Originally Posted by Liebling

Yes, I notice we have many bicultural/bilingual education for deaf, HOH and CI children here in Germany.
The Kennedy School doesn't do that. While they do bi-bi education, it has nothing to do with deaf/HOH or signing.
Liebling is correct in her statement that it is he best way to have bicultural/bilingual education for all Deaf chidren s rights. I dont believe this person who said that it has nothing to do with Deaf children s signing. **scratching my head** I guess she has no idea about the Deaf community itself where educated people understand our needs to have the better education for Deaf children’s needs.
Of course Deaf people stood up and strongly believe in our ASL that should be included in our classrooms that hasnt happened for many years and years because of oral rules. Now there are only few Deaf schools with the opportunity to have BI BI langauges today, that is very slow paced, to change our Deaf Education needs. Now you can see many deaf oralists/HOH do not read well or understand the concept of meanings in many ways.
I, personally, strongly believe that ASL is the best choice for Deaf children s equal rights you cannot expect them to hear everything with the devices as I have already proved it from the start.
You know America is far behind while other Deaf schools in other countries are ahead of us after all they succeeded with Deaf Education where they focus Deaf children s equal rights. They have a better attitude than anyone here as I can see.
But Sweetmind that is like sending an article about people having fun playing wheelchair basketball to disabled people and telling them that they don't need anything to help them further with mobility in life outside of the game!
I saw that article simply as showing ASL users having fun at a concert, that's all. I'm glad they had a great time that night. However it still doesn't address all the issues of every day life that deaf people have to face in employment, day to day contact with the hearing world etc etc.
Where have you been? You have too many illusions from the culturally egocentric hearing version. You were influeneced by audism. I can see you dont read very well what I have posted about ASL cirriculum.
Also your comparison with wheelchair users is not used in the right context here because of course they need a wheelchair to be mobile but that is not the same as being deaf because we can still be alive and alert with ASL we dont need devices...they dont always do their job...wheelchairs do.
What's so wrong about using a device to enable that?
Whats so wrong with living without devices?
I ve had experience with HA to hear that I cannot lie about however I did not hear everything like people expected me to. I was in trouble all the time...because people truly believed I could hear because I speak very well and they wont accept that I am deaf. Why give mixed messages...CI corporation lies about alot of things about our deafness in a negative way to make people believe that CI are so Great...but it is not! We all are the same..we cannot hear everything...so there is no difference.
Deaf people who sign only already could enjoy music to a limited degree - you have signing choirs and deaf people can dance to music with a strong beat for example. It's not a big deal. But it is that - limited. Some people enjoy listening to instrumental pieces for example. Music is more than just lyrics
So what? because I have already adapted with the feelings of music/sound.
why should I tell that to Cloggy? He and I have spoken extensively here and in emails about his daughter. I know his reasons for wanting her implanted and music is NOT the most importnt one - its just a perk. Her being able to fully communicate with both the deaf and hearing world, speak etc is his highest priority - all you have to do is read his many posts about Lottie to know that
I am involved in the Hearing community everyday and I have no devices. So what is your point?
Deaf ppl are more like sardine can only lives in underwater very different separated from ppl outside of the world.
I disagree with this remark...you make it sound like deaf people are Hermits or recluses. Im sure there are a few because they werent provided with good service or reccomendations. i have helped some people like that who were very happy with the information I gave them and they have changed their lives.
Deaf can only feel the beat from the music but nuthin more than that anything else with a vocal singer.
I can feel the different sounds of voice, drums, piano, all kinds of instruments by the different vibrations without HAs. I have already accepted myself and learned to adapt. It is better than nothing. I can hear more loud music without HA’s because it is normal sounds.
