early vote for President US 2008 - R

Who is strong 2008 Presidential candidates for R?

  • Brownback, Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gilmore, Jim

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Giuliani, Rudy

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • Huckabee, Mike

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Hunter, Duncan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain, John

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Paul, Ron

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Romney, Mitt

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Thompson, Tommy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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All these informations that came from the national news such as CNN, CBS, Dateline (?). These are not my words. I learned on the news which was surprised to me. Our people had to help them with their money. I can understand your points about the crimes and others.

The reporter stated that the churches did not help them. Many charities took a lot of money in their pocket than helping them. They thanked you people for donating them to their church and charities to gain their business.

I did not forget an old man that I saw him walking on a sidewalk in my sister's hometown. He wears very high clothes, a top hat, white gloves, and a black cane. He is one of the Christianity foundations. He went to Africa and gave a small faction of money to poor people. He told my sister about his business. I could not believe my own eyes that he wore the clothes on the street just like back in 1890's. I mean his modern clothes. He must be insane, but he is successful. I thought that he was a joke. It made me think of the church business what I saw on the TV commercials about homeless children in Africa.

Oh, I forgot to mention about Saudi Arab's donation to people in New Orleans for one billion dollar. Why it takes two years to fix them up, and they are still not finished? I mean a billion dollars. Where is the money? Do you remember that on the news last year?

darkdog - There is no if to build a house on a volcano. They are not stupid.
LOL! I would not want federal taxpayer's money go to rebuild the famous Looney Tunes Music store. Why would we need insurances when the governments rebuild our places? We'd raise taxes. Looney Tunes Music is a private and independent business. Perhaps they can ask celebrities like Ozzy Osbournes and (perhaps Gaahl) to donate for them. :D

California is known for natural disasters such as earthquakes, mudslides, landslides, floods, and wildfires. I've personally witnessed all of them. We tear the houses down and re-build them securely. Many CA residents choose to live on cliffs by beaches and refuse to accept that their houses shall crumble down the cliffs. They have big prides and egos to refuse to admit they've accepted the consequences and risks. Also, CA residents do live near active volcanos, Mt Shasta, Lake Mammoth, and Lassen and know the consequences and risks very well. CA has several dormant volcanos and houses settled all over them. Though, geologists cannot say all dormant volcanos are really alive. City developers are silly. Lake Mammoth quake reports average 3.0 mag. almost every two weeks. I just recently experienced another small quake again about 30 miles away from me, but it didn't bother me at all. I will not get out of the bed unless it is 6.0 mag. CA residents would say same thing what I said.

Local news provide more details than the national news. National news don't provide everything we want to listen and watch because national news do not have time enough to report everything what's going on with the world. That's why they have to abridge news in just a short time. You can check Louisiana local news websites to read detailed reports rather than national news. LA state government is a big joke and still won't accept that New Orleans shall be doomed in the future because they have been residing there the most of their lives. They need to accept the fact that New Orleans needs to be relocated. Last year, over $2 billion dollars donations already have been spent helping them, but some of them chose to remain in New Orleans where they are below the sea level. That's one of the reasons they will not provide another billion dollars to them. Some LA residents refuse to accept that some of the houses need to tear down because they contain molds, chemicals and diseases. Ridiculous.

I don't know what and why MN state government was doing and neglecting inspecting bridges. I'm glad the incident taught the lesson to the state and local governments, so they will ensure the incident will be prevented again. In California, the state government probably takes bridges seriously. They're well known bridges; CA is one of the most earthquake prone states. As for MN bridge incident, the local engineers and inspectors in San Diego have been mentioning on the local news that they have been inspecting freeway bridges every year. Coronado bridge is one of the largest bridges in CA and it has been inspecting every week because it is located under the fault.

There is a difference between state government and federal government. Each state has its own constitution. The federal government is the largest single buyer. The state governments are responsible for freeways, educations, libraries, civil and criminal laws, hospitals, public welfare, and health care. I prefer most authority should rest with state and local governments, which are closer to the voters. As for federal government, it is too distant to understand states and local governments. If the state government do not have enough money such as a billion dollars, they are required to send a proposal to the Congress requesting for a billion dollars or more. Though, CA doesn't need to send proposals to the federal government because CA already is a wealthy state. The local governments in the entire CA send proposals to the CA state government.
darkdog - There is no if to build a house on a volcano. They are not stupid.
OK, so we do agree on this. I don't see how building a house in that area is less risky than building a house on an active volcano. Something devastating might not happen in one's lifetime, but chances are good it will.

