Designing A Hearing Baby

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You bet I did. Are they Gods? If I think they are wrong and apply a double standard to posters depending upon their views then I am not going to stand by and let them treat people that way. If they are so petty that they think they are above criticisim and I get banned sobeit, it only proves my point.

Yes, I am aware that Fuzzy is not hearing but she is also a strong supporter of cochlear implants for children.

But its not a double standard (very heavy sarcasam noted).

Maybe its the use of smilies in virtually every one of one's posts that prevents one from being banned? (Sarcasam alert)

BTW who are the many ci users you claim agree with you, there are very few and not many.

Oh I see. I met many CI users last night..some supported CI in children, some didnt. It was interesting. Everyone is different but important we all accept each other. Not a big deal.

It's best not to make assumptions based on what you think the reason of them being banned, nobody in here knows the reason, and you're having that wild imagination running in that mind of yours isn't helping anyone or yourself.

Let's not pull this thread off-topic

I agree...
Only from your paranoid perspective. How does it feel to be in the minority, rick? Don't like it when others tell you what you should do, how you should think, how you should feel? Congratualtions.....that is something the hearing world does to deaf/Deaf people on a daily basis. Not very comfortable , is it. Makes you angry doesn't it? You have jsut stepped intothe same situation that deaf/Deaf people endure every day of their lives. If you have an ounce of humanity in you, you will use the experience to develop emapthy and understanding of why the daf feel the way they do, why they react to many of the views that hearing hold about deaf the way they do, and why so amny of your psots are utterly offensive to them. But I doubt seriously that you have the isnight to be able to do that.

You bet I did. Are they Gods? If I think they are wrong and apply a double standard to posters depending upon their views then I am not going to stand by and let them treat people that way. If they are so petty that they think they are above criticisim and I get banned sobeit, it only proves my point.

Yes, I am aware that Fuzzy is not hearing but she is also a strong supporter of cochlear implants for children.

But its not a double standard (very heavy sarcasam noted).

Maybe its the use of smilies in virtually every one of one's posts that prevents one from being banned? (Sarcasam alert)

BTW who are the many ci users you claim agree with you, there are very few and not many.

People are not banned because of their POVs. They are not banned for expressing differeing viewpoints and engaging in civil, productive discussion of those differeing viewpoints. They are banned for disrespectful posts, name calling, false accusations, and bad attitude. Inshort, they are banned becuase they never learned to"work and play well with others." Take heed, rick.
You bet I did. Are they Gods? If I think they are wrong and apply a double standard to posters depending upon their views then I am not going to stand by and let them treat people that way. If they are so petty that they think they are above criticisim and I get banned sobeit, it only proves my point.

Yes, I am aware that Fuzzy is not hearing but she is also a strong supporter of cochlear implants for children.

But its not a double standard (very heavy sarcasam noted).

Maybe its the use of smilies in virtually every one of one's posts that prevents one from being banned? (Sarcasam alert)

BTW who are the many ci users you claim agree with you, there are very few and not many.

Look around this board. Many, many CI users agree with the majority. Look around in the real world, not just the limited world of the oral CI users. Many, many agree with the prevailing opinions on this board. You have dalt with one deaf child in one very limited circumstance. Deafness is a part of the daily lives in a very real and all encompasssing way for the majority of these posters. We have experience beyond one child.
Originally Posted by Cheri

It's best not to make assumptions based on what you think the reason of them being banned, nobody in here knows the reason, and you're having that wild imagination running in that mind of yours isn't helping anyone or yourself.

Let's not pull this thread off-topic

People are not banned because of their POVs. They are not banned for expressing differeing viewpoints and engaging in civil, productive discussion of those differeing viewpoints. They are banned for disrespectful posts, name calling, false accusations, and bad attitude. Inshort, they are banned becuase they never learned to"work and play well with others." Take heed, rick.

Yes, that´s right.

It's best not to make assumptions based on what you think the reason of them being banned, nobody in here knows the reason, and you're having that wild imagination running in that mind of yours isn't helping anyone or yourself.

