Designing A Hearing Baby

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Parents who implant early defend their decision by statistics showing how early implantation works best, and how early implantation success is is related to the natural way of human brain development.

That's not only the whole truth, I've seen some parents have stated in here many times about giving a child an opportunity to hear and the language communication based on what the family uses in the household.

These are the very same parents who's willing to turn a blind eye to the benefits of teaching nor continuing the use of sign language with their deaf child.

Having hearing is their first priority for their child, how many numeric of times I've heard repeatedly that they do not want their child to missed out the sounds of life in the world, that was very important to them.

Any child can success in the world.
If they do not have deaf children and have not made the cochlear implant decision then they do not know what we parents have experienced.

Sorry, JT from L but you have no idea of what went into our cochlear implant decision and you have no idea as to who we sought out when our daughter was first diagnosed. You are a perfect example of the Deaf Cultists bigots who called us child abusers and our daughter a robot, a frankenstein or a guinea pig. Did we then choose not to expose her to such prejudiced and bigoted people--people you call your friends--you bet we did. Instead we chose to expose her to deaf adults and deaf people who were warm, loving and caring and judeged her for who she is and not how she communicated.

I know that your nasty comments are motivated by the fact that my daughter is a successful person in her world who is many, many things only one of which is deaf. So sad and pathetic you are JT from L.

No, I still don't think that CI gives perfect hearing. If CI does give perfect hearing, the child wouldn't need any speech therapy ever. The late-deafened adults don't count as they already know how to pronounce before they lost hearing.

Exactly, good point there !!...:thumb:
shel90 said:
Last night I went to Deaf professional happy hour and met a lot of new people and many of them grew up with CIs. Some Deaf people who didnt have CIs, including me, were asking them questions about their CIs. Got good info but one thing they all emphasized the importance of having the Deaf community and ASL because it is a special bond regardless how well they can hear with their CIs. I thought that was really cool.

BTW...nobody looked down on them last night. Not one person and there had to be at least 100 Deaf people there.

It is all about supporting each other not about the person's ability to hear or comparing each other's hearing levels.

Too often I see many parents talk about how well the child can hear. Ok great but let's move on. That's how most Deaf people see it...the hearing ability is not the defining trait of the person. Unfortunately, the hearing people put too much focus on that. One situation like that did happen last night. The bartender at the bar kept saying to one person who had a CI that he has heard about the devices and kept asking that person how well he can hear with it. He got fed up with those questions and told the bartender to pls make his drink.

Just was interesting to observe it all and it made me think of the discussions here on AD.

:gpost:, I agreed!!!..
My question was addressed to GarnetTigerMom.
Thank you for your input jill but yours doesn't interest me, sorry.


Actually, your question was posed in a reply to shel, and you referenced parents who decided no to implant.
That's not only the whole truth, I've seen some parents have stated in here many times about giving a child an opportunity to hear and the language communication based on what the family uses in the household.

These are the very same parents who's willing to turn a blind eye to the benefits of teaching nor continuing the use of sign language with their deaf child.

Having hearing is their first priority for their child, how many numeric of times I've heard repeatedly that they do not want their child to missed out the sounds of life in the world, that was very important to them.

Any child can success in the world.

Excellent point Cheri. Has nothing to do with statistics, but on choice of communication based on the parent's preference.

(btw - history is full of people forever silenced for speaking truth...)


ps. btw Rick the only way anyone will be acepted here is: as deaf, ASL, and FLUENT! anti -CI, and so on.
I wonder now - what exactly you and Cloggy are wasting your time here for?

(I guess i gotta say goodbye now for another 48hrs.. or will it be 72 now..)



:Sigh and shaking my head: :(
What would you say to your deaf children if they will cry why you wasted the early years that offer the best benefit of CI?


If you are addressing this to me, I would rather a deaf child ask me first how they feel about C.I informations. I don t want to put it on a 6 months old baby or toddler because they can't make desicion like that with their age. But the child life will not be wasted. What make you think a child life will be wasted as a deaf child? are you speaking of education in a deaf child wasted? I don't think a child life is wasted as long as she or he is in a good educated school.
While I am getting to know deaf adults with cochlear implants, I have not had much exposure to deaf children with cochlear implants yet but only know what I've read on this forum and I have nothing against deaf children being implanted, but some hearing parents who implant their deaf children decide to stop using sign language just because it not needed anymore only oral, perhaps it may be true that some deaf children with ci did very well, while others couldn't barely communicate, but I just don't understand why only oral?....what's wrong with using ALL tools?
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Excellent point Cheri. Has nothing to do with statistics, but on choice of communication based on the parent's preference.

You got that right,, it have nothing to do with statistics. It seems some hearing people can't seem to accpet what deaf don't want CI or not. I don't think a person should have to be force to get one. Having CI is a personal choice. But should have to be push or force to get CI. I am deaf myself as hoh but I wasn't force to get CI. I did on a personal choice. Because as adult I am old enough to make a "choice" to it. Children can't make a personal choice at 6 months old to 10 years old. They forget it not that simple. I agree with some of you on the issue. There is always a postivie and negative side to how people feel about it.
But the child life will not be wasted. What make you think a child life will be wasted as a deaf child?

I don't think child's life will be wasted, and I do not imply it will be wasted.

I simply asked what would you say to your child if the child regretted to be implanted so late and unable to hear better than it could have?

well, I wonder what would you say, then?

You got that right,, it have nothing to do with statistics. It seems some hearing people can't seem to accpet what deaf don't want CI or not. I don't think a person should have to be force to get one. Having CI is a personal choice. But should have to be push or force to get CI. I am deaf myself as hoh but I wasn't force to get CI. I did on a personal choice. Because as adult I am old enough to make a "choice" to it. Children can't make a personal choice at 6 months old to 10 years old. They forget it not that simple. I agree with some of you on the issue. There is always a postivie and negative side to how people feel about it.

