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The whole inter thing was my idea. I did my research and I brought it up and I pushed it. No one has ever been able to swindle me into anything I have always been my own initiator.

I do not put what makes me happy or what is best for me aside for no one. You keep talking about the companies push this to make money well that is what every company in the world does. Apple, Samsung, Ford, Electronic companies, food companies, fitness companies, and the list goes on. That is the world we live in and there is nothing wrong with anyone making a living.

The CI companies aren't holding guns to know ones heads people make their own choices. And every choice is 50/50 either you do it or you don't.

This thread is not about the companies I can care less about the companies as long as I get what I'm asking for and I have a successful surgery I'm happy. I not being cured but I'm having assistance I will still be deaf at the end of it all. I'm happy my mom said she would not implant me as a baby that she would leave it up to me but even if she did I wouldn't be mad cause she has always done what's best for me.

i never stated anyone is holding guns to yorurhead, can you pls use my own statements to actually get ideas of what i actual do state
thank you

im going on a limb here and acting as if english is not yoru first language because you seem to have either ignored my posts or are unable to comprehend the vocab used.

let me ask you a simple question to furher the discussion
what do you think is the difference between multi national ci companies in regards ot the Deaf and to pick one form your list of companies you tossed in here, food companies or ford, or samsung?

give it some thought,
what is the difference?

"i can care less about the companies as long as i get what im asking for"

well you come by it honestly girl
i grant you that

that line of thinking "i could care less what companies do" as given us polluted oceans, clear cut rain forests, nuclear waste, vast new deserts, ect ect, but hey,,,as long as you get what you want meh...(shoulder shrug)

instead we Deaf plead, beg even at times, pls pls do care what these companies to do us, we want you to care what these companies are doing to us, we implore YOU to care pls,

that's what we are asking..

i know its too much..

no kiddin
first of all its not just me, the issue is larger then me, more then me are against the assimilation, more then just me are opposed to the language deprivation inflicted by the same entities that drill on us, that you support. that reap the billions from the drill are used to rob our chidlren of a future. their dreams, their language.

i care about that .

i don't like arguing, but i wont stand by and see what i see without at least offering our alternative. and stating what is occurring to us, by the use and the push of these things., assuming that many dot know and thus its up to us to inform, them,


i expected better from you..

She never said you COULDN'T argue... she only stated that that is what you tend to do here on AllDeaf and your mind is already set. Not stopping you from doing it either.

She doesn't have a hand in the whole CI thing so I am guessing does not wish to speak about it for whatever reason. As for that last comment- them's not nice words. Just because a person choose not to engage with you doesn't mean they are an underachiever- far from it.
She never said you COULDN'T argue... she only stated that that is what you tend to do here on AllDeaf and your mind is already set. Not stopping you from doing it either.

She doesn't have a hand in the whole CI thing so I am guessing does not wish to speak about it for whatever reason. As for that last comment- them's not nice words. Just because a person choose not to engage with you doesn't mean they are an underachiever- far from it.

(drags fat joint)
the duck is true...

(exhales smoke in the shape of.....signs and portents...)
i never stated anyone is holding guns to yorurhead, can you pls use my own statements to actually get ideas of what i actual do state
thank you

im going on a limb here and acting as if english is not yoru first language because you seem to have either ignored my posts or are unable to comprehend the vocab used.

let me ask you a simple question to furher the discussion
what do you think is the difference between multi national ci companies in regards ot the Deaf and to pick one form your list of companies you tossed in here, food companies or ford, or samsung?

give it some thought,
what is the difference?

"i can care less about the companies as long as i get what im asking for"

well you come by it honestly girl
i grant you that

that line of thinking "i could care less what companies do" as given us polluted oceans, clear cut rain forests, nuclear waste, vast new deserts, ect ect, but hey,,,as long as you get what you want meh...(shoulder shrug)

instead we Deaf plead, beg even at times, pls pls do care what these companies to do us, we want you to care what these companies are doing to us, we implore YOU to care pls,

that's what we are asking..

i know its too much..

no kiddin
When I say I can care less it's because every company in the worlds does what your saying the CI companies do. All I'm saying is they have a product that can work for me that I'm choosing with my own mind and no manipulation from anyone and I want to have one for myself.

Yes I know how the Deaf culture feels about CIs and I also met people that are Deaf and have CI from being an adult and not a child or baby they were grown when they decided to get a CI. They said that it was the best decision they have ever made.

Yes it really sucks that babies don't have a choice but if the parent feels that it will benefit their child then so be it. One of my 3 friends is Deaf and went to the Deaf and she is getting a CI as well and her a few of her friends had CIs when they were babies but are still Deaf and live in Deaf culture and sign. They said they never had to choose one or the other ASL is their first language and then they learned English.

And I'm very intelligent and I used "guns to their heads" metaphorically cause you speak as if the companies made the CIs to physically force them upon the Deaf with no choice.
When I say I can care less it's because every company in the worlds does what your saying the CI companies do.

this is NOT true. not at all. Ci companies act in a certain way with certain polices and Beauvoir regarding Deaf children and language deprivation that other companies in other industries do NOT do..

