Deaf with cochlear implants....

Cheri said:
Did you see me getting upset? I was only pointing out something to you. ;)Hey, You did not offended me, and I am welcome your opinion as well, I'm not kicking anyone out of my thread. Don't be silly. Come here, Let me give you a hug! :hug:

Aww Cheri.. Thank you for the hugz... You are so cute!! I love this medium because I can communicate with deaf people on a high level. The downside is that we don't see facial expressions or body language so there is much to misinterpretation. I am sorry if I mis-understood you. :hug:
^Angel^ said:
I find that interesting too, and wanted to hear more about it and why some deaf people feel that way so I created a new thread about it, Thanks to you :hug:

Thank you Angel. From the little I know about you I can tell you are a wonderful person.. One might even say an Angel.
rockdrummer said:
Aww Cheri.. Thank you for the hugz... You are so cute!! I love this medium because I can communicate with deaf people on a high level. The downside is that we don't see facial expressions or body language so there is much to misinterpretation. I am sorry if I mis-understood you. :hug:

You're welcome, :hug: I can also misunderstood at times too. :giggle: I agree with you about facial expression and body language. It's better face to face, than on the Internet.
^Angel^ said:
So you're saying that how can people understand what the sounds are really like when they haven't tried or wear a cochlear implants ? I don't think it should matter whether some of us haven't experiences what it may sounds like once we're implanted with CI but the main point of this thread is how some hearing people states once their children are implanted with CI is no longer deaf or hard of hearing, but hearing and that's not true at all, no matter how much sounds they're able to hear whether it may be from the use of cochlear implants or hearing aids, they're still considered deaf or hard of hearing...

If that is where the debate would stay on, I wouldn't be saying anything at all and I already have agreed to the basic premise that even which a HA or CI, that people are still deaf. But noooo, people throw in all kinds of statements which are asinine if anybody bothers to think about it. One of the statements I saw earlier was about how it sounded and it couldn't be like what hearing people hear (to a degree that is true but if I can identify all kinds of sounds [using the same descriptions as the hearing] and understand speech then it is really a moot point). Another one is that people are "lying" through their teeth about how well they are doing. It may not be said straight out but it is wonder we get irritated. Another that came later in the thread was that CI will destroy the deaf community. I can't even believe that one. It was said the same of HA and the deaf community thrived regardless. Why is it any different now?

Bottomline, there is far too much misunderstanding about CIs in general about what they can and can't do. This more than anything else derails discussions like this. Both sides of the fences aren't really coming to any common understanding and it gets reduced to bickering and trivializing everybody's POV.
sr171soars said:
Bottomline, there is far too much misunderstanding about CIs in general about what they can and can't do. This more than anything else derails discussions like this. Both sides of the fences aren't really coming to any common understanding and it gets reduced to bickering and trivializing everybody's POV.

I posted the below comment in another thread but feel that is is appropriate here. Hell, it will probably apply to any CI discussion.

Rockdrummer said:
It's funny that each thread I've visited regarding anything about CI's, always seems to go down the same path. I've heard many sides of the discussion and still draw the same conclusion. It's a controversial subject and there will never be a consensus. This is ok. There are many such things in life. My personal choice is to agree to disagree.
ButterflyGirl said:
CI'ers are still labeled as DEAF/HOH period.

I am tired of some hearing people and some CI'ers REPEATEDLY rubbing in deaf people's faces about how wonderful it is to hear.

What's the problem with saying that it is wonderful to hear? Its the same the other way- people who say "I don't have to lear anything about CI's because I'm happy being deaf and I love not being able to hear."

Its like I stated earlier - THIS kind of mentality is where all the anger comes from. Why, whenever something GOOD is mentioned about a CI or somebody's GOOD experience with a CI, all the deaf nay-sayers jump up and say "BUT!! That's not a NORMAL experience"

But whenever something bad happens, those very nay-sayers are so quick to point out "CI'S are BAD!! Look this is proof!"

Are those who are against CI's afraid to admit that YES some people are happy with them? That some people with them can hear BETTER than others who have natural hearing (in some situations?)

When I talk to family/friends who knew me as deaf, I tell them that I can hear now. I do explain what the CI does, and how I CAN'T hear if I take it off, but I am able to hear pretty dang well, thankyouverymuch. How come I (or anyone else for that matter) have to HIDE the fact that my CI makes me happy?
Cheri said:
Is that what you think? I think you misunderstood them, They meant was they are happy for who they are as a person they became since the time they became deaf. It's more like accepting themselves instead of trying to be better than anyone else.


I can hear with my CI. I will NEVER think it makes me better than anyone else. I WILL say it makes me better than I WAS before I could hear.

You're splitting hairs.
neecy said:

I can hear with my CI. I will NEVER think it makes me better than anyone else. I WILL say it makes me better than I WAS before I could hear.

You're splitting hairs.

Bull? I don't think so, You always bragging, like how you compare your hearing sounds better than some hearing people. Sure sounds like to me You wanna be better than them. Beside, Since I've read all your posts, Your attitudes is really snotty.

