You lost me.
You lost me.
And don't say anything else, Jiro. I do believe they could use that money for other things than trying to "cure" something that isn't "sick". If you know what I mean.
And don't say anything else, Jiro. I do believe they could use that money for other things than trying to "cure" something that isn't "sick". If you know what I mean.
You got that right when deafness is not a sickness or illness. Why do hearing people have to put up with the "fix"ness on us when we are not sick? We are born with it and also for late deafness, it just happen to lose hearing when something goes wrong with their hearing. I understand most late deafend want to gain their hearing back the way it was, but gotta understand that going back to hearing is not the same like normal hearing what they had before. :roll:
for late deaf - I'm sure they know they're not expecting to regain it 100% but they'd love it if they can regain it as close it can get. and I support that for them but I do not support the "cure" to be forcibly used on infants born deaf like what Sweden government did to deaf children with CI.
as long as this cure is a choice, fine with me.
I understand most late deafend want to gain their hearing back the way it was, but gotta understand that going back to hearing is not the same like normal hearing what they had before.Hearing aids and CIs don't return the hearing to the way it was before but who is to say that a cure won't come along that will fully restore hearing. I agree with Jiro....A cure would be great for those who want it as long as it is not forced on others. But what I can't stand is the pessimism in the post above. We have no idea what science may be capable of in the years to come. Science put a man on the moon. I am sure no one thought that was possible years prior. I am sure no one thought that heart transplants, hearing aids,captel, CIs , hip replacements and many other things were possible at one time or another. But they are. Why not think positive for those who do want to hear again.
Why not think positive for those who do want to hear again.
that's why I keep saying that this thread and poll are poorly constructed. Many of us come have had horrible childhood experience relating to deafness. This poorly-worded question triggered that traumatic experience - the hearing parents or hearing teacher or audists forced us to learn to listen and forced us to talk. They forced their hearing idealism on us in a cruel way.
now you see why this thread is an epic fail? To ask a simple question whether or not if you support a cure for deafness, one must carefully construct a question while keeping in mind about deafies' traumatic experience since it's very common and incredibly widespread to this date. Most importantly - one should show a behavior in a hospitable way in order to elicit deafies' true answer to this question.
One did no such thing and one is not interested in communicating with us on a more personal level. One is only interested in creating a divide in this community. Why? because that's where one gets the gratification from.... :roll:
Good point about the childhood memories. I can't really relate to that.
I can relate to the pressure though. I get the "why don't you get a CI" stuff alot. I hate it. My not wanting a CI isn't about deaf culture though because I am only now beginning to meet deaf people (not against deaf culture just not a big part of it yet). I don't want a CI because I have already been operated on enough. Recovering from the labrynthectomy was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I had to learn to walk all over again because I had no balance at all. So to all those people that want me to get a CI (none are in here). No thanks. I would rather not have my head opened up AGAIN!!!!![]()
I find it an insult when they say they want to cure deafness. What, they not happy with deaf people for just the they are? To me, it's like finding a cure for dark pigment so everyone will be white.
I find it an insult when they say they want to cure deafness. What, they not happy with deaf people for who they are?
The audiologist this morning was asking why I would not consider a CI. She went on and on, and I had provided all the info on my hearing loss journey from birth. She finally read the report from the St. Louis University Dept of Otolaryngology, where it says "She is not a candidate of a cochlear implant. It will not help her regain any of her lost hearing. She is not a candidate of Hearing amplification. Her era drums are gone and her loss is such that there is nothing to help."
I don't think you realize how many people feel that deafness is a serious problem. Throughout the history and right now. This is not a comestic issue for them.
I think they should just fund their own research. I am not against that.