Let's not pull this thread off-topic

BTW who are the many ci users you claim agree with you, there are very few and not many.

Very few? wow :eek3:.... I say no more further...

For your information, I met many CI and HA users in real life. :) We shared postive and negative experiences. Some are happy, some not. I repeated their experiences in several threads...
Last night I went to Deaf professional happy hour and met a lot of new people and many of them grew up with CIs. Some Deaf people who didnt have CIs, including me, were asking them questions about their CIs. Got good info but one thing they all emphasized the importance of having the Deaf community and ASL because it is a special bond regardless how well they can hear with their CIs. I thought that was really cool.

BTW...nobody looked down on them last night. Not one person and there had to be at least 100 Deaf people there.

It is all about supporting each other not about the person's ability to hear or comparing each other's hearing levels.

Too often I see many parents talk about how well the child can hear. Ok great but let's move on. That's how most Deaf people see it...the hearing ability is not the defining trait of the person. Unfortunately, the hearing people put too much focus on that. One situation like that did happen last night. The bartender at the bar kept saying to one person who had a CI that he has heard about the devices and kept asking that person how well he can hear with it. He got fed up with those questions and told the bartender to pls make his drink.

Just was interesting to observe it all and it made me think of the discussions here on AD.

Very good parallel to what goes on here a lot of the time. Okay, your kid can hear withtheir CI. Some posters can hear with their HA. Let's move beyond the ears, please.
Only from your paranoid perspective. How does it feel to be in the minority, rick? Don't like it when others tell you what you should do, how you should think, how you should feel? Congratualtions.....that is something the hearing world does to deaf/Deaf people on a daily basis. Not very comfortable , is it. Makes you angry doesn't it? You have jsut stepped intothe same situation that deaf/Deaf people endure every day of their lives. If you have an ounce of humanity in you, you will use the experience to develop emapthy and understanding of why the daf feel the way they do, why they react to many of the views that hearing hold about deaf the way they do, and why so amny of your psots are utterly offensive to them. But I doubt seriously that you have the isnight to be able to do that.

Don't feel angry at all. Just realize the parameters of what you have to deal with on this forum but thanks for proving my point about the double standard that exists!
People are not banned because of their POVs. They are not banned for expressing differeing viewpoints and engaging in civil, productive discussion of those differeing viewpoints. They are banned for disrespectful posts, name calling, false accusations, and bad attitude. Inshort, they are banned becuase they never learned to"work and play well with others." Take heed, rick.

If what you say is true then how many times have you been banned?
Don't feel angry at all. Just realize the parameters of what you have to deal with on this forum but thanks for proving my point about the double standard that exists!

What double standards? I even got into a few bickering threads with other Deaf AD members here in the religion section when it was open and got a warning. Nothing to do with being Deaf, deaf, or hearing.
Don't feel angry at all. Just realize the parameters of what you have to deal with on this forum but thanks for proving my point about the double standard that exists!

What double standard, rick? Is it a double standard that those who insist on being offensive are banned, and those who do not retain their ability to participate in discussion forums? How is that a double standard.

And, if you did not find your position as a minority on this board uncomfortable, you would not constantly claim that you are being treated differently that everyone else simply because you are a hearing parent who has implanted their child. All of your posts refer to it.
If what you say is true then how many times have you been banned?

and how many times were you banned? how does that make you feel to be asked that question?

It's nobody's business who got banned and for what reason however-so.
So, deaf/Deaf adults who have lived as deaf/Deaf children ahve no idea what it is to be deaf/Deaf?

And how dare you call anyone a hypocrite! To claim that your needs wer not the first addressed in your decision is the most hypocritical statement ever made. Of course your needs were the first addressed. YOU needed for your daughter to hear and speak. YOU needed for your daughter to conform to your way of life. YOU needed for your daughter to be part of your hearing world. YOU refused to learn sign language. YOU refused to connect to other deaf who are not oral. YOU needed to restrict your daughter to an oral environment. To say that your needs had no influence on your decisons is self delusional.