All I'm saying is they have a product that can work for me that I'm choosing with my own mind and no manipulation from anyone and I want to have one for myself.

that product is sold to you by people hired to sell it to you, that get training in selling it to you, that know how to sell it to you. that product is NOT neutral. it has a very negative effect on another culture and future.

Yes I know how the Deaf culture feels about CIs and I also met people that are Deaf and have CI from being an adult and not a child or baby they were grown when they decided to get a CI. They said that it was the best decision they have ever made.

right. no one argues no Deaf have ci.

Yes it really sucks that babies don't have a choice but if the parent feels that it will benefit their child then so be it.

your not paying attention

One of my 3 friends is Deaf and went to the Deaf and she is getting a CI as well and her a few of her friends had CIs when they were babies but are still Deaf and live in Deaf culture and sign. They said they never had to choose one or the other ASL is their first language and then they learned English.

this only demonstrates you lack english comprehension,
go back and read my posts and then demonstrate to me where at all does the above countering anything at all of what i have been trying to discuss with you.

And I'm very intelligent and I used "guns to their heads" metaphorically cause you speak as if the companies made the CIs to physically force them upon the Deaf with no choice.

those ci companies and their polices along with gov in more then one nation implant Deaf with no choice. in other nations choices are words only on paper, the levels of choices are getting ever more restricted on others, its a global agenda.

in your back yard they do not do that yet, yet, but instead use what can be termed a combined system to severely limit choices of parents, not only via language denial but everything else that goes along with the regime of therapy needed with the device.
ci is manufactured dependence.
they play on your fear to make you dependent on their product.
using a different narrative for what ever person like you comes they're way.
they full well know most wont give a shit if the product effects us badly or not, after all "you could care less" and they know it.

what ive been trying to get through to you here. is

we want you to care.
we want you to be a part of our future
we want you to not support the very companies that are doing what they are doing to us,
so rather then support them why not live life free, no wires attached!
spread sign, as you learn it, become fluent, work with Deaf kids or adults, the possibilities are endless, and we need you.
dont let them colonize your body
de-colonize your mind.
and you do that with sign, which is yours for taking
you have a place in the struggle for our survival

its allot to ask, i know
but allot at stake.

you dont need to be fixed girl.
your beautiful the way you are.
dont believe anyone that tells you different.

really ? Come on.

what he was right?, in my post to her i was bit over the top and i realize that, so i was agreeing with him.
in my way i guess.
i hope he saw it as that.
what he was right?, in my post to her i was bit over the top and i realize that, so i was agreeing with him.
in my way i guess.
i hope he saw it as that.

Not talking about his post. I'm responding to YOUR post. Re-read my initial post to yours.
Not talking about his post. I'm responding to YOUR post. Re-read my initial post to yours.

right the post to Deafducky?
where i stated true?
that post
yes i know that post was agreeing with his post to me regarding my post to love-blue

always a pleasure to chat with you allycat
this is NOT true. not at all. Ci companies act in a certain way with certain polices and Beauvoir regarding Deaf children and language deprivation that other companies in other industries do NOT do..

that product is sold to you by people hired to sell it to you, that get training in selling it to you, that know how to sell it to you. that product is NOT neutral. it has a very negative effect on another culture and future.

right. no one argues no Deaf have ci.

your not paying attention

this only demonstrates you lack english comprehension,
go back and read my posts and then demonstrate to me where at all does the above countering anything at all of what i have been trying to discuss with you.

those ci companies and their polices along with gov in more then one nation implant Deaf with no choice. in other nations choices are words only on paper, the levels of choices are getting ever more restricted on others, its a global agenda.

in your back yard they do not do that yet, yet, but instead use what can be termed a combined system to severely limit choices of parents, not only via language denial but everything else that goes along with the regime of therapy needed with the device.
ci is manufactured dependence.
they play on your fear to make you dependent on their product.
using a different narrative for what ever person like you comes they're way.
they full well know most wont give a shit if the product effects us badly or not, after all "you could care less" and they know it.

what ive been trying to get through to you here. is

we want you to care.
we want you to be a part of our future
we want you to not support the very companies that are doing what they are doing to us,
so rather then support them why not live life free, no wires attached!
spread sign, as you learn it, become fluent, work with Deaf kids or adults, the possibilities are endless, and we need you.
dont let them colonize your body
de-colonize your mind.
and you do that with sign, which is yours for taking
you have a place in the struggle for our survival

its allot to ask, i know
but allot at stake.

you dont need to be fixed girl.
your beautiful the way you are.
dont believe anyone that tells you different.

