comment, she slapped him across the face DISPARAGING, derogatory, deprecating, denigratory, insulting, contemptuous; mocking, taunting, sneering, scornful, derisive, sarcastic, spiteful, nasty, mean.
LinuxGold said:
My father always taught me to *WRITE* as I *TALK* because I was able to communicate effectively using PSE which includes articles, proper agreements, clauses and all that. When I wrote something on paper, I didn't do things right so that is how my father came up with this advice. When I wrote something, I tend to mumble and *think* in PSE point of view, fix the grammar errors WHILE i sign mentally then write it down. How can I do that with ASL?
Being trilingual, I think in the language that I will express it in. In this case, I am thinking in English. When I use ASL, I think in ASL. When I use Spanish, I think in Spanish.
LinuxGold said:
It is my personal belief that sign language *SHOULD* match written language in order to solidify the grammar knowledge, and use ASL for pure social purpose similiar to hearing people. When hearing people go to work place, they tend to "upper" their spoken language into corporate levels and when they go out to bar or something social, they "relax" their language using more slangs, short cuts and so on.
I'm not so sure about this one. My signing is pure ASL most of the time, but I still write good English or Spanish. I am hearing, but I don't think deaf people are any less capable of it than I am.
LinuxGold said:
I do agree that parents of a deaf child should really consider this decision throughouly, if the deafness damage is too great and slim chances in Cochlear Implant, they should SERIOUSLY consider learning PSE and abandon CI. If they really do love their children, they should be willing to learn PSE -- it's sad that a lot of deaf population grew up in broken family where parent wouldn't want to learn sign language, often resulting into poor education imposed on their children.
I agree with this paragraph. My fiancee was denied any signing at all, and her parents think she can hear them when she is in fact lipreading. (Yeah, they even deny she is deaf.) She had to sneak around and get lessons for signing because her parents punished her for signing. :tears:

As a side note, PSE helped me become comfortable with signing until I learned the ASL grammar.
Yep Boult! CI Radical people with a very negative attitude are doing it all along in many pages in my own topic. It s not the first time for some of you people act so cruel and nasty attitude in DeafNotes, outside of deaf forums, and here all deaf. ;)

So what does it tells you? Too many SNIDE REMARKS as well. :whistle: :whistle: It s time for me to stop this childish behaviors that you have not learned to change for better. What a pity! As far as you are over 30ish , what a amazing some CIer people with a very bittered attitude acting out like that! All I know you are not being so honest about HA that you have heard the sounds before you got CI. I find this is very interesting story that you created about how much you can hear with CI.

Guess what it shows that you dont have any respect for Super Moderator GoldLinux. Bingo!

Thank you so much! ;)

jag said:
My daughter had down syndrome, she's mentally retarded, if you use the words in correct context i have no problem with them, some people think it awful, if you use the word as an insult I do.

Deaf and dumb techniquelly refers to deaf and can't speak. So if you know a deaf person who can't speak (using their voice) then they are dumb. They also can be referred to as deaf-mutes I believe.

Now before mentally impaired there was mentally retarded and they were referred to as educatable and trainable (sounds like they think theyre puppies :ugh3: ) Before the puppies they were referred to as imbeciles and idiots. These were the medical names and were exceptable before we became super P.C.
Yes, that is what the original meaning of "dumb" was, but now it usually means stupid. Lots of hearing people I see are surprised my fiancee is as smart as she is because they didn't think deaf people could be smart. And most hearing people in the US take "deaf and dumb" as meaning "deaf and stupid", so the analogy doesn't really apply here.
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