early vote for President US 2008 - R

Who is strong 2008 Presidential candidates for R?

  • Brownback, Sam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gilmore, Jim

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Giuliani, Rudy

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • Huckabee, Mike

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • Hunter, Duncan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCain, John

    Votes: 14 37.8%
  • Paul, Ron

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Romney, Mitt

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Thompson, Tommy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Brownback, Sam - Wants To Prevent Rape Victims From Having Abortions
Gilmore, Jim - Did a very good job running the state of Virginia
Giuliani, Rudy - He would make a good dictator.
Huckabee, Mike - Pressing his Christian morals
Hunter, Duncan - I prefer Duncan Hines
McCain, John - Out of money and ideas.
Paul, Ron - wants to do nothing about terrorism
Romney, Mitt - He can see bring this country back into balance.
Thompson, Tommy - loser

So I picked Mitt Romney.
Yeah, Mitt Romney isn't that bad, either. We'll look forward to it. When will ever an ex-muslim Obama Barack or Dictator Hillary quit the race? God, I hate them...

An ex-muslim Obama Barack wants to ban on semi-automatic guns? Are you fucking kidding me? There are no way in hell that I'm going to vote for him. Y'all ought to check an ex-muslim Obama's background. His father was an atheist. His mother was a muslim. Obama Barack was a muslim but, now, he's Catholic....WTF?
Yeah, Mitt Romney isn't that bad, either. We'll look forward to it. When will ever an ex-muslim Obama Barack or Dictator Hillary quit the race? God, I hate them...

An ex-muslim Obama Barack wants to ban on semi-automatic guns? Are you fucking kidding me? There are no way in hell that I'm going to vote for him. Y'all ought to check an ex-muslim Obama's background. His father was an atheist. His mother was a muslim. Obama Barack was a muslim but, now, he's Catholic....WTF?

Obama reminds me of Malcolm X. Hillary already pissed off friendly Iraqis.
Right. I was only focus on the gun control. I love to collect the military rifles. It's my dangerous hobby. Of course, Duncan and Paul got an A+ from the NRA (National Rifle Association.) Guess I'll have to look up more until the last minute of the election in November 2008.

I don't agree with McCain about to check the background at the local gun show. Don't care. It's 2nd Amendent, people.

I don't think he should run for the presidential election at all. His campaign staffers quit on him.

Yeah, Mitt Romney isn't that bad, either. We'll look forward to it. When will ever an ex-muslim Obama Barack or Dictator Hillary quit the race? God, I hate them...

An ex-muslim Obama Barack wants to ban on semi-automatic guns? Are you fucking kidding me? There are no way in hell that I'm going to vote for him. Y'all ought to check an ex-muslim Obama's background. His father was an atheist. His mother was a muslim. Obama Barack was a muslim but, now, he's Catholic....WTF?

Barack is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is a Christian. He spent time in both Muslim and Catholic schools.

Yes, he wants to ban semi-automatics and more possession restrictions.

He did say if he were the president, he would meet with Dictators. I love to collect political humor comics for my hobby.


  • obama_dictators.jpg
    29.4 KB · Views: 9
I never vote, like it really makes a difference in this day and age.
Yeah, Mitt Romney isn't that bad, either. We'll look forward to it. When will ever an ex-muslim Obama Barack or Dictator Hillary quit the race? God, I hate them...

An ex-muslim Obama Barack wants to ban on semi-automatic guns? Are you fucking kidding me? There are no way in hell that I'm going to vote for him. Y'all ought to check an ex-muslim Obama's background. His father was an atheist. His mother was a muslim. Obama Barack was a muslim but, now, he's Catholic....WTF?

No, Obama isn't much with practice on muslim, he's catholic since grew-up and it was influenced by his parent, catholic is his religion, that right, nothing to be wrong. I don't understand that you complain about muslim? If you hate them then you will be sorry, even I need call you an racist? no way, don't hate everyone.

For political, that is world, that is nothing what you want too, if Hillary won then how are you feeling? You know that election is just like gift as surprised, plus I don't act like out of control after saw Bush won on TV, just very upset, that all.

