I find this is odd strange I have been noticed we do have a huge problem with audism people and oral method rules that caused the problem for Deaf community that you dont have any respect for Deaf chlidren s generation true identity and American Sign Language that we Deaf community fought so hard since Alexander G.Bell took over native sign language as revolved into American Sign Language that Laurent Clerc from France who was a First Deaf teacher that taught Native sign language and Signed English in a big time. He learned English langauge from Thomas Gallaudet who did appointed him to be the first Deaf teacher in American School for the Deaf.
Now See they worked together to make the difference that is proven.

I would love to tell the stories but you know the rest of it. Where are these Deaf teachers nowadays?? Not many!! Too much sticky with political issue from this society.
Now it s proven there is a very serious problem that is still go on and on and on since they look at one side of orally speaking only and spoken language that relates to SEE or CUED SPEECH or others that is the artificial languages as always. Why destroy our ASL from the start that works for us all. That is not necessary for Hearing people took over our Deaf Education that they have no knowledge of our Deafness/Deaf culture/ASL itself. They kept push and push us to have those devices so Can you see most of Deaf people dont hear everything? Can you see many Deaf children are lost without ASL? Can you see many Deaf people 's battle because of their perceptive of negative term Deaf.
Deaf is no good. ASL is no good. Deaf cant cant cant. Deaf must do what people want them to do in their hearing ways. So what is that all about? Dont you realize it works for Deaf children to gain their intellectual skills and social skills from the beginning of life? Give them a chance and be ourselves as a Deaf people.. Why cant we being ourselves from the start? it s always something that goes for hearing people before us Deaf people s need while it s our true language and Deaf languages from all over Deaf community in this Diversity World.
It has not solved any problem. Now you can see why many of us deafies couldnt hear everything with both devices. What does it have to force/ conform children to be a Hearing person that has not solved the problem.
Dont you get it! Deaf community did give our gifted appreciation to share our true languages that nowadays hearing people and the innocent Deaf people are taking it and want to communicate with us all along that is two way of street after all I m seeing and showing the evidence of audism attitudes behaviors toward me, deafies, and Deaf (deaf/hearing) Leaders that has not being stopped. So I just dont understand this anymore. If they cannot handle themselves by being deaf then why do they have to be here in Deaf community if they dont like it. We did not hold them back after all. Is that something??
Now I am really happy to see more and more people learn ASL and wants to interact with the Deaf people of Deaf Community. That's a UNITY in a Diversity World.

I know it s very hard on you after all I pointed that out that is not happy stories all the time. I dont feel guilty to tell the whole truth because I want ATTITUDE to change for the better if you let it happens.

New generation people are seeing the truth and dont want to be the one of those Austim people that I am looking forward to it. That's all to it!
Audism people keep on destroying our Deaf children and people of Deaf community that we are still battling our equal rights. Everything turns out very destructive power over a very stupid reason to force us that you want us to do for your sakes not for our sakes. ADA doesnt apply for the Deaf people in many ways. Thats why I pointed that out that we Deaf people 's equal rights to have American Sign Language.
Thats the truth of our Deafness that will never be solved. That's it! It s too much complication or having so much conflict interest from hearing person's control and power that is very negative audism people. It needs to be stopped using their excuses/lies about us and our deafness to make $$$$$ that belongs to Deaf community. That's all to it.
Also, I m disappointed that all those term of Deaf turned out the term of Hearing on any accessories/ necessities that turns me off. Hearing is not Deaf but we are the Deaf people of the Deaf community as always. Thats what I am seeing that they take take take and become rich that is not right to pretend they did for us, Deaf people. Thats belong to Deaf community that Deaf Inventors did in the past that make a big difference for today's that share with Hearing/Latened Deaf people.
I am so thankful to have Deaf community because we Deaf people want to be ourselves being deaf and use their hands to communicate anytime. It is still not acceptable of us being deaf that seems forever. It needs to be stop abuse that is old old news hasnt disappear yet. We want to prove that we can do it without depending on devices that will change the whole picture between Hearing and Deaf like Martha Vineyard. I believe that we can capable to speak as much as we can, in our choices, too
I think it s possible and will making the big difference. My point is that it s not necessary to change person for not who he/she is or have an Attitude toward Deaf people 's abilities.
If oralism were never exists, then it wont be a problem as I strongly believe because people are doing it for the money on purpose. Some people with a very positive attitude are educated for a good reason to help other to understand about us.
I thought we want to work together but we are not working for you and doing it for you. We Deaf people wants to work (with) you however we refused to work (for) you.
Thats what it s all about of having the Diversity World that all kind of people can live in altogether. Deaf people are people, no matter what!
Think hard and Think twice. I want you to see what 's wrong with this picture nowadays.
Thank you!
