EVIDENCE of being deaf with Hearing Aid device

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Sweetmind and Boult, please keep on topic of this thread. Thank you.

gnulinuxman, when I said about thinking in PSE while writing, it was back when I was a child learning grammar. I do not do that anymore and am using ASL at this moment. I also learned french back in high school years as well, it was interested while it lasted.

I think it is confusing enough for a child to learn ASL (educationally), then trying to write at same time. It would be more effortless if you tried to explain what grammar is like while you use sign language that renders grammar the most possible, that way deaf child will understand that it is expected to talk that way just like hearing people do. I've seen a lot of deaf people who used ASL getting frustrated trying to communicate with hearing people in common places i.e. Mcdonalds, phone services, law and so on because they thought their language was common amongst others.
About deaf and dumb, I had to admit that progressively in time, especially with word's meaning changes in today's world, "dumb" became more negatory slang to us than "dumb" as to mute. I would prefer "deaf and mute" over "Deaf and dumb" which led to misunderstanding and into an insult to us as deaf society.

Imagine watching TV and others in their everyday conversation "you are soooo dumb, gosh I can't believe it" and few other remarks, then connecting them to "deaf and dumb" as stupidness rather than "mute" in which it originally intend to be.
LinuxGold said:
Sweetmind and Boult, please keep on topic of this thread. Thank you.

gnulinuxman, when I said about thinking in PSE while writing, it was back when I was a child learning grammar. I do not do that anymore and am using ASL at this moment. I also learned french back in high school years as well, it was interested while it lasted.

I think it is confusing enough for a child to learn ASL (educationally), then trying to write at same time. It would be more effortless if you tried to explain what grammar is like while you use sign language that renders grammar the most possible, that way deaf child will understand that it is expected to talk that way just like hearing people do. I've seen a lot of deaf people who used ASL getting frustrated trying to communicate with hearing people in common places i.e. Mcdonalds, phone services, law and so on because they thought their language was common amongst others.

I DISAGREE with this comment. You need to open your eyes. One of my friend who used orally speaking that she ordered.. She did not getting what she wants. I just pointed my finger on the picture that MC Donald has the demo chart. I got everything what I want. It saves my trouble than using orally speaking because some hearing people panicked with d/Deaf people as far as I witnessed that all the time. I had to laugh because they are the one who couldnt handle with d/Deaf people. or I ll say please listen to me then I spoke it out whatever I want to order. It works for me.

Also you need to read what I gave the url about ASL educational in other pages in this topic. ;) Asl is having a lot of usages in our life. There is always other way around to communicate with hearing people who is willing to open up with us. Thats why I was impressed a Deaf person with ASL who can communicate with them while I couldnt do it at that time in the past. People do not realize that they did use ASL as body language or facial expression in anywhere place or watch it from TV that you will notice it if you pay more attention.

If you really understand ASL itself more deeply then you will change your mind about what you just had said it recently.

Thank you! ;)
SxyPorkie said:
Oh well...Sweetmind cares about deafies and its deaf culture... she does not want to see it disappear.... we deafies needs to understand Sweetmind's battles for all deafies... I understand her and her feelings... I totally agree with her...



am I talk'n you? I'm here directly talking to HER..Sweetmind!
Can you sit back and relax....
I'm here my ears all hers speak it out herself!
Originally Posted by SxyPorkie
Oh well...Sweetmind cares about deafies and its deaf culture... she does not want to see it disappear.... we deafies needs to understand Sweetmind's battles for all deafies... I understand her and her feelings... I totally agree with her...



am I talk'n you? I'm here directly talking to HER..Sweetmind!
Can you sit back and relax....
I'm here my ears all hers speak it out herself!

Thanks for your explaination, Sexy Porkie One thing is that I dont agree with you about Deaf culture will disappear.. Thank goodness, it s not gonna to happens. ;)

The problem is Thats why there is always ignorance and arrogance running through their blood. Of course, they are nowhere near as fully openminded as they claimed to be. Also, It s way too much overgeneralization of culturally egocentric hearing version. d/Deaf people were influeneced by audism. We all have a serious problem with ADA and our Deaf children that put them isolated or being separated from us Deaf people/Deaf community that seems it goes back to old days. It s so sad. Is it?