If they do not have deaf children and have not made the cochlear implant decision then they do not know what we parents have experienced.

Sorry, JT from L but you have no idea of what went into our cochlear implant decision and you have no idea as to who we sought out when our daughter was first diagnosed. You are a perfect example of the Deaf Cultists bigots who called us child abusers and our daughter a robot, a frankenstein or a guinea pig. Did we then choose not to expose her to such prejudiced and bigoted people--people you call your friends--you bet we did. Instead we chose to expose her to deaf adults and deaf people who were warm, loving and caring and judeged her for who she is and not how she communicated.

I know that your nasty comments are motivated by the fact that my daughter is a successful person in her world who is many, many things only one of which is deaf. So sad and pathetic you are JT from L.
If what you say is true then how many times have you been banned?

Ahhh....there you go again with your whining about being treated differently than the majority. Seems to me, you are quite uncomfortable with your minority status here, as you continue to refer to it. And to answer your question, I have never been banned. But that has nothing to do with my POV. Obiously you, like fuzzy, are unable to detect the difference between strong disagreement with opinion and person attack on a poster.
If what you say is true then how many times have you been banned?

Have you ever thought that you could be next ? Please, respect and watch your attitude. Let's stick to this topic. :ty: :)
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If they do not have deaf children and have not made the cochlear implant decision then they do not know what we parents have experienced.

Sorry, JT from L but you have no idea of what went into our cochlear implant decision and you have no idea as to who we sought out when our daughter was first diagnosed. You are a perfect example of the Deaf Cultists bigots who called us child abusers and our daughter a robot, a frankenstein or a guinea pig. Did we then choose not to expose her to such prejudiced and bigoted people--people you call your friends--you bet we did. Instead we chose to expose her to deaf adults and deaf people who were warm, loving and caring and judeged her for who she is and not how she communicated.
I know that your nasty comments are motivated by the fact that my daughter is a successful person in her world who is many, many things only one of which is deaf. So sad and pathetic you are JT from L.

Your social skills are sadly underdeveloped, and the above bolded comments are proof thereof. Again, you resort to intimidation, name calling, false accusation, and flaming in order to support your point, and all you have done is offer another example of exactly how offensive and egotistical you are.

Who exactly is JT from L? Care to explain exactly what you are referencing here?

If any one is passing judgment on communication method, rick, it is you, by your above comments regarding the members of the Deaf Culture who, by definition, are signers.

What nasty comments are you referring to? I have said nothing nasty nor offensive. You simply perceive it such because you feel that you are in a postion of minority status.

And, if you have not lived with or worked with deafness on a daily basis, then you have no idea what others have experienced, and quite obviously, have no interest in learning,as you consider your experience to be the only one that has value.
If they do not have deaf children and have not made the cochlear implant decision then they do not know what we parents have experienced.

Sorry, JT from L but you have no idea of what went into our cochlear implant decision and you have no idea as to who we sought out when our daughter was first diagnosed. You are a perfect example of the Deaf Cultists bigots who called us child abusers and our daughter a robot, a frankenstein or a guinea pig. Did we then choose not to expose her to such prejudiced and bigoted people--people you call your friends--you bet we did. Instead we chose to expose her to deaf adults and deaf people who were warm, loving and caring and judeged her for who she is and not how she communicated.

I know that your nasty comments are motivated by the fact that my daughter is a successful person in her world who is many, many things only one of which is deaf. So sad and pathetic you are JT from L.

I am assuming Jillo's friends are us here on AD since you dont know her in your personal life? That label alone can get you banned.I have never used those labels to describe your daughter and I am a friend of Jillo so there is a conflict here..:whistle:
I am assuming Jillo's friends are us here on AD since you dont know her in your personal life? That label alone can get you banned.I have never used those labels to describe your daughter and I am a friend of Jillo so there is a conflict here..:whistle:

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