early vote for President US 2008 - R

Who is strong 2008 Presidential candidates for R?

  • Brownback, Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gilmore, Jim

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Giuliani, Rudy

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • Huckabee, Mike

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Hunter, Duncan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain, John

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Paul, Ron

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Romney, Mitt

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Thompson, Tommy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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We don't see what a congress person do at the Capital everyday. They have a secret ballot once a year for creating a new terrible law. i.e. They revised a retirement age from 62 to 64. Haven't you seen on a TV with a bunch of Congress people at the representatives? (not from a president's speeches)
Congressional ballots are not secret; they are public record. You can look up how your Congressmen vote on all issues.
Congressional ballots are not secret; they are public record. You can look up how your Congressmen vote on all issues.

I think that it does not reveal the information until they pass it, then it will become public. I know that it is supposed to be public for all kind of issues.
I am asking you did you ever hear about the retirement age ("2nd version") before it became a law?
...I am asking you did you ever hear about the retirement age ("2nd version") before it became a law?
Are you talking about the minimum age for receiving SS retirement benefits?
Are you talking about the minimum age for receiving SS retirement benefits?

Yes. My mistake - 67 years people receive their SS check / pension from their company. The law was changed in a few years ago. Older retired people can receive them when they turn 65 or 62 or 55 - I don't remember the exact info. It is likely that young people will get their SS when they turn later 67 - who knows. Young people live longer than their parent or the generation. I have no idea what would happens in 2050 when the SS would be depleted.
Yes. My mistake - 67 years people receive their SS check / pension from their company. The law was changed in a few years ago. Older retired people can receive them when they turn 65 or 62 or 55 - I don't remember the exact info. It is likely that young people will get their SS when they turn later 67 - who knows. Young people live longer than their parent or the generation. I have no idea what would happens in 2050 when the SS would be depleted.
Maybe this will help you:

Retirement benefits by year of birth

SS retirement and company pensions are two different things; they don't follow the same rules.

The earliest that I can retire and get full SS benefits will be age 66.

The link you sent depicts that Gov. Mitt Romney wasn't at fault for the leaks and the Big Dig accident. It also never states that Gov. Mitt Romney was responsible for big debt in the state history. The article says that Gov. Mitt Romney had been trying to do something about fixing the Big Dig for two years and tried to fire MTA chairman Amorello, but his hands were TIED. The MA Supreme Court and the MA Legislature refused to listen to Gov. Mitt Romney when he had been trying to tell them regarding the leak problems. He was stuck. MA governor has NO power to personally fire Amorello. Governor is required to ask the Supreme Court for permission to fire. If a governor himself decides to fire him without the Supreme court's permission, He would abuse his power and that would lead to the corruption. Unfortunately, The Supreme court officially refused to grant Gov. Mitt Romney the authority to fire Amariollo, the MTA chairman, so Romney can get someone new to replace Amarillo to fix the Big Dig and leaks. But it was too late and a driver died. The article also says MTA chairman Amorello lied that these tunnels are safe during the New York Times interview. You see, that's why Gov. Mitt Romney had been trying to get Amorello fired in the first place.

This writer of the article failed to mention the important details and the history of the Big Dig project. There is nothing wrong with Gov. Romney trying to take responsibility for their implementation and describing in detail the issues at hand. Isn't that what Governor does his public duty? If I were a MA resident, I'd demand to know what caused the accident and the leaks, et cetera. Gov. Mitt Romney did his job describing everything to the MA public asked for.

I am sending you the link from Washington Post. It provides the lenghlty details of the Big Dig Project. According to this article (Nov. 19, 2004), Gov. Mitt Romney asked for MTA Amarillo's resignations.

Boston's Big Dig Awash in Troubles (washingtonpost.com)
...or take a long drive over a short bridge for a reunion with Mary Jo.

Heh. Teddy Kennedy will say "Oh, Mary Jo! you are going to haunt me for all eternity?"

The whole world knows Teddy Kennedy was a notorious drinker and a terrible driver. He lies a lot..I mean, a LOT. Teddy Kennedy is the king of the scandals. I do not understand why they keep voting him.

He even was expelled for cheating at Harvard. What class was it? Spanish! He even paid a friend to take the exam for him. His friend also got expelled. His family managed to keep it secret. Later, he and his friend returned back to Harvard and graduated together. That is totally unfair.