Thats why I m here to confront the truth. Truth hurts. Is it? ;) Ignore GalaxyAngel because she has no respect for me and love to tell me what to do that reminds me of what audist attitude people are doing this to d/Deaf children for many years and years. It reminds me that makes me sick. It was not worthwhile for me to reply anyone who is bossy around or disrespect toward me ;)

Have a good day! ;)

neecy said:
NOW I *know* she's using a ghostwriter!!!! After reading the way she posts for YEARS, its blaringly obvious this is NOT something she wrote, but something she either got a friend/family member to write for her.
LinuxGold -- I'm sorry BUT:

EXACTLY, Neecy, exactly! Now she should understand what a ghostwriter means! I cannot believe she would come up that wording by herself. :eek2:

Sweetmind said:

Thanks for your explaination, Sexy Porkie One thing is that I dont agree with you about Deaf culture will disappear.. Thank goodness, it s not gonna to happens. ;)

The problem is Thats why there is always ignorance and arrogance running through their blood. Of course, they are nowhere near as fully openminded as they claimed to be. Also, It s way too much overgeneralization of culturally egocentric hearing version. d/Deaf people were influeneced by audism. We all have a serious problem with ADA and our Deaf children that put them isolated or being separated from us Deaf people/Deaf community that seems it goes back to old days. It s so sad. Is it?

Thats why I m here to confront the truth. Truth hurts. Is it? ;) Ignore GalaxyAngel because she has no respect for me and love to tell me what to do that reminds me of what audist attitude people are doing this to d/Deaf children for many years and years. It reminds me that makes me sick. It was not worthwhile for me to reply anyone who is bossy around or disrespect toward me ;)

Have a good day! ;)


*coughing* excuse me, am I audist..???

Wha...a joke?
Wha..ever if you don't like me.. fine by me then.. FYI you're not my favorite cookie!! Honestly... w/you.. sorry! you've been pushy around the people..
Do you think that believe possible future No longer Deaf Culture.. Really ? Very funny.. Isn't fade anyway.. :ugh2:

CI will be always willing part of DEAF COMMUNITY peroid!
My dearest Sweetmind,
Allow me to comment on your sermon. Passionate as it is, there are some flaws that need to be adressed...
Sweetmind said:
You all ignored the fact that we do not hear everything, people need to face the reality.. It s no difference between CI an HA behavior patterns.
Even though you chose the phrasing "behaviour patterns" your remark that "It s no difference between CI an HA behavior patterns." is wrong. I would suggest you look back in the post of actual users of HA's that changed to CI and get the real information.
It's not fair to give incorrect information to the visitors of AllDdeaf that would stumble upon this page. Especially since you have not been wearing a HA for a long time and since you do not have CI, you cannot make that kind of statement.
Sweetmind said:
Sorry pal, It s a bunch of crap, pushing innocent Deaf children into CI without a choice. I feel it s not right. So be it! Most of you need interpreters that you cannot deny that. Also you all read lip that is a struggle too. You dont hear everything , too.
Sweetmind, Sweetmind. We are mostly disagreeing about young children being implanted. These children might be deaf, they are certainly not Deaf. That would require the child to be consiously within the Deaf community. With hearing parents and at an age of 3 that possibility as close to zero as one can get.
Apart from that, making it possible for a deaf child to hear is a decision taken by the parents. With 96% of deaf children born from hearing parents, it is not strange that these parents want the child to experience sound. The decision is not a selfish one, it is based on the natural feeling of most parents that they want to give the child all possibilities that are available to them. Sometimes this inclues CI.
Sweetmind said:
So it s no difference from HA that we wore it since when we were one or two years old.. So what makes you think CI is gonna to make a huge difference.. I have to laugh all along. I have seen deaf children with CI.. that is no difference from me when I was a child. It s more of brainwash concept. You do EVERYTHING visually.
Again, you have the misconception that CI is like a HA and that nothing will change. You talk about the examples you have seen and I really wonder where you look. I would love to show you classes of children that did not benefit from HA and with CI they do hear and are able to communicate by sign and by speech. In fact, they might be you interpreter in the future.....
But if you have seen CI-children that were no different than you... then it was either a long-long time ago, or you were good in speech as a child... BAsically, I think you look in the wrong place, and you are afraid to look anywhere else.
Sweetmind said:
You think CI is the best device for Deaf children then big joke of your own decision to force those d/Deaf children with no respect. Also I have seen and listened to Deaf teenagers about how parent s are abusive toward their children a lot. It s sad you dont give a hoot. Sighs! Also, they get bit older and dont want to wear it. Some d/Deaf children get punished for it. I see get slapped for taking it off. I have a friend who shared with me that one mom slapping her about 12-year-old daughter for taking her processor off. What is this? Sighs! Then the parents say "Oh, no, I would NEVER do that to MY kid". they say "Why did you do that? You don't want to listen to anybody, do you? HUH??" or "You know you're supposed to wear that or you're grounded". Thats what it turns me off with that kind of negative audist attitude. Deaf children should not get punished for this stupid consequences. It s way too much abuse by parents that you cover your eyes as usual.
Again, I do not know where you are looking. Perhaps you just want to see the cases where parents are a failure and consequently the children will suffer. BUt since this shows in your world that you are right, you do not dare to look elsewhere. And there are plenty of examples around. The video "Sound and Fury" showed different cases. Some where not ideal, most were a success. Taking the film as an example, the cases where the result was not optimal was where a deaf girl from a deaf family choose CI. A case where it went well was a class of children implanted early, learning in a speaking environment.
Sweetmind said:
So tell me why many Deaf teenager wait until they get older that they have more control on their own and refuses to wear CI devices. Then d/Deaf children and parents are ending up to fight each other over CI that is the same old audist attitude with HA too. You are wasting my time and destroying their Residual Hearing for nothing. Thats damage.
When it comes to that age, the child will choose for itself. And it might reject CI, and submerge itself in deafness. At least the parents have given the child a choice where the child can make a choice between the two. In your world, you deny that option. After the child has been deaf for say 10 years, it might want to hear but physically, the brain does not have the same capabilities. YOU have limited the options.
Sweetmind said:
No wonder there are so many deafies are being so negative and angry all the time because you havent find your own true identity. You all were forced by the parent who do not accept you fully for years and years. PERIOD!

