ad hominemEve said:ROFLMAO This coming from a hearie???? Hahahahahahahaha that is like a white boy calling a black boy “cracka”! ad hominemAudiofuzzy said:If you, after reading all the replies AND above replies can still write what you wrote,
then there IS something seriously wrong with your head.
It's like talking to the wall. Unfortunately I feel it's the same with Sweetmind. And unfortunately Deaf Culture Community is just repeating the same misconceptions over and over, not letting in any of our explanations either.
Audiofuzzy said:If you, after reading all the replies AND above replies can still write what you wrote,
then there IS something seriously wrong with your head.
It's like talking to the wall. Unfortunately I feel it's the same with Sweetmind. And unfortunately Deaf Culture Community is just repeating the same misconceptions over and over, not letting in any of our explanations either.
Not only you never had a proof behind your statements - for example how many doctors you've been to PERSONALLY- meaning you, only YOU, not anybody else, not your GF not Sweetmind not your neighbour or Tom Cruise or Spongebob but you yourself - with how many doctors did YOU talked to, in person? about CI?
Hardly any I think, or you would reply dr X dr Y dr Z.
You never replied what did you found out on Google- CI+ efficacy. Why? because it says clearly it does not RESTORE hearing and is not a CURE?
It seem to me it's you who talk in generalisations and in circles.
Also why do you keep replying for Sweetmind to me? can't she do that herself? I guess not because I proven her wrong.
I'm saluting this: :bsflag:neecy said:Couldn't have said it better myself. I salute you!
Sweetmind said:I.i didnt ask you to come in here and talk about CI CI CI. I have already given you the facts...why must I prove them more? If you can honestly believe that CI is the almighty device for deaf people and nothing can go wrong and there are no side effects...wheres your proof??? I mean, lets be realistic here. HA even has negative side effects...nothing is perfect and CI is most definitely NOT the most wonderful creation. I just wanted to share facts with you all in here but some of you have decided to go way off topic and defeat my purpose...overall...the question still remains...What makes you believe that Deaf children will be able to hear like a Hearing or latened deaf person?
No, what you have given are MYTHSSweetmind said:I have already given you the facts...
Because you never proved them in the first place.Sweetmind said:why must I prove them more?
Nobody has said that. We have all agreed that things can and do go wrong. It still remains a viable choice.Sweetmind said:If you can honestly believe that CI is the almighty device for deaf people and nothing can go wrong and there are no side effects...wheres your proof???
Children are like sponges, constantly absorbing new knowledge each day. Children have a better chance of benefiting from a CI than anyone, if they fit within the required guidelines for implantation.Sweetmind said:What makes you believe that Deaf children will be able to hear like a Hearing or latened deaf person?
Funny, I know many CI users who refuse to come here because of your constant attacks against them (not just the issue).Sweetmind said:and also I know many exCIers didnt want to speak on this in public because of the way some of you attack people on this issue.
Speak for yourself, as you are the problem for many of us.Sweetmind said:It makes me sick to my stomach...the cruelty of some of you manners no respect no sympathy...Whats your problem???
Funny this should be posted immediately after SM’s postgnulinuxman said:I'm saluting this: :bsflag:
If you dont' want to talk about CI's then why do you keep posting in the CI section of the forum? If you don't want people to reply to something you post - then why not put it on a blog or you own website where you can control who replies and who doesn't? There are many other areas of this website that you can post - if you don't want to talk about CI's then don't talk about them and don't post new topics in this area and expect people to stand by idly.
I've pointed out side effects, so has boult, cloggy, and several others. You ignored them, and yet you say we won't admit there are side effects.
Sweetmind said:Dont you read the category that says HA and CI. So what are you talking about? I have no choice to make if you mind.. Nice try and make your own excuses as usual. I dont approve of that answer of yours. You ignored my statement from the beginning after stirring up by people like you and audism people.
So that relates to Hearing Aid issues. You have a real reading problem that I have noticed many of them dont read carefully and see my reason to be discussing about the deafness itself that we do not hear everything that proves me latened deaf people said the truth then you got offended by this. It s actually your issue and you have a very serious problem. I want to stop people from thinking we can hear everything because we cannot.
Sweetmind said:OH yea! You and Govt ( medicare or medicaid) are cheating since your insurance paid for you not your own pockets. We deafies pay from our own pockets for all those Deaf accessories while we are still suffering. ATTITUDE hasnt changed a bit.
gnulinuxman said:I did here:
I have some here, too:
And, of course, we keep getting this stuff from others:
My point is that the Deaf Culture community is more consistent in their arguments about cochlear implants than you "audists" are.
You’re always welcome, SM *takes a bow*Sweetmind said:And thanks a lot , Cloggy, Neecy, Boult , EVE, and others for making more trouble.
And yet they claim they are NOT “disabled”, and make statements such as “we can do anything but hear”. Hmph!Fragmenter said:Funny the Deaf has a tendency mooching off the government with SSI or SSDI
MY CLAIM WAS THAT YOUR ARGUMENTS ARE INCONSISTENT.Fragmenter said:Huh? The quotes you pulled up just proved your claim wrong. You said they kept saying CI was so perfect but they said the opposite in the quotes you pulled up.
Funny the Deaf has a tendency mooching off the government with SSI or SSDI
Q. A friend of mine applied for SSDI. He has several disabilities. He has applied for job after job after job, and keeps getting turned down. I'm pretty sure it's because of his disabilities. But he was also turned down for SSDI! I couldn't believe it! Would you help him?
A. That's a sad situation, and not uncommon. But we don't get involved in SSDI eligibility. If you'd like to advocate for him, I'd suggest that you get the Social Security Green Book and find the wording that they use as SSDI justification for your friend's disabilities. Then have his doctor use those words or very similar ones in a letter of support.
It's a coincidence. :roll:Eve said:No, what you have given are MYTHS Because you never proved them in the first place.
Nobody has said that. We have all agreed that things can and do go wrong. It still remains a viable choice.
Children are like sponges, constantly absorbing new knowledge each day. Children have a better chance of benefiting from a CI than anyone, if they fit within the required guidelines for implantation.
Funny, I know many CI users who refuse to come here because of your constant attacks against them (not just the issue).
Speak for yourself, as you are the problem for many of us.
BTW, SM, nice quote, who wrote that for you? It is certainly not in your grammatical format. Is Donn still editing for you or is it Vanilla this time? As much as I disagree with what you are saying I would much rather it come from you than one of your cronies disguised as you.
Funny this should be posted immediately after SM’s postTalk about perfect timing.
gnulinuxman said:I am not a normal hearing person and do not wish to act like one. (That's why I call myself a DEVIANT.)
:topic:Eve said:You= POT