Does it bother you when someone smoke?....

Yuck Smoking Yucky!
Hated smoking and hate the smell of marijuana even more.

I knew from when I was 4, I never wanted to smoke, so I never have. None of my family smokes now. Well, maybe my eldest nephew, but who knows with him.

So if I am seeking a Mr.Right, he'd have to be a non-smoker.
I agree.

When a person smokes weed, I can smell it very easily.

When I worked at a local video rental store years ago, there would be times when a customer came in and reeked of marijuana smoke. Just from walking around, they leave a trail of marijuana smell. Ugh!
Suppose Mr. Right posses all the characteristics that u value and are attracted to and his one and only flaw is that he smokes? That was what happened with my hubby and I. He was everything I wanted in a man except for the smoking part.

Sheesh, please don't put a pox on my wish, thankyou.

Well, in that case, I'd probably ask him to try and quit or cut it WAY down.
If somebody smoke cigarette in my home, i'll shotgun at his or her stick and she or he will scare like he or she saw ghost right front of her or him.

Otherwise, i smoke weed for medicine purpose: ADHD. Of course, i wont abuse that because i have no intent to abuse it for pleasure, its purpose for my medicine. Of course, will stay away from the places where is very common or crowd. I have common sense-
I agree, Vampy

Marijuana smells much more stronger than cigarettes. I can easy smell it from walking in the hall of the hotel.
I agree, Vampy

Marijuana smells much more stronger than cigarettes. I can easy smell it from walking in the hall of the hotel.

I agree! Much much much stronger than cigarettes so anyone trying to hide the smell is only kidding themselves.
It does bother me when someone smoked a ciagrette.
i dont like someone who smoke because of smell that spread to my hair and clothes. i'm against ciagrette but i can't do anything about it. it made me mad when someone smoked a ciagrette.

Yes, I hate it! It's gross!
Smoking is outright gross!

I have been told that being overweight is same as smoking! I said, your hell wrong because smoking increases much risk of getting lung cancer, and other irreversable damages while being fat may risk but at much lower rate than smoking!

I don't understand why 5 dollars a pack, and whenever outside is downright cold, yet people smoke anyway! This is insane!
I hate to rain on smokers..but it is very dangerous habit.
I know a deaf man, who never, ever smoked but yet
he died of lung cancer, why? because his parents were
chain smokers. He grew up inhaling their second hand
smoke all his life and so about 2 years ago, he developed
a lesion on his lung that turned out to be cancer..
Of course, his parents died years before he did..
I know a couple of people that has died from cigarette
related diseases....
I realize it is an addiction that is very hard to break, but it
is not an excuse..cuz there are all kinds of help available.
My husband has successfully quit on this new prescription
called "Chantix"..Im real proud of him!

Yeah, i do hate the smell of cigs so im thankful that he quit!
It does stink and stink up everything in the house and your,
clothes and hair! Now, its great since he quit.....its soooo
wonderful not have to smell and inhale this dangerous stuff!!
I agree, Vampy

Marijuana smells much more stronger than cigarettes. I can easy smell it from walking in the hall of the hotel.
One time, I went to a hotel with my family for Spring Break vacation. When we went in one room, it reeked of marijuana. Since my dad used to be a police officer, he knew what marijuana smelled like. I also recognized the smell, but I didn't say anything cuz I didn't want him to wonder how I knew what marijuana smelled like. :Ohno:

Of course, during RA training... they have special incense that smells like marijuana. The campus safety officer lit it up and passed it around the room so that the RAs would know what it smelled like and know what it was if they ever smelled it in the dorms. :)
Suppose Mr. Right posses all the characteristics that u value and are attracted to and his one and only flaw is that he smokes? That was what happened with my hubby and I. He was everything I wanted in a man except for the smoking part.

Didn't you forget the messing-up-the-house-right-after-you-cleaned? :giggle:
Didn't you forget the messing-up-the-house-right-after-you-cleaned? :giggle:

LOL!!! Gosh...just one of those things that drives me nuts from time to time and on that day, I was really seriously annoyed by him. Now, he is folding all the clothes...hahaha!
How about this picture for your kitchen - above the doorway the sign?

Well even though I am smoker, if someone leave a cigarette butt still smoking in the ashtray and the smoke from the cigarette butt come to my face then it does bother me, also the cigars are the far out the worst to me. The cigar's smoke are like smog and more heaviest smoke than any smoking products that I've tried. I don't really mind if someone or myself to smoke in the house, but have to have the window open so that the smoke won't stick inside the house.

Smoking in the house that you cannot smell because your sense of smell gets used it everyday. Opening the window to let the air come in that won't work. Good try. The only way is for you to affirm yourself to quit smoking. That's it. I know that it is easy for me to say that to you.

I remember when I was at someone's house to help him to wash the cabinet. The color was yellow on a wet rag that smelled so horrible. I ran outside and threw up. I tried to wash the cabinet again, and I gave it up and ran outside to threw up again. I told him that I can't stand it, and went home. Yuck!!
I forbid visitors to smoke at my place. It is MY home. The smoker can smoke at his or her home. Fine with me but I will stay outside and chat. lol ..... I don't enjoy the smell and it is disgusting.
For smokers who have smoke for years and it is hard for them to quit right away because of the nicotine in their system. Have to wean out ... cut down slowly.
Yeah. But Marijuana will go away for 30 minutes. Cigarette is easy to stick on walls and clothes and hair. Marijuana will not sick on hair or clothes. Some people put marijuana in pocket and can smell it easy or smoke recently. It will be easy to smell quickly. In 30 min passed. Smoke joint burn it's easy to smell as long than a pipe.

I can smell Marijuana, cigarette and cigars very well. I have a keen of sense on my smell. My next door always smoke a cigar all the times!!!! It's bother me when I get out of hallway. I can't do anything with my next door. It's not my business. I am not allow smoking in my apt period! Smoking is OUTSIDE!!!!

I agree, Vampy

Marijuana smells much more stronger than cigarettes. I can easy smell it from walking in the hall of the hotel.
Hated smoking and hate the smell of marijuana even more.

I knew from when I was 4, I never wanted to smoke, so I never have. None of my family smokes now. Well, maybe my eldest nephew, but who knows with him.

So if I am seeking a Mr.Right, he'd have to be a non-smoker.

Very true. I am a non-smoker but the smell of smoking doesn't bother me when they smoke distance from me but marijuana... I can't stand marijuana... My some friends are smokers - they smoke outside, I chat with them, not too close to them.