Does AD Make You Hungry? Part 2

ahhh, but, though I eat the way I described 95% of time, you should see me with DESSERT!
Thanks for making me look bad j/k :giggle:

We stopped at a health food store on the way home today and I had orange juice, cashews with sea salt, and my husband had some organic coffee.

yum, Bott, makes me want to go health food store again < was already there today>! :D Had you been to that health food place before?

Equal Exchange makes nice little pouches of Fair Trade almonds and pecans.
I like nuts a lot more now than I did as a kid, which is good as they're a good source of protein for me. Sometimes I put them in my oatmeal.
We stop in sometimes, but it is in a town thirty miles away. We have our own health food store, but the one we went to today is in a college town so popular and more selections.
ahhh, but, though I eat the way I described 95% of time, you should see me with DESSERT!

What kind of desserts? I love cheese cakes, coffee cakes. pies etc I make them myself from a cookbook. I wish I knew how to make my own ice cream :lol:
I like ALL dessert but especially CHOCOLATE! DARK CHOCOLATE! Ice cream I can't usually have cause of allergies, unless it's non-dairy ice cream. I really like fruit and pumpkin pie too! And I like fruit sorbet and gelato. I usually only have dessert when my husband and I go to eat with my folks on weekends, and then I either split w/someone or have some and take rest home.
I bet the desserts you make are great, Pepsi! How did you start making them - your family likes baking? What is your favorite thing to make?
We had homemade cheesecake at my wedding. It was a guy's home business and he made like 40 different kinda cheesecake. We got TWO cheesecakes and picked them up at his house. One was a multi-layer fudge thing and both were wonderful!
Maybe sometime you could take a rainy day try to make your ice cream, use one of those old churns, just to see how it goes. That way you could put your own stuff in! I bet you could look on Internet and find out how!
I don't know of that Tin Star restaurant, seems like something hubby would LOVE - was burger spicy?
I like ALL dessert but especially CHOCOLATE! DARK CHOCOLATE! Ice cream I can't usually have cause of allergies, unless it's non-dairy ice cream. I really like fruit and pumpkin pie too! And I like fruit sorbet and gelato. I usually only have dessert when my husband and I go to eat with my folks on weekends, and then I either split w/someone or have some and take rest home.
I bet the desserts you make are great, Pepsi! How did you start making them - your family likes baking? What is your favorite thing to make?
We had homemade cheesecake at my wedding. It was a guy's home business and he made like 40 different kinda cheesecake. We got TWO cheesecakes and picked them up at his house. One was a multi-layer fudge thing and both were wonderful!
Maybe sometime you could take a rainy day try to make your ice cream, use one of those old churns, just to see how it goes. That way you could put your own stuff in! I bet you could look on Internet and find out how!

I'm sorry to hear about your allergies.

Wow! you do like desserts :)

I remember when my daughter was little she beg me for an ice cream maker and I got her one for Christmas and she use it one time but it was good but it was made for kids.

Your right I could look it up and learn how to make homemade ice cream :)

I started when I was a teen I learn from my mother and grandmother, I like all kinds I think my favorite would be Heavenly Lemon Angel Cake I love that stuff :giggle:
I did just consume a gluten free fruit and cereal bar. It wasn't that bad. :)
Pepsi, that Heavenly Angel Lemon Cake....oh, yum! Do you put like lemon juice or zest in it? Do you have find memories of baking with your mom and grandma? I bet your family's kitchen smelled wonderful! My dad LOVES lemon desserts. He also especially loves chocolate. Think I got my "sweet tooth" from him, he'll eat any kinda dessert. But he gets lots exercise working security - walks constantly and likes to swim - so he is able to have so much dessert.

That's a nice present you gave your kids, they have such fleeting interests sometimes though. Have you seen that new ice cream maker gadget that supposed to be for use at like a camp or backyard barbecue? I saw at REI and we got one for my nieces - like a more modern take of the old "churn style". I don't remember it all that well but I think it was some kinda ball-shaped thing and it came with instructions and "ice cream starter" or something.

Botti, I've tried some of the gluten-free things at the health food store and I did like them, but I still realized that "gluten-free" does not mean "unrefined" or free of sugar, etc. Just that rice, potato starch, tapioca or garbanzo bean flour is used in place of a glutinous grain. But I do like that more options are available for folks with celiac or wheat allergy. One of my favorite gluten-free things is quinoa - have you tried?
I just got some local, raw crackers at farmer's market. Name - Caroline's Raw and Homemade Crackers <of various flavors>. And she does raw chocolate granola chunks too but I haven't tried those. But the crackers were great!
Quinoa pasta is one of the things I have made from that. I also have pasta made from corn.
oh yes, have seen the corn and quinoa pastas in the health food store! Have not tried the pasta with those. I usually buy Ezekiel Sprouted Whole Grain Pasta.
so you make your own pastas - bet that tastes really fresh! How long to make? What kind sauce do you like on your pasta?
oh yes, have seen the corn and quinoa pastas in the health food store! Have not tried the pasta with those. I usually buy Ezekiel Sprouted Whole Grain Pasta.
so you make your own pastas - bet that tastes really fresh! How long to make? What kind sauce do you like on your pasta?

To make pasta, it is just a matter of making the noodle dough and running it through the cutter. It is not time consuming.

For sauce I like marinara with meat the most, but pesto is also good.

And to finish all this healthy talk, I did just eat a Fifth Avenue candy bar. ;)
Are they better than Taco Bell? :)
Eh... sorta. It depends on what you're looking for.

It's not exactly a Mexican restaurant like Taco Bell. It's more of an Americanized Mexican restaurant. For instance, they have hamburger tacos. They cut a beef patty in half and serve them in tortillas... and top them as they would top regular hamburgers with buns.

So, it's nothing to compare to Taco Bell. It's like comparing Outback with TGIF.
Eh... sorta. It depends on what you're looking for.

It's not exactly a Mexican restaurant like Taco Bell. It's more of an Americanized Mexican restaurant. For instance, they have hamburger tacos. They cut a beef patty in half and serve them in tortillas... and top them as they would top regular hamburgers with buns.

So, it's nothing to compare to Taco Bell. It's like comparing Outback with TGIF.

Okay, I didn't know :)