I had spent alot of research on Obama, not much is wrong, it's all about his benefit, plus there's nothing to be wrong about religion, though.

I'm between on both of Hillary and Obama. ;)
How about split the presidential into 4 or 5 regions like south (Texas is part of it), north, west, midwest or east then wouldn't be problem about much debate on different of parties.

It's my idea.
I'm assuming you're democrat liberal. Democrat liberal and Republican conversative. Wow...big difference, dude.

Well, if Obama or Hillary win the presidential election. I will be same thing as you did when Bush won in 2000.

I thought you don't like Hillary because she's against the gay marriage?

I may sound like Carlos Mencia but I'm not a racist. lol
I'm assuming you're democrat liberal. Democrat liberal and Republican conversative. Wow...big difference, dude.

Well, if Obama or Hillary win the presidential election. I will be same thing as you did when Bush won in 2000.

I thought you don't like Hillary because she's against the gay marriage?

I may sound like Carlos Mencia but I'm not a racist. lol

Your assume is right but communist and fascist would be bigger difference since communist is extremely liberal and fascist is extremely conservative.

It wasn't in 2000, but it happened in 2004, I was just don't care about political election in 2000 and not know about Bush or Al Gore, until I researched alot in last few years ago.

Hillary is just not support about gay marriage but gay marriage isn't my factors but rights is one of my factor, not marriage.

Oh well, I don't care because I'm not muslim, if I'm so then would be other something, there's largest muslim (Arabian) population in suburb of Detroit, gotta be careful, even can be in anywhere in USA.
How about split the presidential into 4 or 5 regions like south (Texas is part of it), north, west, midwest or east then wouldn't be problem about much debate on different of parties.

It's my idea.

Many people have been mentioning your same idea for years. On the contrary, it would lead to the debates, branches of armed forces, meetings, more government agencies, passports, departments, federal courts, federal laws, more finance, water rights, energy rights, crops, imports, exports, and illegal immigration. Some Alaskans want Alaska to secede from the US to become its own country, they would reject the US Constitution and will produce its own new Alaskan Constitution and have its armed forces. Hypothetically, If Alaska is a recognized country, the US is forced to pay more $$$ to purchase Alaskan oil imports from Alaska. The US may be forced to drill for oil in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, which is highly unlikely. If I visit Alaska, I have to carry my US passport with me. Let's say if CA is split up in half, it will become two states, Southern CA and Northern CA. Southern CA will be forced to raise its tax and purchase water imports from Northern CA. We already are at war over our water rights with AZ, NV, CO, NM, UT and CA because they all depend on Colorado River. Almost entire Southern CA, AZ and NV depend on Hoover Dam for energy. Though, CA is already a wealthy state; many insist CA is wealthy enough to become its own country.

I was reading the book the other day and thinking this quote is coherent.
"All governments -national, state, and local- have taken on more powers and duties. They have been forced to do so by the increase in population, the growth of cities and towns, the development of industries, and the growth of transportation and communications. Problems that were once local, such as conservation and transportation, have become national. The belief has developed that people should use government and other organizations to provide themselves with services, such as social security, made possible by modern wealth and science. As a result, the federal government has grown even faster than the state and local governments.
Many persons object to the expansion of federal authority, particularly over state and local matters. Others insist that public interest demands federal rather than state control in cases that involve more than one state. When conflicts arise, the courts must decide how to balance the rights of the states with the needs of the national government."
Many people have been mentioning your same idea for years. On the contrary, it would lead to the debates, branches of armed forces, meetings, more government agencies, passports, departments, federal courts, federal laws, more finance, water rights, energy rights, crops, imports, exports, and illegal immigration. Some Alaskans want Alaska to secede from the US to become its own country, they would reject the US Constitution and will produce its own new Alaskan Constitution and have its armed forces. Hypothetically, If Alaska is a recognized country, the US is forced to pay more $$$ to purchase Alaskan oil imports from Alaska. The US may be forced to drill for oil in Utah, Colorado and Wyoming, which is highly unlikely. If I visit Alaska, I have to carry my US passport with me. Let's say if CA is split up in half, it will become two states, Southern CA and Northern CA. Southern CA will be forced to raise its tax and purchase water imports from Northern CA. We already are at war over our water rights with AZ, NV, CO, NM, UT and CA because they all depend on Colorado River. Almost entire Southern CA, AZ and NV depend on Hoover Dam for energy. Though, CA is already a wealthy state; many insist CA is wealthy enough to become its own country.

