OH boy she didnt read it thoroughly what I have tried to explain as far as I can see she doesnt get it or denies it all. What a pity!
Guess what, my two hearing daughters first language was ASL that you couldnt accept the fact that they are very accomplished in their academics and were on the honor roll. During their teenager years they dont ask me for help with their homework because they know what to do. I am proud of them and their success after all they learned their first language in ASL.. It s proven. Guess what their school doesnt call me for the teacher s conference because they dont want to spend money on interpreter as well as they dont give a damn about me as being mother of my children .. It shows me that they, just like you, have a huge problem with prejudice and discrimination toward me as a Deaf mother.
Sadly, this clouds her judgemnt so no I am not convinced it is at all sweet. She may be depriving some child who needs CI because of her influenced judgment.
Whoo hoo! I dont need a big lies from CI professionals or doctors or audiologist and people who think they know it all and have a very huge negative view on deafness. Many parents are hurtful and realized that they did not get full information until after it s too late after their deaf child failed with his or her CI devces. I feel that professional or CI Radicals or audiologist or Doctors do not give them other options. They are lost somewhere in space and dont know what to do next. Thats horrible thing to do to these parents out there that I care for their deaf children with all my heart. Guess what, I can do anything except to hear if you allow me to.
I dont need to depend on those machine to make myself much alive and dont need to prove myself that I can speak or Hear while I born deaf. I did the best I could speak but refused to have anyone to force me to hear that does not help me to hear everything. I aint waste my money and make hearing people find a way to make it easier for themselves. I m here on this earth to show who I am being deaf and using my hands to communicate with that can speak in my deaf voice if I want to. So I am hoping ATTITUDES will change toward deafies sooner or later. NO ONE can make me do what you want or demand me to do this and that for your hearing sakes. Scoffs! Thats a real nasty control and power over a person s true identity that I will not let anyone do this to me ever, ever again.
You can look at hearing two ways- as deaf person- you can look at it at as curse or as a gift. Either way you are deaf, but with the GIFT of SOME hearing you can hear what you wouldn't otherwise. It can actually ENRICH you as a deaf person.
I find this is a real something wrong for a person with audist attitude to judge about me and deaf culture that I stick with only.. I find this is a big joke after all I have explained about my hearing family, and many other issues that hearing people couldnt handle with us very well that is hearing community, not Hearing world. I am the one who is different from you and have the right to be part of the Diversity in the world.
Adapation is the one of our gifted tools that is what it is for d/Deaf children. You cant handle or deal with your own deafness while I can now after I found my true identity. I dont need to be dependant on devices. That will not help to complete me.
I can communicate with them if they are willing to take more time with me as far as I am not able to speak too fast like hearing people do.. Do you expect me to understand what they are saying when they talk too fast? I THINK NOT! if you think yes, then you are full of it. So therefore they do not giving us a "two way street" and we d/Deaf people are NOT to blame for this.
After all we d/Deaf people did our best to speak in our deaf voices that you couldnt face the Deaf reality and are never satisfied for what we did accomplish with our deaf voices to speak. So why do you want to set higher expectations for us to hear; that is not a requirement for their sakes. They are lazy and dont have any manners to respect d/Deaf children or people 's needs and their rights to know their Deaf history, Deaf art, ASL, and many others.. Why bother to destroy everything that we d/Deaf people have that works very well with Hearing people with a very positive attitude. What is your problem? I have soley raised 2 hearing children and had a huge part in raising 3 other hearing children and they have had no problems communicating with me through ASL. That relates to body language with no words...how amazing!
Deaf community is a great place for them to learn about us and respect us and our needs first all the way. Thats our gifted appreciation to share and give them an opportunity to learn about us with a very positive outlook.
Hearing / deaf oralism is the barrier of communication toward d/Deaf with or former HA and CI deaf people out there because they dont have any respect for our wishes or demand to have our true identity that helps people to understand it better. Thats rude for them not to use hands to communicate with us.
Why cant we have the right to have our true identity that you are battling with me?? I dont understand this anymore after all you dont read it carefully.. JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS as usual or trying to make me look bad that is a very nice effort of yours. I love it. I thanked you for it.
Being able to hear, speak is not wrong- is an ability, learned ability and practical. It does not have to separate one from deaf culture and one's identity as Deaf.