I agreed, I wouldn't like it if someone force me to get an implant, someone here ( sorry not going to name who ) tried to shovel that in my face a few times, and I did not like it at all, just because my hearing aids aren't helping me much but that doesn't mean I want a CI....

I don't think child's life will be wasted, and I do not imply it will be wasted.

I simply asked what would you say to your child if the child regretted to be implanted so late and unable to hear better than it could have?

well, I wonder what would you say, then?


Well, I can't predict the future if I have a deaf child having any regret to be implanted so late. But I have a hearing daughter who have a deaf mother with C.I. and I am sure she will ask me why I have C.I. and I would tell her how I feel about it. But if she were to be deaf then ask me she want C.I. and that means sitting down with her to talk about what C.I. can do and the type of brand and how it works. C.I. is not for everybody. You have to go through test to get C.I. to see if you pass the tests they given you. I had to take several test and passed them. It not something to take lightly to get C.I. and it a very hard choice to make to decided to have it. I don't think a child should be forced to get C.I. cuz of professional "Say so". I am a parents first and I would rather do what best for my child on my term. I don't have to agree with doctors telling me what to do. I can understands doctors do wonderful things to help make people lives a little better that great. But doctors also smell "money" too to get greedy. Everybody have a right to do what they want and what desicion they make. Making desicion about C.I. is not a easy one to do on an impulse. It took me like a year to think about it. That was no easy desicion.
I know and I have accepted u and many other CI users here on AD and in real life so how can I be anti-CI too? LOL!

Yeah, :lol:

I do not against CI. I have many CI friends in real life including CI ADers, too... The problem is their ignorant and closed minded who label us as an anti-CI. What they think is not my problem.

(btw - history is full of people forever silenced for speaking truth...)


ps. btw Rick the only way anyone will be acepted here is: as deaf, ASL, and FLUENT! anti -CI, and so on.
I wonder now - what exactly you and Cloggy are wasting your time here for?

(I guess i gotta say goodbye now for another 48hrs.. or will it be 72 now..)



Why do u question people for their decisions not to implant? If the child gets upset with the parents, that is between them. Not our problem. By using those kinds of terms "wasted" implies negativity in your question.

If u emphasize respect for hearing parents implanting their children then respect those who decide not to implant. Everyone is different.

Jillio´s post
And parents who decide not to impalnt have equally convincing statistics regarding the fact that impantation is not necessary for development, neither cognitive, linguistic, emotional, nor social.
Well, I can't predict the future if I have a deaf child having any regret to be implanted so late. But I have a hearing daughter who have a deaf mother with C.I. and I am sure she will ask me why I have C.I. and I would tell her how I feel about it. But if she were to be deaf then ask me she want C.I. and that means sitting down with her to talk about what C.I. can do and the type of brand and how it works. C.I. is not for everybody. You have to go through test to get C.I. to see if you pass the tests they given you. I had to take several test and passed them. It not something to take lightly to get C.I. and it a very hard choice to make to decided to have it. I don't think a child should be forced to get C.I. cuz of professional "Say so". I am a parents first and I would rather do what best for my child on my term. I don't have to agree with doctors telling me what to do. I can understands doctors do wonderful things to help make people lives a little better that great. But doctors also smell "money" too to get greedy. Everybody have a right to do what they want and what desicion they make. Making desicion about C.I. is not a easy one to do on an impulse. It took me like a year to think about it. That was no easy desicion.

This is all very interesting, but WHAT would you say to the child? How would you defend your choice?

Actually, your question was posed in a reply to shel, and you referenced parents who decided no to implant.

I am sorry, didn't I express myself clear enough?:

My question was addressed to GarnetTigerMom.
Thank you for your input jill but yours doesn't interest me, sorry.

Do tell me if an how can I say it better.

Sorry pal, but I have made the decision and you never have, so please do not think that you have any idea what went into our parental decision because you do not. It was, is and always will be from the viewpoint of our child buddy.

And yes, we decided to give our child the benefits and opportunities of the cochlear implant and she is doing great! Unlike those hypocrites who made the decision to deny their child a ci and then hide behind the "let the child decide when he is older" ruse we have glady accepted responsibility for our decision and you know what? Our daughter has thanked us giving her a cochlear implant.

I do not need to "twist" anything pal because my daughter is living and loving proof that you have no idea what you are talking about.

Still, you are twisting it. You keep saying it is from the viewpoint of the child. It is really yours, never the child as the child would be too young to understand CI and hearing, etc. Your decision to implant your child comes from your own viewpoint.

Those 'hyprocites' who decided to let their child chose CI when the child is older, aren't deaf as they heard the Deaf voices. Unfortunally you remained deaf. Jillio really blew me away when I first heard of her decision regard her son. I hope there is more of Jillios than Cloggys or Rick48s.

The CI-users would have to keep an eye out for meningitis and infections and buying all those batteries and whatever to keep the CI in working order. They aren't able to use MRI. They could be in limbo - not quite hearing and not quite deaf. These are the benefits of CI????

CIs are perfect for those late-deafened adults/teens. Those who were born deaf don't really miss hearing. I don't miss it. In fact, I often left my HAs out. I have to turn my HAs off while driving as I find sounds too distracting. So why force it on deaf-born kids?? The truth is the hearing people really don't think good of deaf population and attempt to fix their kid as if they are in a big denial of their kid's deafness. Let the deaf child decide on the CI when he/she is older is the wisest move.
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