I'm starting to think about putting you on ignored. :)
neecy said:
What's the problem with saying that it is wonderful to hear? Its the same the other way- people who say "I don't have to lear anything about CI's because I'm happy being deaf and I love not being able to hear."
Sigh, you are not getting what I am saying. Really it is no problem for you and others to say how wonderful it is to hear but it can be annoying to us when some of you REPEATEDLY say to us how wonderful it is to hear. I mean once you say it and then don't bother keep on bragging about it in our faces. Get my drift?
Cloggy said:
I guess I'm the only one that's confused here...
Do you realise that 20year old computer is nothing compared to today's computer???

Oh for pete's sake ... I did say in the other post up there ( hand a longest ladder to you) that I damn does to understand what are you about...
now you talk about Computer instead of C.I .... :ugh2:
Cheri said:
Bull? I don't think so, You always bragging, like how you compare your hearing sounds better than some hearing people. Sure sounds like to me You wanna be better than them. Beside, Since I've read all your posts, Your attitudes is really snotty.

I'm starting to think about putting you on ignored. :)
Yes, I also see her the same way as you see her. People like her really get on my nerves and if she doesn't stop with her braggings then I will put her on my ignore list.
CutePommie said:
Oh for pete's sake ... I did say in the other post up there ( hand a longest ladder to you) that I damn does to understand what are you about...
now you talk about Computer instead of C.I .... :ugh2:

CI' processors are computers!

Its a COMPUTER that takes in the sound, its SOFTWARE that changes those sounds to electrical impulses. The comparison of a CI to a Computer is correct.

20 years ago, CI's had only two electrodes and a VERY VERY VERY basic computation system inside, just like regular computers 20 years ago were very very very basic

NOW things are so much more advanced. Both in normal computers we use at home, and the computer inside a CI that analyzes sounds and helps us hear better. You can't compare a computer from 20 years ago with one today - just as you can't compare a CI from 20 years ago with the advances that are available now.
ButterflyGirl said:
Yes, I also see her the same way as you see her. People like her really get on my nerves and if she doesn't stop with her braggings then I will put her on my ignore list.

So people with CI's aren't allowed to say how much they like them and how they can work in the real world. I'll be sure from now on to put a warning on any thread that I make about POSITIVE CI experiences, so that you don't have to be subjected to my "bragging"
neecy said:
CI' processors are computers!

Its a COMPUTER that takes in the sound, its SOFTWARE that changes those sounds to electrical impulses. The comparison of a CI to a Computer is correct.

20 years ago, CI's had only two electrodes and a VERY VERY VERY basic computation system inside, just like regular computers 20 years ago were very very very basic

NOW things are so much more advanced. Both in normal computers we use at home, and the computer inside a CI that analyzes sounds and helps us hear better. You can't compare a computer from 20 years ago with one today - just as you can't compare a CI from 20 years ago with the advances that are available now.

Have you and Clogg finish with it ?? eh :roll:
GalaxyAngel said:
..........As for your daughter will grown up and become adapt hate you what you done to her and want her grow up become strong Deaf Culture.......
Great encourishment - thanks for keeping an open mind.
sr171soars said:
If that is where the debate would stay on, I wouldn't be saying anything at all and I already have agreed to the basic premise that even which a HA or CI, that people are still deaf. But noooo, people throw in all kinds of statements which are asinine if anybody bothers to think about it. One of the statements I saw earlier was about how it sounded and it couldn't be like what hearing people hear (to a degree that is true but if I can identify all kinds of sounds [using the same descriptions as the hearing] and understand speech then it is really a moot point). Another one is that people are "lying" through their teeth about how well they are doing. It may not be said straight out but it is wonder we get irritated. Another that came later in the thread was that CI will destroy the deaf community. I can't even believe that one. It was said the same of HA and the deaf community thrived regardless. Why is it any different now?

Bottomline, there is far too much misunderstanding about CIs in general about what they can and can't do. This more than anything else derails discussions like this. Both sides of the fences aren't really coming to any common understanding and it gets reduced to bickering and trivializing everybody's POV.

I understand what you're saying as I knew from the start there will always be two sides, one side who will support cochlear implants when the other side doesn't, there's always going to be some people who feels threaten by those who already been implanted with CI, and how they're being approached, same goes for CI users who would feel threaten toward some deaf folks once they're being implanted with CI, and being judge upon...

I agree that it's not right to compare those who are able to hear more or less when they're not even implanted with CI yet, and it easy for them to sit here and say what you can hear or what you can not hear....The only way they know for sure is when they walk a miles in someone's shoes then they can understand where you or the others are coming from...I can't say how much you can hear or how much the others can or can not when I'm not even implanted with CI yet, but it's nice to read how well they can hear when they're implanted, same likewise goes for those who wear hearing aids, some of them feel that hearing aids works well with them when they're able to hear more out of it but for myself my hearing aids don't help me much but at least I can hear something than nothing at all...
CutePommie said:
Have you and Clogg finish with it ?? eh :roll:
Guess this is not the time to exsplain further....

Neecy... thanks for explaining it... I just couldn't find the words that I was sure would not insult someone. :angel:
neecy said:

You're splitting hairs.

It funni how YOU used to tell others to back off or quit the bickering, yet take a very good look at your own post, two wrongs don't make it right....