Thank you! ;)
You are NOT the parent of a deaf child - so don't imagine that you know their feelings. I am, and I can tell you you are totally wrong.

Obviously I realise that you will ignore all that I have written here, but I hope that anyone visiting this site will at least realise that when it comes to CI... you have no clue!

Well stated, Cloggy! I am the mother of two hearing adults and two deaf adults and grandmother of 9, of which one is deaf and two are hoh. The older deaf grandchild will have a CI surgery at the end of next month and my husband and I fully support our deaf son's and his hoh wife's decision to have their son implanted. AND our son has an appointment to determine if he would be eligible for a CI. AND his wife has already made the decision that when she loses the rest of her hearing, she will go for a CI -- she has been losing her hearing a little lately.

And just yesterday during a VP session, our deaf daughter informed us that her darling 3-month old hoh daughter has an appointment next month for an hearing aid evaluation. AND she, herself, is looking into getting a HA for herself.

HAs will NOT work on our deaf grandson -- he wore the best HA (digital) for over a year and they see no change, no improvement and CI is the best way to go.

Interestingly, just a little under 2 months ago I was VERY anti-CI and my world , all of a sudden, looks rosy -- maybe it is because I decided to stop being a dinosaur and go into the 21st century with a new outlook and an open mind.
Sweetmind said:

Thanks for your explaination, Sexy Porkie One thing is that I dont agree with you about Deaf culture will disappear.. Thank goodness, it s not gonna to happens. ;)

The problem is Thats why there is always ignorance and arrogance running through their blood. Of course, they are nowhere near as fully openminded as they claimed to be. Also, It s way too much overgeneralization of culturally egocentric hearing version. d/Deaf people were influeneced by audism. We all have a serious problem with ADA and our Deaf children that put them isolated or being separated from us Deaf people/Deaf community that seems it goes back to old days. It s so sad. Is it?

Thats why I m here to confront the truth. Truth hurts. Is it? ;) Ignore GalaxyAngel because she has no respect for me and love to tell me what to do that reminds me of what audist attitude people are doing this to d/Deaf children for many years and years. It reminds me that makes me sick. It was not worthwhile for me to reply anyone who is bossy around or disrespect toward me ;)

Have a good day! ;)




I agree. I think that you made many Good posting
to educate others. Nope, I have NOT seen you
being very pushy at all !! ;-)

I think that you are one of very strong people
stand up on whatever you believe about
these hearing-aids/CI/deaf.

