When a child's parent does it that is neglect..When society accept it regardless..that is apathy.
Many years ago before the government took over, schools were control by parents participation. Once again, look at the huge mess the government made (with apathy of the people)
If you are talking about before the public school system came into being, you are going too far back to even address the issues. Most kids didn't even get an 8th grade education during that period of time. Many, many more adults, hearing and deaf, were illiterate prior to the public school system being instituted.[/COLOR
]Mandatory attendance was made a legal concept because a small number of parents did not control their kid's attendance. The lack of parents discipline brought about this concept.
No, mandatory attendance until a specific age has been in existence as long as the public school system has existed.
My grandfather and grandmother used a belt when necessary. My mother and my father used a belt when necessary. And I know all my cousins would say the same thing. You can't find a "bad" among any of us. You, the government nor anybody else should have a say in child discipline.....child abuse yes but of all the many, many times I and my cousins got the belt, never once came close to abuse.
You are entitle to you opinion but keep it in your head our a public forum, don't dare right to tel parents how to discipline their child.