He had a record of traffic violations. He was even convicted of three violations and fined. The whole world knows Teddy Kennedy was under the influence of DUI. Have you seen the photos of his car by the bridge? Teddy Kennedy even left her in the upside down car. That's where poor Mary Jo died.Teddy had a neck brace on and even showed up at Mary Jo's funeral. Teddy Kennedy's driver license had expired 5 months before the car accident. The license problem was "fixed" by officials at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, under the direction Registrater Richard McLaughlin before the legal proceedings began. That was the sign of corruption. Kennedy officially pled guiilty to leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a two month suspended sentence and one year probation. Mary Jo's family took a settlement and agreed to NOT to speak about the accident.

Teddy Kennedy is a far worse politician than JFK and Robert Kennedy. If the Kennedy brothers only race for the presidential election, I'd vote JFK over Teddy.

Teddy Kennedy obviously doesn't know what to do about the Bipartisan Immigration bill. That bill is terrible. . Remember Immigration and nationality Act of 1965? His quote is: " The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."

In 1986, the Senate produced the amnesty bill, Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) and already gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Teddy Kennedy on the floor of the US Senate in 1986 pushing for legislation that successfully granted amnesty to several million illegal immigrants. His quote is : "This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."

I don't understand why they didn't learn their mistakes from the past.
Last year, I saw six police troopers at Wal-mart store arrested 12 young Mexicans, and they walked outside in the front door to the police vans. I never saw like that in my life.

Were they illegal?

You should come here and live in San Diego. It is completely out of control here.

Last year, councilwoman came up with a proposal that would fine landlords who rent illegal immigrants. They even threw eggs at her store. There was a Mexican-born minuteman got fight with other who opposed the proposal at the city hall. How irony. The police had to send two cops to *guard* councilwoman for a while. The proposal was passed, but it was blocked by a judge named Houston. Funny. The city hall was forced to give up because they couldn't afford to pay the pricey lawyers to fight to save the proposal. A several months ago, illegal immigrant got shot by a gang called El Diablo. The police refuse to arrest illegal immigrants. They'd rather to arrest bums than illegal immigrants. I know too many friends who were in the car accidents with illegal immigrants. They are very frustrated because illegal immigrants do not have driver license and insurances. Some of them had to sue them to get them paying for their accidents.

The private company in San Diego who built the fence on the border actually hired illegal immigrants. Oops. The company is in trouble.

I used to take the random pictures of shopping carts, pre-teens spraying graffiti, etc. to post them on a private blog to show my friends to see what San Diego really is like. There are lots of illegal children at the schools. I even tutored a deaf illegal immigrant at a public high school who didn't know anything about sex and where babies came from. She didn't know how to write or read. I was 17. She was 20.
Maybe this will help you:

Retirement benefits by year of birth

SS retirement and company pensions are two different things; they don't follow the same rules.

The earliest that I can retire and get full SS benefits will be age 66.

And if you plan your retirement right, you could opt to commence SS benefits earlier than your "full retirement age for SS purposes"; you just take roughly a 25% cut. Then the trick would be to live long enough to make up that difference. :P
Romney didn't talk about this issue on his speech. Isn't he? (I'm behind the news.)

More water leaking into Big Dig tunnel

Associated Press - July 1, 2007 8:34 AM ET

BOSTON (AP) - More water is seeping into the Big Dig tunnel.

Nearly two million gallons of water have been leaking into the Thomas P. O'Neill tunnel each month this year.

That's an 18% increase over last year, according to an analysis by the Boston Sunday Globe.

The increase comes despite ongoing efforts to stem the leaks in the nearly $14.8 billion project.

The leaks could also translate into heavier maintenance costs for the tunnel in the future.

A spokesman for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, which oversees the Big Dig, said the leaks are a problem that the project will have to deal with for the foreseeable future.

The leaks have been a problem ever since the roof of the tunnel was attached well before it opened to traffic in 2003
I am appalled Deaf people would consider John McCain as a President! He doesn't look out for the Deaf citizens' best interests!
Romney didn't talk about this issue on his speech. Isn't he? (I'm behind the news.)

More water leaking into Big Dig tunnel

Associated Press - July 1, 2007 8:34 AM ET

BOSTON (AP) - More water is seeping into the Big Dig tunnel.

Nearly two million gallons of water have been leaking into the Thomas P. O'Neill tunnel each month this year.

That's an 18% increase over last year, according to an analysis by the Boston Sunday Globe.

The increase comes despite ongoing efforts to stem the leaks in the nearly $14.8 billion project.

The leaks could also translate into heavier maintenance costs for the tunnel in the future.

A spokesman for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, which oversees the Big Dig, said the leaks are a problem that the project will have to deal with for the foreseeable future.