Please keep up and just Be Yourself and
do NOT let anyone else tell you what
to do.

gnulinuxman said:
Yes, that is what the original meaning of "dumb" was, but now it usually means stupid. Lots of hearing people I see are surprised my fiancee is as smart as she is because they didn't think deaf people could be smart. And most hearing people in the US take "deaf and dumb" as meaning "deaf and stupid", so the analogy doesn't really apply here.

Yeah an if you'd comprehended what I stated, the original meaning of retarded was menatlly SLOW. It became widely used as an insult as in 'you're retarded' and people began to object to it. IF an statement like retarded or deaf and dumb is used IN THE CONTEXT as they were historically there is nothing wrong with them. You're a retard is an insult meant to HURT just as when deaf and dumb is used to mean deaf and stupid. One MUST be able to understand the context in which the statements are used. Niggardly is a word that has nothing at all to do with the word ni--er, which was at one time a put down against black people, yet so called 'black' leaders who are supposedly educated went along with the media when someone used that word in a sentence that had nothing to do with insulting blacks.

Since you had the urge to argue with me about the use of the word 'verbal' in which it was obvious I meant spoken language, i'm just pointing out that you are doing the same thing. I've noticed it used a few other places to refer to spoken language, perhaps you'd better go and give those people the same lecture you gave me? :lol:
Sweetmind said:

Thanks for your explaination, Sexy Porkie One thing is that I dont agree with you about Deaf culture will disappear.. Thank goodness, it s not gonna to happens. ;)

The problem is Thats why there is always ignorance and arrogance running through their blood. Of course, they are nowhere near as fully openminded as they claimed to be. Also, It s way too much overgeneralization of culturally egocentric hearing version. d/Deaf people were influeneced by audism. We all have a serious problem with ADA and our Deaf children that put them isolated or being separated from us Deaf people/Deaf community that seems it goes back to old days. It s so sad. Is it?

Thats why I m here to confront the truth. Truth hurts. Is it? ;) Ignore GalaxyAngel because she has no respect for me and love to tell me what to do that reminds me of what audist attitude people are doing this to d/Deaf children for many years and years. It reminds me that makes me sick. It was not worthwhile for me to reply anyone who is bossy around or disrespect toward me ;)

Have a good day! ;)


sweetmind you misunderstood... i said you dont want to see deaf culture disappearing.... i did not say IT WILL DISAPPEAR....

Y said:


I agree. I think that you made many Good posting
to educate others. Nope, I have NOT seen you
being very pushy at all !! ;-)

I think that you are one of very strong people
stand up on whatever you believe about
these hearing-aids/CI/deaf.

Please keep up and just Be Yourself and
do NOT let anyone else tell you what
to do.

Educate people... like...
Sticking to the phrase "CI is same as HA" after people that actually have both experiences on the messageboard have explained that is not!

But I agree to "stand up to whatever you believe about
these hearing-aids/CI/deaf." She does that!

Beautiful post! I thought it was hilarious but absolutely possible that a deaf kid growing up with a cochlear implant could become an interpreter!


I never need an interpreter anywhere because my wife interprets everything for me at the doctor's office, bank, etc etc etc. Why? NO hassle and full privacy!
Cloggy, you got owned by Sweetmind. :shock:

Sweetmind, I love your post and that great one. :hug:

Honestly, I agree what Sweetmind said. :)

I believe that implant on babies or toddlers are too risky then they need try to wear HA if work so well or not. I wish that FDA need give limited to get CI but IF any people that who get benefits from HA then cannot get CI, and FDA is just start not care, not strict enough as in other countries. Of course, I'm against on parent to implant on babies or children, unless it's children decide, or need try HA first. HA seems more important to wear at first place, if not benefits then get CI. Most health insurance should cover HA though.
gnulinuxman said:
Being trilingual, I think in the language that I will express it in. In this case, I am thinking in English. When I use ASL, I think in ASL. When I use Spanish, I think in Spanish.

I work with a woman from mexico, her first language is spanish, she's been her for years her english is good but the way she describes it is when she hears something in english she translates it to spanish then answers in english. You see most adultls and older kids do run into that problem, your gift in different languages is not how the majority of teens and adults learn and conprehend a new language.

Studies have shown that the best time to learn new languages is early childhood. 14 yrs ago when one of my kids was interested in german they were saying around 8 it becomes more difficult. I know I researched it, she did try but since her german friend had moved back to germany she never really learned it.

