U.S. already owns Alaska. We have too many government so we already cut down some agencies. We already won to prohibit oil industries to drill in Utah and maybe Colorado, but the case is not over yet. There is such no tax on water except purchasing bottle of waters at stores. The energy rights? It's up to a state to allow residences to share the energy with an electricity company from a windpower farm or a solar farm(?). We have no control over that unless you shut off the main electricity in your home. No government care about us anymore because we have overpopulation in our country.
The state and county secession proposals have been increasing lately across the US.. There is
nothing barring state secession in the US Constitution. The 10th amendment says that powers not given to the federal government by the Constitutional belong to the states or people. That means the states needed to be assured that the federal government would NOT try to take over their constitutional powers and rights.
Look at what happened to the American Civil War. Southern states actually had the right to secede. General Robert Lee joined the Confederacy because the federal government had waged a war against one of Robert Lee's states just after VA had seceded. Believe it or not, Robert Lee had been an opponent of secession. Stonewall Jackson was the state's right type dude and joined with Robert Lee.
Libertarians advocate for limiting federal power, self-government, and increased personal responsibility. Technically, Alaska is a state of the US. Alaska has one of the well known and largest political parties, Alaskan Independence Party that has its Libertarian and self-government beliefs such as increased Alaskan control of Alaskan land and an end to environmental regulation.
Last year, Scott Kohlhass, the hardcore Libertarian and the member of the Alaskan Independence Party that demanded Alaska's secession from the US. He used the 10th amendment and submitted hundred signature petition on that will permit Alaska to secede from the US, but the lieutenant governor rejected it. So, he sued and took it to the Alaskan superior court, accusing the lieutenant governor for refusing to sign a ballot petition for the Alaska's secession from the US. But the court stated the secession was unconstitutional (Thanks to one of the articles under the *
state* constitution, not the US constitution) and refused to grant petition to the Alaskan residents for a vote. If it weren't for article under the
state constitution, the ballot would be permitted to the Alaskan residents for a vote. Kohlhass intend to fight again.
I'm CA native and there have been a movement for CA independence for several years now. The majority of the movement insist secession from the US. There are several websites and blogs out that advocate for CA independence. Why? CA is a wealthy state, following Japan, Germany, UK, and France. Here's the official government website, Legislative Analyst's office.
Cal Facts 2004 State Economy
CA independence sites and blogs list
IndependentCalifornia.com - IndependentCalifornia.com
FREE_THE_BEAR California secession and independence
Free California
bearflag : The BearFlag Coalition
If anyone else cannot stand CA, there is a petition for CA secession from the US! *grins* Nope, I don't advocate for CA's secession at all.
A Petition for California's Secession from the Federal Government Petition
The Government is supposed to help people to rebuild their home in New Orleans, and they never did it. Most churches and charities refused to donate the money to help them - They put the money in their pocket. Many people donated their money to help the people. The government is not giving the money to replace a damage bridge in MN. The state is asking little people to donate it. That's a sad story.
Many American people do believe in self government. Many tax payers refuse to pay to help people to rebuild their homes in New Orleans for various reasons such as "If I were a tax payer, why would I pay for a person to refuse to leave its home when a person already knew Katrina hurricane was coming? A person has its own responsibility for its life. Tax payers cannot tell a person to leave because person makes its own decision, not tax payers' decision. Some persons cannot afford to leave their home because they have no money, but they have an opportunity and even plenty of times to sell their things to get money to get on a bus or a plane before the hurricane arrives. New Orleans always has been known for Mardi Gras, high crimes and poor people for years. Now, they're currently rebuilding New Orleans and had to re-change building codes to keep the places safe from hurricanes and floods in the future. For instance, they currently are placing the nearly 10 approx. foot (?) beams in the grounds that will support the houses. The houses should be built on the beams, not on the ground. When a hurricane makes fall, ocean will rise above the ground. At least, the houses will stand.
Many people are extremely cautious when they adopt Katrina victims to help out. But some of them have criminal backgrounds and are even offended molesters. Many people try to con people that they were pretending to be Katrina victims, so they would receive money from them. Scamming is one of the major problems in the US. FEMA already sent trailers for Katrina victims to stay in while they are given chances to rebuild the houses. Red Cross, organizations, and churches are currently helping New Orleans extremely slowly for many reasons.
Actually, it didn't surprise me that New Orleans was nearly ruined by a natural disaster. As the daughter of the Soil Scientist and Agronomist, I even took geology classes myself a decade ago before Bush was elected. Many geology professors and scientists always have been predicted for years and years that New Orleans shall be doomed and even had to badgering Louisiana state government, but LA state government chose to ignore them. The predication came true. In my amateur opinion, buildings and houses should
not be built below sea level. Ever. The US and state governments knew it would be wasteful to spend fortune to re-building the buildings and houses below the sea level. The soil sediment under New Orleans is extremely fine than sand and it is currently sinking. According to various data, by the year 2100, New Orleans will probably become the new Atlantis. By the 2050, several islands will vanish.