Let me add this- what hurt you most is that your family, for whatever reasons, did not feel you are important enough to justify learning ASL on their part for just YOU.
Is that necessary for you to make a big emphasis on my family to look like they didnt care for me as a deaf child? How selfish are you? You are giving me an impression that I must be a Hearing child. No matter what! SCoffs! YOU DONT EVEN GIVE A HOOT about d/Deaf children 's need to have the strong love bond and communication so much that I dont want them to have negative feelings about their own family or Hearing people anymore. Or have the d/Deaf's limitation of their own freedom expression feelings that is not the same expression their true feelings in a spoken language as ASL. It is very important to feel comfortable to communiciate with people or else it wont work this way.
EX: Deaf school in Washington School f/t Deaf and North Carolina School f/t Deaf that many hearing people who work with those d/Deaf children that doesnt sign at all or a very little understanding in SL. YOU dont care for those d/Deaf children s need to have ASL so that way they can express and tell the truth of what happened to them. You expected them to use the oral speaking. OH PLEASE!!! That 's very selfish and child abuse for not letting them have ASL. IT s not about you because those children were dying to communicate but they are afraid to tell or know there is no use for them to listen d/Deaf children as usual. You cannot expect them to use oral method only or devices only that is when it s a big mistake to force or conform them in the first place for many years. Why doesnt it have the change of Attitude completely yet toward Deaf people yet?
The reason is that hearing people cannot able to communicate with them very well, according that they are working with d/Deaf children. OH please!!! So dont blame on d/Deaf children or me as a d/Deaf child because I feel that teachers, staffs or hearing parents are the responsibility to communicate with their kids if you dont mind. It s more of control and power to tell us what to do in their own hearing ways without having an opportunity to speak out for themselves.. Thats what they want all those years to keep our mouths shut for years and years.. UNTIL i have a chance to speak it out in DEAFNOTES that I am very grateful that I have a chance to tell the true story what happens to these d/Deaf children. Thank goodness to have the internet because no one stops me from speaking freely.
I did taking my responsibility to teach my two hearing children ASL. I have watched everything how they processed to learn with their own visual eyes first before speak. It works so well for them to understand the concept of langauge before English language. I am proud of what I had accomplished for my hearing children 's best interest and given them to accomplish their own reading and creation of writing that they read the books at 3 years old on their own. I am d/Deaf mother and Grandmother who knows the best, too so therefore I was a deaf child as well as I know what it s alike to be deaf not just Hearing parents who are ignorant and dont know what it s alike to be deaf.
Ears does not think but Brain does.
It s not d/Deaf children only but there are many many d/Deaf disabilities like Mental Illness, CP, mentally challenged who are Highly functional, d/Deaf blind, former HA and CI people and many more than just you and your follower of audist attitude. They have the right to be with us anytime instead of cutting them off. Thats cruel and selfish to leave or push them out of Deaf community after all they tried to take over Deaf community by audist attitude people. They dont care. If you dont like Deaf community then why are you here? It doesnt make any sense Deaf oralism have too much negative view on deafness so therefore it shows me that they are brainwashing and thinks they are better than ASL users. For your info, they are actually better than you and your audist attitude followers. They showed their accomplishments that many audist attitude doesn t have that kind of gifted tools from the start.
Why should we split up each other after all ASL is the one answer for all of us at once so they have their equal communication as hearing people. So I HAVE TO and MUST think of many kinds of d/Deaf people who couldnt speak or hear that is still alive out there. I have a big heart for their importance needs that d/Deaf people should be with us all along not leave them out there that leave them isolates or stop them from learning more new things from d/Deafies like me. It s very very reasonable to have ASL no matter what you think. NO MORE all kind of DEAF CHILDREN ABUSE. I have nothing to be ashamed of myself to be with them all along. DEAF children and people are human beings as always. Why cant you treat them equal or letting them have an equal communication in ASL?
My family was told by audists that I must speak not sign that s when they think that I will lose my oral speaking or will not to learn how to speak with or without HA.. THAT' S A BIG LIE from an audist attitude professional!! There are some ASLers who is totally deaf and can speak good or cant speak so what is your point?
Aslers did a good job with hearing people as I can see how amazing they are way better at communicating with hearing people than me as and many deaf oralists. Thats when it hits me so hard and make me envy their own adaptations. Also I was kinda embarrassed that Aslers proved to me by natural way of their own adaptation in my own eye witness as it s more natural for them to deal or handle people in their natural instinct. You have not seen that is too bad for you. I respect them more than Deaf oralists and Hearing people with a very negative audist attitude. Also they were from a hearing family and have so much confidence in themselves for being deaf without having orally speaking.