This is a bit late in the thread, but I think it's important to mention. Sweetmind: the ASL you mentioned in two posts upthread (titled "Deaf Education" and "Deaf Sports vs. Hearing Sports") does not stand for American Sign Language. It's the American School in London - my mom taught there for several years; I'm named after one of her students. They don't sign, and they aren't a school for the deaf. The primary "audience" is American children whose parents are diplomats (and sometimes military) or are otherwise stationed in London by the government. They do accept students from other nations, but that's their primary focus. Schools similar to this exist all over the world, and in many countries, provide a place for American and other children to meet and learn about each other's cultures. The Kennedy School in Berlin is another good example of this (my mom taught there, too). They do bi-bi (bicultural/bilingual) education - in English and German
I am aware that in this case ASL is not american sign language I posted this here because these are the things that Deaf schools should have for their deaf students with or without multiple disibilities.
ASL is the oldest American school in London and remains the only non-profit American school in England. The School is organized into three school divisions, Lower, Middle and High School, ensuring developmental and age-appropriate settings for our students. Over the years, we have developed a strong school culture that emphasizes the intellectual and moral growth of our students. Very quickly our students absorb the values of the School — a commitment to excellence, intellectual self-reliance, eagerness to assume responsibility, an appreciation for diversity and a global perspective. Experiential learning opportunities — learning by doing — are integrated throughout the curriculum, creating an environment where students are encouraged to take educational risks.
The outstanding ASL faculty are closely involved with our students, not only in the classroom, but as coaches, advisors, mentors and friends. They foster an atmosphere of true learning that encourages our students to engage in rigorous intellectual activity and independent thinking.
With a student body representing many nationalities, the School is strongly committed to bringing an international and multi-cultural perspective into all aspects of School life. We also recognize that we are a cultural and community center for Americans in London and work to help families making the transition to life in London
I am aware that in this case ASL is not american sign language I posted this here because these are the things that Deaf schools should apply for their deaf students with or without multiple disibilities. Why cant Deaf students have this in their schools? Mainstream/Hearing schools do not accomodate for the deaf students with what they are provided at a deaf school. Why do we need interpreters all day in the classrooms...there is no bonding between teacher and students...that is what I dont agree with because they are taught to depend on an interpreter...when out of school there will not be an interpreter by their side for every conversation so what are they to do? It costs more to pay for interpreter services that to just have a deaf school. As far as my deaf sports post...I was trying to point out that deaf teams compete with hearing teams in leagues, tournaments etc...but it is hard to communicate with them so why not let deaf teams compete against other deaf teams? Why cant we have that? To feel Equally challenged? I have ZERO tolerance for people that totally ignore people's special needs.
This thread is where Mookie and gnulinuxman are talking about multiple disibilitiy people that need Deaf role models.
ASL extremists with a cold hearted have no idea what we went through as deaf oralists.
Oral extremists with a cold hearted lie to themselves and they are not open like myself they cover up their problems as though everything is perfect..Deaf can do anything except hear and dont lie about the deaf community. To them it is horrible but to me it is fine..Why blame deaf people’s true language and lie that we can hear everyhting with devices for years and years. This is erroneous information. The problem has nothing to do with ASL or being deaf or deaf schools.
I think she drinks Haterade every day.
Actually my drink of choice is Coca cola Classic thank you!
If you wants everyone's respects then you needs to respects them also...
I have noticed that people do not let deaf people tell the truth about their experiences as a deaf oralist like myself. Just because they are friends with me or agree with me and my opinions...Though they never showed disrespect to others they were attacked...so share that quote with some of the other members who like to attack people based on friendships or similar opinions here because they need to hear it. You expect me to agree with everything you believe? I have too many experiences to just jump on your bandwagon so people will like me. Id rather the truth be heard. I would rather be deaf than use the devices and oraliam all the time...I have a freedom of choice.
Originally Posted by Liebling

))I see nothing wrong to have agreement to disagreement each other.
It doesn´t mean that I´m closed mind when I´m disagree to implant babies to toddler with CI and beleive to give my child´s choice when he/she is old enough. I respect eveyone when I´m disagree with their decision to implant babies to toddler with CI.
I 100% agree with this quote....you took the words right out of my mouth!
My point is that the code of medical ethics says do not harm... that includes Deafness...they DID damage deaf childrens residual hearing that is NOT allowed because it is not a fix to the problem. They cannot compare ears to bodyparts because it is not related to sound.Deaf children can hear with a hearing aid but they cannot hear everything so why force a CI upon them.
Thank you!