Now keeping in mind that spoken language is hard to learn as we get older please try to understand why parents decide to implant when their child is toddler/pre school age. immersion into the Deaf world at a later age seems to get excellent results in learning sign language but you won't get that same effect with the same ease with spoken language for a person who has not heard much sound since birth, and remember HA amplyfication isn't all it's cracked up to be.....in my opinion..... :whistle:

You cannot ask a teen/young adult who has no memory of using HA's if the sound is the same, they have to have had experience, and if they don't remember the HA's they can't compare the two. (hense sweetmind does not have the expericence to differenciate between the HA's that she wore a long time ago and CI technology, there is a difference) Those of us who have heard from both devices can only give you OUR experiences, some tend to think that we are exagerating about what the instruments do for us, but that's just thier narrow mindedness, which is to bad because their unwillingness to learn and being so anti CI causes easily influenced young people to reject the gift of better comprehension of spoken language that their parents gave them, all to be part of the Deaf community Being able to speak and listen at times DOES ease communication out in the real world. That is the gift thier parents want them to have.

If when they are old enough and decide they want to be dependant on relay services, interpetors etc...well they can make that choice, and they will always have the choice to use the CI in situations where they really want to maintain privacy.

If you choose to keep your blinders on that's fine, but alot of us will continue to state the facts, early implantation takes advantage of the natural ablity to learn new languages easily, to help parents who are trying to decide which way to go. We will be up front about the differences in the devices.

Sweetmind has the ablitliy to communicate with 'oralists' and whether she likes it or not that is a gift her parents gave her by not sending her away to a deaf school. The same for your fienace, she can communicate with a speaking person if she so chooses. That is a gift they were given, but it's a gift they'd choose to deny to deaf children with thier asl only, non-oralist, anti-device lectures.

Have a nice day. :whistle:
jag said:
I work with a woman from mexico, her first language is spanish, she's been her for years her english is good but the way she describes it is when she hears something in english she translates it to spanish then answers in english. You see most adultls and older kids do run into that problem, your gift in different languages is not how the majority of teens and adults learn and conprehend a new language.

Studies have shown that the best time to learn new languages is early childhood. 14 yrs ago when one of my kids was interested in german they were saying around 8 it becomes more difficult. I know I researched it, she did try but since her german friend had moved back to germany she never really learned it.

Now keeping in mind that spoken language is hard to learn as we get older please try to understand why parents decide to implant when their child is toddler/pre school age. immersion into the Deaf world at a later age seems to get excellent results in learning sign language but you won't get that same effect with the same ease with spoken language for a person who has not heard much sound since birth, and remember HA amplyfication isn't all it's cracked up to be.....in my opinion..... :whistle:

You cannot ask a teen/young adult who has no memory of using HA's if the sound is the same, they have to have had experience, and if they don't remember the HA's they can't compare the two. (hense sweetmind does not have the expericence to differenciate between the HA's that she wore a long time ago and CI technology, there is a difference) Those of us who have heard from both devices can only give you OUR experiences, some tend to think that we are exagerating about what the instruments do for us, but that's just thier narrow mindedness, which is to bad because their unwillingness to learn and being so anti CI causes easily influenced young people to reject the gift of better comprehension of spoken language that their parents gave them, all to be part of the Deaf community Being able to speak and listen at times DOES ease communication out in the real world. That is the gift thier parents want them to have.

If when they are old enough and decide they want to be dependant on relay services, interpetors etc...well they can make that choice, and they will always have the choice to use the CI in situations where they really want to maintain privacy.

If you choose to keep your blinders on that's fine, but alot of us will continue to state the facts, early implantation takes advantage of the natural ablity to learn new languages easily, to help parents who are trying to decide which way to go. We will be up front about the differences in the devices.

Sweetmind has the ablitliy to communicate with 'oralists' and whether she likes it or not that is a gift her parents gave her by not sending her away to a deaf school. The same for your fienace, she can communicate with a speaking person if she so chooses. That is a gift they were given, but it's a gift they'd choose to deny to deaf children with thier asl only, non-oralist, anti-device lectures.

Have a nice day. :whistle:


I will reiterate one point that Jag stated, HA and CI are not the same thing. I know as I been there and done that... The naysayers that think they know...know nothing about it.
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