After all you dont understand what i m trying to imply on this topic post.. Some of you are acting childish and dont have any manners towards some of us who like to debate with adult behaviors. You just want to destroy my topic, that is nothing new. It shows what I know when I got so many people pushing me down for a very stupid reason.
Many times whoever agree with me. They would to admit they were wrong all along and some will never admit that as much as I can see.
Also, It s really embarassing to me to see audist attitude that affects our Deaf community. That is your purpose of having a very negative view of the point I am trying to make here and fair treatment for Deaf children s Alternative needs.
Some people are not being honest with themselves from the start. Those audist attitude have no right to place their two cents in the discussions about ASL and whats more people think I am chaotic about deaf people with ASL with or without devices.
Also, I find it s real odd that she calls herself deaf but dont speak the deaf language of ASL and it also put a damper on our fights to make ASL a universal language. It s simply not possible to speak on a topic that you dont know about.
People could never speak on a topic about being deaf since birth . So therefore you dont try and people should know better than even to speak a topic that she knows nothing about. However some of them on topics they really have no business talking about.
All I know is you people are mad at me simply because I did put it in your faces that people are wrong.
We deaf people need to work toegether but look at yourself that you dont want to work together for our Deaf children s sakes. I cannot do it alone that is the problem that are too bloody passive to work together and alot of them are like.. oh one will ever listen to us anyways as you know.
I just cannot believe deaf children should be implanted. I believe it is a form of child abuse.. So be it!
There have been failures with CIs and those should not be ignored but there have been failures with many other things.
Unfortunately, thre are a lot of parents out there that absoultely dont care much about their children 's own success. Thats so sad, is it?
Many of you ignored the serious problem ever since then.. HA and CI failure deaf children couldnt hear anything that is still teaching him with SEE that relates to a spoken language. No wonder many of us Deaf and deaf oralist are having tooo many serious problems with Reading and Writing for years and years that has not solved the problem yet.. Now you are using an excuse to have CI on Deaf chidren that has nothing to do with their learning abilities.
Ears do not think but Brain does.. Deaf children are relying on their eyes to see and their hands to communicate that helps them to gain their intellectual skills and social motor skills that I have repeated this over and over. You just dont get it. so therefore you have a very serious problem reading and ignore it or refused to see the truth that works for Deaf children..
So now the next thing is you are degrading on CI deaf children who failed their English written by SEE and mainstream schools.. So it doesnt change bit at all. I find this is really wacko! You are hurting Deaf children s future that has not change a bit as well.
Thats why I am very supporting ASL that helps them to have a good reader and writer after all orally speaking or spoken language that slows them down to learn more than what u can give a little.. These Deaf children will receive a little .. Well, you need to have the wake up calls and change your own attitude about ASL ..
I have seen a lot of ASLers who can write and read very well.. So what is your point after all, they do not wear HA or CI?
Thats why I have no respect for some of you who are being so rude and disrespectful toward Deaf children who are very innocent that have the conformation as a hearing child while they cannot hear everything with their devices. It was/is totally unfair treatment to force them to keep away from other Deaf children or destroy Deaf schools that provide everything for them while Mainstream school doesnt have it but just having a very guttering interpreter with SEE only. Many of them are not happy as I know it so.
You cannot blame on Deaf chlidren but look at yourself bragging about having a good ENGLISH while u cannot read it very well. I think it s a big joke ever since CLOGGY loves to pretend that he agreed with you , audist people. He is always twists peoples words....he should wake up and realize he does NOT know everything about ASL. Especially if he is not even a resident of America, where ASL is used.
I prefer to focus on their
READING And WRITING that needs to be done forcing them to listen those devices that doesnt make them hear everything. Scoffs!
LITERACY IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN JUST HAVING A ORAL SPEAKING to hear FIRST itself. Thats Deaf children s right to have the good learning process without having any interference in their education.
