...or take a long drive over a short bridge for a reunion with Mary Jo.
Heh. Teddy Kennedy will say "Oh, Mary Jo! you are going to haunt me for all eternity?"
The whole world knows Teddy Kennedy was a notorious drinker and a terrible driver. He lies a lot..I mean, a LOT. Teddy Kennedy is the king of the scandals. I do not understand why they keep voting him.
He even was expelled for cheating at Harvard. What class was it? Spanish! He even paid a friend to take the exam for him. His friend also got expelled. His family managed to keep it secret. Later, he and his friend returned back to Harvard and graduated together. That is totally unfair.
He had a record of traffic violations. He was even convicted of three violations and fined. The whole world knows Teddy Kennedy was under the influence of DUI. Have you seen the photos of his car by the bridge? Teddy Kennedy even left her in the upside down car. That's where poor Mary Jo died.Teddy had a neck brace on and even showed up at Mary Jo's funeral. Teddy Kennedy's driver license had expired 5 months before the car accident. The license problem was "fixed" by officials at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, under the direction Registrater Richard McLaughlin before the legal proceedings began. That was the sign of corruption. Kennedy officially pled guiilty to leaving the scene of an accident after causing injury. He received a two month suspended sentence and one year probation. Mary Jo's family took a settlement and agreed to NOT to speak about the accident.
Teddy Kennedy is a far worse politician than JFK and Robert Kennedy. If the Kennedy brothers only race for the presidential election, I'd vote JFK over Teddy.
Teddy Kennedy obviously doesn't know what to do about the Bipartisan Immigration bill. That bill is terrible. . Remember
Immigration and nationality Act of 1965? His quote is: "
The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs."
In 1986, the Senate produced the amnesty bill,
Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) and already gave amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Teddy Kennedy on the floor of the US Senate in 1986 pushing for legislation that successfully granted amnesty to several million illegal immigrants. His quote is : "
This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this."
I don't understand why they didn't learn their mistakes from the past.