I was reading the book the other day and thinking this quote is coherent.

U.S. already owns Alaska. We have too many government so we already cut down some agencies. We already won to prohibit oil industries to drill in Utah and maybe Colorado, but the case is not over yet. There is such no tax on water except purchasing bottle of waters at stores. The energy rights? It's up to a state to allow residences to share the energy with an electricity company from a windpower farm or a solar farm(?). We have no control over that unless you shut off the main electricity in your home. No government care about us anymore because we have overpopulation in our country.

The Congress people are happy that we have more people so the people pay their tax to gain Congress people's high lifestyle. Our soldiers are in a dangerous country to deal with the terrorists between life and death - I believe that they should receive to get the highest salary than the Congress.
Did any leader talks about the soldiers' salary? Probably none.

The Government is supposed to help people to rebuild their home in New Orleans, and they never did it. Most churches and charities refused to donate the money to help them - They put the money in their pocket. Many people donated their money to help the people. The government is not giving the money to replace a damage bridge in MN. The state is asking little people to donate it. That's a sad story.
Very sad, webexplorer but I quote part of your post to ask you a question.

The government is not giving the money to replace a damage bridge in MN. The state is asking little people to donate it. That's a sad story.

Do they have US taxes on toll road (road tax) in MN? If yes, but why can´t toll road tax cover the cost of damage bridge then? I thought toll road system is for building all roads, bridge, transportation, etc. they are suppose to cover it. I find strange that the state ask the people for donation for bridge replacement instead of use toll road tax system.
Very sad, webexplorer but I quote part of your post to ask you a question.

Do they have US taxes on toll road (road tax) in MN? If yes, but why can´t toll road tax cover the cost of damage bridge then? I thought toll road system is for building all roads, bridge, transportation, etc. they are suppose to cover it. I find strange that the state ask the people for donation for bridge replacement instead of use toll road tax system.

I do not live in MN. I haven't heard the update news about it. I may think that the toll bosses put the money in their pocket. I could be wrong. You got a good point.
U.S. already owns Alaska. We have too many government so we already cut down some agencies. We already won to prohibit oil industries to drill in Utah and maybe Colorado, but the case is not over yet. There is such no tax on water except purchasing bottle of waters at stores. The energy rights? It's up to a state to allow residences to share the energy with an electricity company from a windpower farm or a solar farm(?). We have no control over that unless you shut off the main electricity in your home. No government care about us anymore because we have overpopulation in our country.

The state and county secession proposals have been increasing lately across the US.. There is nothing barring state secession in the US Constitution. The 10th amendment says that powers not given to the federal government by the Constitutional belong to the states or people. That means the states needed to be assured that the federal government would NOT try to take over their constitutional powers and rights.

Look at what happened to the American Civil War. Southern states actually had the right to secede. General Robert Lee joined the Confederacy because the federal government had waged a war against one of Robert Lee's states just after VA had seceded. Believe it or not, Robert Lee had been an opponent of secession. Stonewall Jackson was the state's right type dude and joined with Robert Lee.

Libertarians advocate for limiting federal power, self-government, and increased personal responsibility. Technically, Alaska is a state of the US. Alaska has one of the well known and largest political parties, Alaskan Independence Party that has its Libertarian and self-government beliefs such as increased Alaskan control of Alaskan land and an end to environmental regulation.

