Yes I know myself because my oldest son also was an ADD, too. I noticed my son was hyper when he was over 6 months old. I check with child physican. He said it´s normal and wait few years time. Few years later, - very aggressive, hyperactive ,wild, disrespect, ... He was so wild when I spanked him... Also at first school, so worst... The child physican confirmed that he has an ADD what I suspected an earlier so he send him to therapies to train to improve his behavior..... I accompanied him to there for over 2 years. I received alot of tips there to improve my son´s behavior. Now my son is teenager and show not very much of his ADD behavior.
I am total surprised that nobody advised or gave you tips how to take care of ADD children. I recieve a lot of tips and advise how to deal with my ADD son from therapies. All what I do is change his diet. - no sweets after 2 pm, no junk foods, foods with addifical, chemistry... list of addifical, chemsitry... Break from TV or computer games one hour before bedtime, sport to get out of aggressive... A thread creator created a thread about ADD children. I posted and shared the information how to help ADD children there somewhere in 2004. I am sure some ADers know that I have an ADD child.
It does improve his behavior now & more better than before.... He respect me more & more than before... He does very well at school. He´s the best student in the class... He is a class speaker. I´m proud to say this ... He´s very calm teenager and doesn´t break public law. He is a very sporter. love bicycle. Respectful teenager. He can talk anything open with me without fear.
Without therapies´s tips, what happened to him? Perhaps rebel, crime, alochol, disrespectful? I thank therapies for positive my son´s ADD behavior.
Noooooooooooooo - Never spank problematic child. I am glad that you did not spank him. I spanked my ADD son when he was a little. Therapy told me to not do that and give me positive tips. She explained that it create a huge problem when problematic child (ADD, ADHD, different disorders) become teenager or hit puberty. Aggressive, Volience, etc.
I stop to spank him after learn from therapy.
My younger son don´t have ADD as his oldest brother. I took therapy´s tips to use form of discipline my younger son without spank him. Now he is 11 years old. I really have NO problem with him and his respectful behavior. It belong good patience to positive my both sons behavior.
I myself has a ADD child... NO, I disagree with you.
No need, I already deal with ADD son...
His ADD behavior did not show very much at his teenage time which is great... Yes work hard to improve his behavior but worth...
I am sorry to say that I am surprised that Experts said this to you? It look like that they don´t enjoy their job to deal with problematic children or what? If the people who want to become Expert to help ADD or any disorder children then job is right for them.
Yes I remember. I never, never, never forget how I had been suffer being spanked with belt, padding, brush, hands... Horrible... I am really glad that caption and phyiscal punishment are banned in many EU countries.
Can you explain how well-being child come from without spanking when spanking banned in many EU countries?
Again, I raise an ADD son either.
I know what it alike... Thank God that his ADD behavior is gone... perhaps a very little... not really very much...
Sure, our children are no angel but it´s great to positive their behavior.
I had my son and myself both in seperate counseling sessions. One for him and one for me and then we had home based counseling too. Home based is where the counselors come to your home and observe the behavior at home.
The reason they couldnt offer any suggestions was because I was already doing everything they would have suggested that I do. I had him on a strict diet, a very rigid schedule, positive reinforcements, what they called the 9 steps- I was already doing it. I did everything I could to straighten him up.
I believe I should have spanked him and maybe just maybe it would have helped correct him more.
The school had trouble with him too Liebling. They would call me and ask me what to do. Im like I dont know and neither does the counselors but here is what I do at home.
We were in counseling for a total of 7 years Liebling. It started showing up when he was about 3 and then I seeked counseling for him when he was 5 an we continued with counseling till they day they took him out of our home.
BUT Liebling what speaks VOLUMES to me is that CHILDRENS SERVICES couldnt handle him either! And they were the so called experts! They decided to take him out of his foster home and put him somewhere tougher to deal with him! Liebling if they couldn't deal with him, these so called experts, then how was I to do so?
Luckily now he is 16 and has grown out of the ADD. As typically happens with juvenile ADD children. More than likely your son just grew out of the ADD behaviour. Very rarely, * it does happen* but rarely does a child display ADD behaviour into adulthood.
I was spanked as a child with many different items, and I am fine today despite that happening. I grew up respecting adults and didnt really give my mother too much trouble growing up. I do not believe my mother abused me through spankings even when she used a switch. I mean sure it hurt but it sure got her point across also.
I used to be just like you though Liebling and not believe in spankings. But since then my mind is definitely changed.