Honestly I haven't read everything cause at the end of it all I'm still firm on my choice to get it and that won't change. I have my reasons for why I really want this done and right now we are going in circles. I have my education and career to think about.
Honestly I haven't read everything cause at the end of it all I'm still firm on my choice to get it and that won't change. I have my reasons for why I really want this done and right now we are going in circles. I have my education and career to think about.

well again for me this discussion hasn't been only about you,
so for anyone else who ever gets the chance to read both yours and my postilions, and if by chance or fate any one else who does read them decides to change thier mind, to not support what is occurring, then thats all i or anyone else really can ask.

my words here were never meant for you alone, other eyes also will and have read them..

we can still have a discussion about the ramifications of what you support while still accepting you support them

i recognize i wont change your mind

but its always been more to it then just you..
What will almost all doctors, teachers, and family say? A family that has not bothered to learn sign, mainstreams the child? Does any of this seem like impartial advice? Where is she to learn all sides of her decision when the ones you point her to do not take anything into consideration other than making her "normal" and fix something that is broken? She is not broken and should be accepted as she is.
I am really getting tired of people trying to lay a guilt on people b/c they want to be able to hear again or hear better . This isn't up for you decide what a person can do
to hear better . No you need to respect a person's rights to do as they pleases about their hearing . Being deaf is not cool to everyone !
I am really getting tired of people trying to lay a guilt on people b/c they want to be able to hear again or hear better . This isn't up for you decide what a person can do
to hear better . No you need to respect a person's rights to do as they pleases about their hearing . Being deaf is not cool to everyone !

you havnt been paying attention either

we Deaf have the same right to state our opinions and alternative to the assimilation as does multi national corporations to push their messiah tech.
actually because it is us who are targeted, and it is Deaf children denied sign due to the polices of the very professionals of the very industry that drills into us the first damn chance they get.

get tired all you want
we're getting tired of it too.

its simple really
we demand thats right demand! the ci industry and its professionals, and those professionals associated with the assimilation in the combined system, to cease and desist all activity in regards to denying Deaf children their natural right in the acquisition of sign languages, .

if not
then expect to see allot more of us...

we also ask all those who are considering supporting the combined system of multi-national corporations in their assimilation of Deaf to choose our future rather then their pockets.

we ask for a boycott on the ci industry starting with the individual who is seeking the drills, and any who wish to stop supporting these entities of vested interests that have as a goal, a world with no Deaf to join a growing movement of Deaf who are refusing their technology of normalization and manufactured dependence.

be a part of our future!
refuse the colonization of your body!
to sign is to resist!
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I am really getting tired of people trying to lay a guilt on people b/c they want to be able to hear again or hear better . This isn't up for you decide what a person can do
to hear better . No you need to respect a person's rights to do as they pleases about their hearing . Being deaf is not cool to everyone !
How is it guilt? Hmm... so doctors, family, "friends" and the like that tell me how much of a let down I am for not trying hard enough is okay, but saying something against the mystical CI by stating simply that a person is not broke and does not need to be fixed is. Yet, I am rude for telling a person to become comfortable in their own skin because they should be proud of who ever they may be? Hmm... something is wrong with that... if I went to any deaf and pushed CI I would be seen as someone only trying to improve them... but saying they are okay the way they are is trying to change them, and pulling a quilt trip... odd
I do not men this to be pro CI or anti CI. It is just an observation. There are people on this forum who are well adjusted and fine with their hearing loss/Deafness. They should not be picked on for this. The CI is an option and should stay just that. Before advanced digital hearing aids/CI's it did not matter if you where well adjusted or not. That was just your situation.
I do not men this to be pro CI or anti CI. It is just an observation. There are people on this forum who are well adjusted and fine with their hearing loss/Deafness. They should not be picked on for this. The CI is an option and should stay just that. Before advanced digital hearing aids/CI's it did not matter if you where well adjusted or not. That was just your situation.

in other words
lets ignore the damage these products do to another culture and people.
lets ignore the stated goals and aims and policies and behavior of multi national corporations and those professionals and their bodies who work toward the eradication of sign language, which in turn works towards the eradication of Deaf

lets ignore all that.
after all
there are some well adjusted people who are fine with their hearing loss
one more thing
no one is picking on anyone here.
no one
My meaning was that those who for whatever reason could not come to terms with their lack of hearing did not have an option. I just think that everybody should be allowed to do what is best for them.
My meaning was that those who for whatever reason could not come to terms with their lack of hearing did not have an option. I just think that everybody should be allowed to do what is best for them.
well you know the way it works
those on the receiving end of colonial policies of eradication have a different idea and view, then those on the giving end.
regarding whats "best" or not

The CI never should have been made out to be more that a communication option for those who felt like making use of it. Some people can handle the uniqueness of deafness but some people can't. Both camps need to live and let live and let each individuals choice just be there choice. The CI is and option but not the only option. The main thing is communication be achieved.
The CI never should have been made out to be more that a communication option for those who felt like making use of it. Some people can handle the uniqueness of deafness but some people can't. Both camps need to live and let live and let each individuals choice just be there choice. The CI is and option but not the only option. The main thing is communication be achieved.

to bad for us, the CI industry and the combined system that maintains it very much disagrees with you, in its actions and polices towards denying sign language acquisition to Deaf
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