Last year, Scott Kohlhass, the hardcore Libertarian and the member of the Alaskan Independence Party that demanded Alaska's secession from the US. He used the 10th amendment and submitted hundred signature petition on that will permit Alaska to secede from the US, but the lieutenant governor rejected it. So, he sued and took it to the Alaskan superior court, accusing the lieutenant governor for refusing to sign a ballot petition for the Alaska's secession from the US. But the court stated the secession was unconstitutional (Thanks to one of the articles under the *state* constitution, not the US constitution) and refused to grant petition to the Alaskan residents for a vote. If it weren't for article under the state constitution, the ballot would be permitted to the Alaskan residents for a vote. Kohlhass intend to fight again. :ugh:

I'm CA native and there have been a movement for CA independence for several years now. The majority of the movement insist secession from the US. There are several websites and blogs out that advocate for CA independence. Why? CA is a wealthy state, following Japan, Germany, UK, and France. Here's the official government website, Legislative Analyst's office. Cal Facts 2004 State Economy

CA independence sites and blogs list

IndependentCalifornia.com - IndependentCalifornia.com
FREE_THE_BEAR California secession and independence
Free California
bearflag : The BearFlag Coalition

If anyone else cannot stand CA, there is a petition for CA secession from the US! *grins* Nope, I don't advocate for CA's secession at all.
A Petition for California's Secession from the Federal Government Petition

The Government is supposed to help people to rebuild their home in New Orleans, and they never did it. Most churches and charities refused to donate the money to help them - They put the money in their pocket. Many people donated their money to help the people. The government is not giving the money to replace a damage bridge in MN. The state is asking little people to donate it. That's a sad story.

Many American people do believe in self government. Many tax payers refuse to pay to help people to rebuild their homes in New Orleans for various reasons such as "If I were a tax payer, why would I pay for a person to refuse to leave its home when a person already knew Katrina hurricane was coming? A person has its own responsibility for its life. Tax payers cannot tell a person to leave because person makes its own decision, not tax payers' decision. Some persons cannot afford to leave their home because they have no money, but they have an opportunity and even plenty of times to sell their things to get money to get on a bus or a plane before the hurricane arrives. New Orleans always has been known for Mardi Gras, high crimes and poor people for years. Now, they're currently rebuilding New Orleans and had to re-change building codes to keep the places safe from hurricanes and floods in the future. For instance, they currently are placing the nearly 10 approx. foot (?) beams in the grounds that will support the houses. The houses should be built on the beams, not on the ground. When a hurricane makes fall, ocean will rise above the ground. At least, the houses will stand.

Many people are extremely cautious when they adopt Katrina victims to help out. But some of them have criminal backgrounds and are even offended molesters. Many people try to con people that they were pretending to be Katrina victims, so they would receive money from them. Scamming is one of the major problems in the US. FEMA already sent trailers for Katrina victims to stay in while they are given chances to rebuild the houses. Red Cross, organizations, and churches are currently helping New Orleans extremely slowly for many reasons.

Actually, it didn't surprise me that New Orleans was nearly ruined by a natural disaster. As the daughter of the Soil Scientist and Agronomist, I even took geology classes myself a decade ago before Bush was elected. Many geology professors and scientists always have been predicted for years and years that New Orleans shall be doomed and even had to badgering Louisiana state government, but LA state government chose to ignore them. The predication came true. In my amateur opinion, buildings and houses should not be built below sea level. Ever. The US and state governments knew it would be wasteful to spend fortune to re-building the buildings and houses below the sea level. The soil sediment under New Orleans is extremely fine than sand and it is currently sinking. According to various data, by the year 2100, New Orleans will probably become the new Atlantis. By the 2050, several islands will vanish.
I watched on the news that these people who slept in their temporary mobile. After they moved to their new home, many mobiles were vandalized. The Government put them on eBay for lower prices. Now, I understand that the Government will not help them in case of another hurricane. This will punish them what they had done wrong in the first place from stealing things in the mobile. I don't remember what did George Bush said about this problem on a national news.

I could imagine how a new president deal with this chaos. In a cruel question, how many people have a better IQ in the U.S.? These people in New Orleans have very low IQ so that means that they are not bright enough to know the difference right from wrong.