As for charities, there are plenty of stories of fraud both from scammers running away with people's donations and scammers taking advantage of charities and government handouts. However, as far as I know, the major churches and charities didn't do that. They provided plenty of money and help to the situation. For those that gave money to reputable organizations, their money got to New Orleans. It's not really accurate or fair to use a broad, sweeping statement like "the churches and charities refused to give money. They just kept it all."
Which one do you think they will be excellent for Republican? Why or why not?

Brownback, Sam
Senator KS


Gilmore, Jim
Former governor VA


Giuliani, Rudy
Former mayor NY

2 planets in Taurus (conservative sign), 4 planets in Leo (leader)

Huckabee, Mike
Former governor AR

Sun Virgo (conservative), Mercury in Virgo (think conservative), 2 planets in Scorpio (government), 4 planets in Leo (leader).

Hunter, Duncan
Representative CA

Mars in Virgo (conservative sign), 2 planets in Leo (leader), Neptune in Libra

McCain, John
Senator AZ

5 planets in Conservative signs :eek3:, Mercury in Libra - think like a Liberal, Mars in Leo - bad leader.

Paul, Ron
Representative TX

Sun in Leo (leader), 5 planets in Conservative signs :eek3:, 2 planets in Scorpio (government).

Romney, Mitt
Former governor MA

Sun in Pisces (deception)?, Mercury in Pisces (deceiving us?), Mars in Pisces (maybe up to something?), 2 planets in Scorpio (government), Neptune in Libra, 2 planets in Leo.

Thompson, Tommy
Former governor WI


Tom Tancredo

No planet in conservative sign, not conservative enough, 2 planets in Leo, 2 planets in Libra (Liberal)

Fred Thompson

3 planets in Virgo (conservative sign), 3 planets in Leo (leader), Moon in Scorpio (government)....
So the most excellent Republicans are....

1. Rudy
2. Mike Huckabee
3. Ron Paul
4. Fred Thompson

Mmmmmmmm.... don't really trust

1. John McCain
2. Mitt Romney

The least excellent Republicans are

1. Duncan Hunter
2. Tom Tancredo
When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
Age of Aquarius

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

:afro: :cool: :scatter: :rockon: :cool2:
Why Rudy is so popular? Did he save anyone during 911 tragic?
Why people think he is a hero?
Giuliani, Rudy - Using "Remember 911" to get votes.

Huckabee, Mike - Bug spray or Fly swatter will do.

Paul, Ron - Run Paul Run, Run Away.

Tom Tancredo - Tank him.

Fred Thompson - Stomp him.
it look like Rudy Giuliani have strong lead vote here in Texas. :(
I like Mike Huckabee's latest commercial with Chuck Norris. It's a hoot! :lol:
I find it frustrating that there are so many lies and misunderstandings regardint the Democrat candidates for presidency. I'm a bit peeved that it has nothing to do with this topic.

There was a great deal of discussion regarding Barack Obama's upbringing (most being almost or not at all factual), especially the religion side of it.

I think that Mitt Romney has been saying all the right things and has been doing all the right things, as well. I am alarmed, though, that he is a member of the LDS/Mormon church.

There are folks who do not observe the religious side of their upbringing. There are folks who do.

The Mormon church/empire, though, frightens me.

And Mitt has the association.

(Rudy of New York - if he wins the Republican ticket, it'd be the 9/11 association and not his ability to govern.)
I was surprised to learn that Romney had a vacation to Michigan. He put his dog in a cage on the top of his car for the trip due no room. On the highway, the windshield was so dirty, and some wet brown spots. He wasn't sure why it was dirty on a nice day. It turned out that his dog shit and was very frighten because the dog doesn't like to be on the top of the car with a lot of windy. Romney is the most dope that I ever heard. I thought that it was a serious joke, and it was not a joke at all. I'm shocked. He is brainless.
it look like Rudy Giuliani have strong lead vote here in Texas. :(

most people want to vote for Rudy Giuiani or Hillary Clinton because
Rudy and Hllary are well known. they are too lazy to do some political research.
most people want to vote for Rudy Giuiani or Hillary Clinton because
Rudy and Hllary are well known. they are too lazy to do some political research.