The leaks have been a problem ever since the roof of the tunnel was attached well before it opened to traffic in 2003

I'm not surprised the leaks have been a problem since the incident. I have read an article from Boston.com. Romney did say the roads are safe at the time. He also said that engineers and conductors will continue to investigate and make recommendations concerning repairs before his term expired. I am curious to hear his thoughts regarding this incident. The Big Dig has been nothing but trouble from the very beginning. Blame the conductors and engineers who built it.

Attorney General Reilly filed a lawsuit against around 15 companies involved in the design and construction of the flawed ceiling of the I-90 tunnel that killed a driver. I think the companies should give money back to fix the leaks.
I am appalled Deaf people would consider John McCain as a President! He doesn't look out for the Deaf citizens' best interests!

That's because McCain has been busy crying over his failed immigration bill and keeps attacking Romney on every Republican debate. It is getting old. I'm glad the bill is in the trash. I don't agree with some of his views.

Your avatar looks grumpy. I think what you need is ice cream. It'll cheer ya up. :D
Ron Paul got my vote if he continue to stay in the running since I researched Ron Paul's gun control, immigrantion, Mexico/USA border, etc.
I've been listening to Michael Huckabee for a while now. I like what he has been talking about.

Right now, it is kind of too early to be deciding on the next President.

I am going to pay attention what some other candidates are talking. I do know this for fact that I am not going to vote Hillary Rodham-Clinton, Freddy Thompson and the likes.
Were they illegal?

You should come here and live in San Diego. It is completely out of control here.

Last year, councilwoman came up with a proposal that would fine landlords who rent illegal immigrants. They even threw eggs at her store. There was a Mexican-born minuteman got fight with other who opposed the proposal at the city hall. How irony. The police had to send two cops to *guard* councilwoman for a while. The proposal was passed, but it was blocked by a judge named Houston. Funny. The city hall was forced to give up because they couldn't afford to pay the pricey lawyers to fight to save the proposal. A several months ago, illegal immigrant got shot by a gang called El Diablo. The police refuse to arrest illegal immigrants. They'd rather to arrest bums than illegal immigrants. I know too many friends who were in the car accidents with illegal immigrants. They are very frustrated because illegal immigrants do not have driver license and insurances. Some of them had to sue them to get them paying for their accidents.

The private company in San Diego who built the fence on the border actually hired illegal immigrants. Oops. The company is in trouble.

I used to take the random pictures of shopping carts, pre-teens spraying graffiti, etc. to post them on a private blog to show my friends to see what San Diego really is like. There are lots of illegal children at the schools. I even tutored a deaf illegal immigrant at a public high school who didn't know anything about sex and where babies came from. She didn't know how to write or read. I was 17. She was 20.

Same in LA metro, alot of illegal immigrants are live here, it is really out of control.
Ron Paul got my vote if he continue to stay in the running since I researched Ron Paul's gun control, immigrantion, Mexico/USA border, etc.

Ron Paul is a card carrying Republican, but his beliefs are pretty much Libertarian. He is a very strong supporter of the original intent. He wants to limit federal power. He's the only Republican that is against Patriot Act, and Iraq War. Actually, he voted against granting Bush the authority to start Iraq War. He also opposes the path toward Iran war. He is not the big foreign policy fan. He believes foreign aid are more harmful than helpful and wants to ban foreign aid to oil-producers who restrict production.

He also wants to abolish departments of Energy, Education and Homeland Security. He considers them wasteful. He's against requiring states to test students.

He doesn't support the amnesty. He does think the border fence isn't important, but he voted on building a fence along the Mexican border. He believes that enforcing the law and the border security are important than the border fence.

Obviously, he does support the gun rights because he is a Libertarian. He also opposes the death penalty.

He wants to legalize industrial hemp and medical marijuana.

About Duncan Hunter, I honestly don't like him. San Diego residents had no choice, but voted for Duncan Hunter over Francine Busby last year because of the immigration crisis. Busby is an advocate for illegal immigrants' rights. That's why Busby tried to draw Hispanics to vote for her. Duncan Hunter took over Duke Cunningham's seat. Duke Cunningham was Duncan Hunter's mentor. Busby is used to losing constantly to Duke Cunningham in the election past.
Right. I was only focus on the gun control. I love to collect the military rifles. It's my dangerous hobby. Of course, Duncan and Paul got an A+ from the NRA (National Rifle Association.) Guess I'll have to look up more until the last minute of the election in November 2008.

I don't agree with McCain about to check the background at the local gun show. Don't care. It's 2nd Amendent, people.
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