Wow it s so amazing to see how they live as a Deaf person with ASL that they couldnt speak and cant help it. You cannot make them to speak even though u knew it s impossible but why bother to force them to speak or hear. It doesnt make any sense to look down on them while they are actually much better than me as a deaf oralist. I do really find this is odd strange that people with audist attitude treats me very disrespectful for being failed by oral method and hear only because I did not have my own adaptations or a true identity..No one have the right to destroy many d/Deaf children's true identity and ASL that will help them completely. Thats where I saw the most positive reinforcement of ASL and Deaf people with no orally speaking that couldnt hear or hear a very little with HA that works for them to mingle or communicate with them in different way around than just having a orally speaking itself only. Also they have a very beautifully English written that realized that they are capable to write so well after all they do not hear or orally speaking.. Thats the best view I ever saw in my whole life and it changed my mind about having oral speaking only that does not always work around with hearing people 100 percent. The reason is that ASL is the one who does everything for all of us with no doubt. Every day ASL is around us that you dont even see or refused to see the truth.
People do not realize it since they were focusing to hear and depending on it without using their eyes that is not enough of an answer to solve the problem from the barrier of communication. Thats why we are so intelligent what s around us and can read people s body language before they say a word.
I am not belittling the way you experience music, I think it's wonderful you could feel it the way you did, of course that can be good enough.
but truth is there is more than vibrations of drums at POW WOW. They were probaly singing too, and more but you might have missed that.
I know what I am talking about because I can hear huge difference with and without my HAs while listening to music. Trust me- this is HUGE difference with HAs on and off.
I learned that each dance has a specific message and even hearies don't understand the Native American languages!.... No difference because it s gibberish for us all except Native Americans.. That 's very good reason that we couldnt hear with devices even we might or might not hear the sounds. Trust me this is NOT a huge difference with HA/CI and Hearing 's abilities to hear. You re advocating oral method rules that I dont agree with.
How could I understand their native american s native language and spoken language that we ll never understand to hear in their own spoken language. You are expecting too much from a deaf person to hear everything. thats why i posted this article to prove that we do not hear very well with HA or CI that is no difference. Most of us do not understand the music because there are many sounds in it that we couldnt pick up or where it s coming from and focus on one thing at a time. Hearing people can but not always tho. Dont tell me that i dont know nothing about being with or with out a HA I have experienced both ways.
Now d/Deaf Native Americans are very successful with ASL and have a high standard of education after all their hearing parents do not sign or communicate with them very well.
When I wrote about some child who may need CI I meant hypothetically profundly deaf child whose only chance at any hearing is CI, and if suppose you, Sweetmind, have convinced its parents NOT to implant that chance for ever hearing, even if just a bit, would be lost forever.
And then how would you feel if that child as grown up would cry and cry why did his parents did not take the chance for CI when it was time? YOu dont get it after all d/Deaf children are not capable to hear like what this latened deaf lady mentioned that she dont understand what they are saying sometimes..
It s proven that you have no right to force them to hear like a hearing person or compare between d/Deaf children and latened deaf or former hearing in early age like after ten years old all those years that is very wrongdoing and give ppl the wrong impression that CI is a miracle and cure our deafness that doesnt go anywhere to fix. Once you become deaf so that is that. End of the story. Doctor doesnt know everything that I couldnt trust them with all that kind of negative view of our deafness and audist attitude. That is a real evil thing to destroy those d/Deaf children.
AND also, it s proven that also it doesnt make a sense for CIers to have sign langage at first place.. why are they still using it after all they need an interpreter in meetings or anywhere that they wlll not hear what they are saying even with CI .. that 's my point so therefore it s the same concept between HA and CI that is no difference.. You are not gonna to fool me because I know what it s like to hear the sounds or pick up few words that I was programming into my brain system that doesnt mean it s all of sudden that I can hear from now on after you learned how to listen. IT IS NOT THE SAME as( a hearing person) all those years that is very annoying as usual if you mind.
For your info, I wore HA for many years until six years ago so dont tell me that I dont know nothing about it.
Just LISTEN.... DON'T LECTURE US about being or must be a hearing person..... WE KNOW THE DEAF REALITY that our d/Deaf 's messages need to be heard about what's going on in this society that has not changed a bit yet.....ASL, a true language that I strongly support. This is a language that from another language became just that, a language all it's own. It is still opression and discrimination toward us. That will be hard to overcome. There is always resistance to change, especially if that change is not understood by the population at large. The SOLUTION must be to solve the problem for all Deaf people/Deaf community by our own power and control to educate them not by hearing people with very negative audist attitude ... and future generations.
Let's have our rights to have the Deaf spirit being alive and stronger. We need to be satisfied with ourselves and take pride in who we are - even if there are some who see the DIS and not the ABILITY.
Just a thought that you might like to read these books..
Deaf Artists in America
Colonial to Contemporary
author DeborahM. Sonnenstrahl
Thank you!