Oh, boy...Look down. VVV

PowerON, a few months ago, we've had the Texas straw poll, and Duncan Hunter won. Right now, I'm kinda confusing with the voting.
January 3, 2008 Iowa caucus
January 5, 2008 Wyoming convention
January 8, 2008 New Hampshire primary
January 15, 2008 Michigan convention
January 19, 2008 Nevada caucus
January 19, 2008 South Carolina primary
January 29, 2008 Florida primary
February 2, 2008 Maine caucus
February 5, 2008 Alabama primary
February 5, 2008 Alaska convention
February 5, 2008 Arizona primary
February 5, 2008 Arkansas primary
February 5, 2008 California primary
February 5, 2008 Colorado caucus
February 5, 2008 Connecticut primary
February 5, 2008 Delaware primary
February 5, 2008 Georgia primary
February 5, 2008 Illinois primary
February 5, 2008 Minnesota caucus
February 5, 2008 Missouri primary
February 5, 2008 Montana caucus
February 5, 2008 New Jersey primary
February 5, 2008 New York primary
February 5, 2008 North Dakota caucus
February 5, 2008 Oklahoma primary
February 5, 2008 Rhode Island primary
February 5, 2008 Tennessee primary
February 5, 2008 Utah primary
February 5, 2008 West Virginia convention
February 9, 2008 Kansas caucus
February 9, 2008 Louisiana caucus
February 9, 2008 Washington caucus
February 12, 2008 District of Columbia primary
February 12, 2008 Maryland primary
February 12, 2008 Virginia primary
February 19, 2008 Wisconsin primary
February 19, 2008 Washington primary
March 2, 2008 Hawaii caucus
March 4, 2008 Massachusetts primary
March 4, 2008 Ohio primary
March 4, 2008 Texas primary
March 4, 2008 Vermont primary
March 11, 2008 Mississippi primary
April 22, 2008 Pennsylvania primary
May 6, 2008 Indiana primary
May 6, 2008 North Carolina primary
May 10, 2008 Wyoming convention
May 13, 2008 Nebraska primary
May 13, 2008 West Virginia primary
May 20, 2008 Kentucky primary
May 20, 2008 Oregon primary
May 27, 2008 Idaho primary
June 3, 2008 South Dakota primary
June 3, 2008 New Mexico primary

So Texas has to wait in March.
Ron Paul will hang in there until the primaries and maybe the convention are over. Then, he'll announce his candidacy as a third-party candidate.

If Mitt Romney is nominated, he'll select Jim Demint ( United States Senator - Jim DeMint ) as running mate.
Paul Endorsed by Nevada Brothel Owner

The Associated Press: Paul Endorsed by Nevada Brothel Owner

Pathetic Ron Paul Brothel Media Smear Fails
Stunt set up by toilet media laughed off by Congressman

Steve Watson
Tuesday, Nov 27, 2007

Another crass and pathetic smear attempt against Ron Paul failed yesterday as some news organisations, including the AP, attempted to link the Congressman to a pimp without making it clear that the entire charade was an idiotic stunt set up by MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson.

The AP put out a story simply titled Paul Endorsed by Nevada Brothel Owner which began "Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, an underdog Texas congressman with a libertarian streak, has picked up an endorsement from a Nevada brothel owner," Dennis Hof.

The obvious suggestion here was that Ron Paul has been soliciting such endorsement. However, as mentioned and somewhat glossed over at the very end of the article, it was Tucker Carlson who contacted Hof to ask him to check out Ron Paul and arrived with him at Ron Paul’s Reno news conference along with two of Hof’s prostitutes. The media in attendance jumped on the opportunity to focus in on the ridiculous publicity stunt which had nothing to do with Ron Paul's campaign whatsoever.
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