Why not? you wont be here todays world that you will not get some help after all those ignorant people who dont know what to do with you as a deaf baby.Your world would be very boring without a Deaf community. You might end up dead before being alive after what Dr suggested the parent to have the abortion. or sterilized you not to have any babies because you are having your own deafness as disease. Thats is nasty recommendation from doctors so therefore, it s the same thing about CI doctor who used the bibical quote to turn against deafness.. Thats why I felt hearing people have no business to destroy our deafness as they tried so hard. So therefore there are too much damage to d/Deaf chlidren s true identity and self esteem because they think they are no good to be deaf..SCOFFS! Thats is very low self esteem.
Music is something that you can not speak of unless you have experienced it. I was granted this wonderful possibility to hear music.
Music like many other arts is something that inspires your SPIRIT. You can live without it but then you miss something vital.
What are you talking about?? Meanwhile I had visited POW WOW that I could feel the vibration of music that Native Americans danced to. That is inspirational for me to feel good to be with them. It doesnt have to have the communication by orally speaking or hear because the drum that I can feel and follow them all along that I danced with them. I enjoyed every moment and love Native American people with all my heart because it s almost similiar that white people are trying to hurt or destroy their culture as well as you are allowed people try so hard to destroy our Deaf community and us deafies, too. That is very unbelieveable predjudice and traitor in our Deaf community.
Very few pple are unaffected by music. (or other forms of art).
You don't always realise how much art affects you, take TV for example. Any show is show of art form it is called acting (and clothes, and light and background- it all matters),
these shows can make you laugh or cry or be angry or irritated or whatever. Do you think consciously what it does to you? I don't think so - you just absorb it, feel it, You don't analyze it. But the fact is it does do something to you.
**Scratching my head** where have you been? Oh i forgot she pretend she is hearing that makes sense if you are not latened deaf. Closed captions is available for us to read and visual the pictures that we will understand it better than just having to listen those devices that we are not capable to understand by their speaking too fast with no facial expressions.
We do not miss anything that we watch TV or DVD movies that has closed captions for our visual eyes. So what is your problem?? Not only that but In case you havent realized it, lots of movies have bits of ASL usage in them...for example, the movie Shrek.
Oh in case you dont know that we have Deaf Arts that shows our true feelings how hearing people treat us for many many years and todays world. Thats the purpose for Deaf community to share with people to see and understanding where we are coming from.
Take Sweetmind, for example. I can imagine how she was growing up probably isolated from deaf culture, in family who didn't make any effort to make communication easier for her. She fel less worthy because of that, frustrated, hurt, angry because she couldn't communicate freely and when she discovered deaf culture it emphasized all this lack of effort on part of her family toward her deafness.
But at the same she was forced to communicate orally and that is in fact a gift - she learned to hear with HAs and lipread, and speak very well.
But -looks like- she does not realise she received a gift, in fact.
While speech classes may be a gift as you say, i should have been the one to decide to learn it or not..and I should have been able to have a family want to learn sign for me. Why should I be isolated while ASL is available for everyone to learn. Some people refused to face the fact that I am d/Deaf, is it my fault?? I THINK NOT! I dont deserve to be forced to hear and damaged my right ear because of nasty negative audist attitude. It is very wrongdoing for them to ignore my needs. That still happens in todays world. Thats why I dont want to see many d/Deaf children with HA and CI or ex HA or CI go through what I went through that people refused to accept the fact that has happens to them from the past years and today s world. NO NEED TO LIE about capability to listen comprenhension words for every CIers who born deaf and became deaf in earliest age. I can accept that latened age or a former hearing teenagers who can pick up the comprehension words because they already established with their own hearing before. Mind you! Thats the whole point here.
YOu live in a very fantastic dream world that is so perfect for CI ers and have no problem with communication.. NICE TRY!!! They did the best they can as far as deaf voices is not gonna to change anyhow. Guess what, they did pretty good job with their orally speaking and without CI device before they received it after all they are an adults to make their choices.
I have worked so hard with my oral speaking all those years, that doesnt mean I m an automatically hearing person. For heaven s sake!!
ASL is a gifted tool that we are using our visual eyes that helps us very well more than depending on devices itself only. Thats the purpose of having a language in early age. instead of forcing them to hear whlie they couldnt hear what you are saying or having no language that gains more knowledge than oral method itself only. They are so innocent, babies and children. JEEZ!!
Many thanks!

I am d/Deaf and proud of it that shows I am reliable person to work with both sides of the issue, not for the Hearing world only.
Thank you!