Here is the picture that might happen in 2057. Some people said that nothing happened in year of 2000. It is happening slowly in New Orleans so we may think that this is the being. Who do you think the best candidate to be the president of the U.S. that would prevent this happen in the future?

I watched on the news that these people who slept in their temporary mobile. After they moved to their new home, many mobiles were vandalized. The Government put them on eBay for lower prices. Now, I understand that the Government will not help them in case of another hurricane. This will punish them what they had done wrong in the first place from stealing things in the mobile. I don't remember what did George Bush said about this problem on a national news.

I could imagine how a new president deal with this chaos. In a cruel question, how many people have a better IQ in the U.S.? These people in New Orleans have very low IQ so that means that they are not bright enough to know the difference right from wrong.

Here is the picture that might happen in 2057. Some people said that nothing happened in year of 2000. It is happening slowly in New Orleans so we may think that this is the being. Who do you think the best candidate to be the president of the U.S. that would prevent this happen in the future?

People need to move away from the coast. A baby knows "the difference right from wrong". Nobody would not "prevent this happen in the future".
We can't control Mother Nature.
What Platecafe said.

We do not have the ability to control Mother Nature. We have to know how, and why it works. Actually, Mother Nature shapes our cultures, wars, and diseases in any way and form. We have to learn to accept Mother Nature and have to adapt the way and where we live.

I live in earthquake and brushfire prone area. I'm aware of the consequences I chose to face to deal with Mother Nature. I don't expect the state and federal government to help building my house because they don't live in my house! I chose to be prepared to gather and store my food, emergency kits, emergency cash, flashlights, candles, and everything in case if mother nature disaster occurs. It is extremely important people NEED to be prepared and educated constantly storing their food, emergency kits, flashlights, blankets, and everything. Don't forget to take the pictures of your home that belong to you for insurances. Thats the emergency preparedness. That's what the federal, states, counties governments and agencies have been trying to tell us to be prepared. They already spent fortune on emergency kits, programs for schools to educate people, encouraging them to insurance their houses, and brochures. But some people who live in brushfire prone areas chose to NOT listen to the governments because they are told constantly to clear out weeds, and plants 15-30 foot away from the houses, so it would prevent fire from destroying houses. Unfortunately, some houses were destroyed because they did NOT clear out weeds and plants. That's their problems. Why would I want the state government to re-build their house? No. The owners should be paying out of their pockets and insurances because they made a poor judgement of not clearing out weeds and plants. Thats the consequence they should face and learn the lessons.

I knew a friend's sister whose house burned down twice due to the brushfires. She was fed up with brushfires and decided to move back to Washington State. That's her choice. She chose to not face the consequences of dealing with brushfire again. Now, She is doing well. How? She had emergency kits, insurances and everything she was supposed to do to make her comfortable as much as possible.
The Government is supposed to help people to rebuild their home in New Orleans, and they never did it. Most churches and charities refused to donate the money to help them - They put the money in their pocket. Many people donated their money to help the people. The government is not giving the money to replace a damage bridge in MN. The state is asking little people to donate it. That's a sad story.
If my house burned down, should federal taxpayers rebuild it for me? What about the famous Looney Tunes music store in New York? (
) What if I decide to build myself a house on top of a volcano and don't buy volcano insurance? Should the government then rebuild my house when that volcano erupts? If people are going to live in an area where disasters like this are highly likely, shouldn't they have some responsibility to buy the proper insurance? If the federal government rebuilds their house, doesn't that screw over the guy down the street who has been paying for flood insurance for years? After that, why should they buy flood insurance if they know the government would just rebuild for them yet again?

The great thing about this country is the people are so giving. People from all around donated billions of dollars for Katrina recovery. I really don't know what you're talking about saying the charities refused to help. In fact, it was government that blocked them from going in and helping.

As for Minnesota, that's state infrastructure, so it is the responsibility of the state government, not the federal government. It is paid for by state tax dollars, not donations from "little people". Taxes should not be seen as donations because donations imply a free will to give whereas taxes are law. It is interesting that you word it that way though. Perhaps that's a good way to summarize the difference between conservatives and liberals.
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