Deaf view on a CI kid... its a bummer..

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This is unbeliveable. If I ever was sorry that my parents decided not to sent me to school for the deaf, and my brother for not giving me a chance to be in the deaf culture, NOW I am ready to kiss they butts since dawn to dusk everyday, were they alive.

I have never imagined in my wildest dreams that deaf community is such a closed minded, self -serving society. All this butt kissing, patting each others backs when innocent people are being wronged. There is no getting thru to you, is there, people?

Why do you relay on your feelings then, not on the FACTS? Do you realise how many times I have stated my position on CI, ASL, born deaf children, being deaf and so on? since June 2005.

Do you actually know WHO I AM? what's my hearing loss? What were my circumstances?
what do you CARE?

And WTF is hearing impairment if not deafness, among other descriptions?

Hearing impairment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A hearing impairment or hearing loss is a full or partial decrease in the ability to detect or understand sounds.[1] Caused by a wide range of biological and environmental factors, loss of hearing can happen to any organism that perceives sound.

What the heck is that supposed to mean??? :dunno:

Jesus H. Christ. a dead horse being beaten again.

when you witness some hearing parents in real life doesn't meant all hearing parents are like that.

And I DON'T????
no, obviously MY experience doesn't matter. oops, I forgot that.

No, I've seen in on TV... sheesh.
NOT ONLY I witnessed it in real life, I stood up in defence of some young hearing girl who was dragged into every stupid telephone conversation as translator. she was distraught, because she was expected to explain what people on the phone wanted, and she was unable to do so because it was too "adult" for her. when I said she is but a child, live her alone they said oh come on it won't hurt her. well sure it won't hurt her. so I guess using kids as free translators all the time is Okay, then.

Then why hearing people are expected to change into signing ones while their natural "habitat" is hearing and speaking?

I feel insulted, even if I am not a hearing parent, but I am insulted for MY parents. That however is closed chapter - she apologized. End of story.
Anyhoo, best not to make generalizations.

I insulted hearing parents?

That's interesting, now I have to read minds and know she made a grammar mistake without anybody telling me.

Do you WANTED to talk about my parents in the first place?
and who exactly are we discussing, my PARENTs or ME? chose one.

So what? maybe surgery and some major appliances are covered. but I am sure there is plenty of additional aiding and non- aiding gadgets that one have to pay for. is every audiotaped book covered? is every DVD with songs, poems, or whatever covered?

Where did I say he whines?

Does that mean he does not spends any energy or never have any stress?
And this EXACTLY what I am talking about- hearing parents work hard for their deaf children, but they are HUMBLE about it and do not complain about stress.

Hearing parents spend WAY MORE time and effort on their deaf children. Especially those whith CI.

yes, for saying truth out loud.

Do you think Cloggy and other parents are not aware of that? of CI might be suddenly going kaput?

I certainly do NOT wonder why..

Excellent post R2d2.
But does anyone but me took notice, gives a fiddle? NO.

I asked questions about you being a deaf mother to a hearing child.
in no way they were offensive, please show me one offensive remark about you as a parent. I didn't even knew you are a single parent, nor do I care.
You could have addressed my every single comment and question about you being a parent. why didn't you do that?

What exactly did you do that set you apart from millions of other signle, struggling moms?

I myslef was single mom for 4 years. so what? I don't think I did anything more special than my friends- single mothers.

What exactly did you do, Cheri, that helped your children to be hearing?
or were they, simply, NATURALLY hearing?

And you still didn't reply to my question: Do you understand the graph that Cloggy posted, and the "window of opportunity"?

Looks like nobody but ME is capable of speaking for self.


Perhaps your parents not sending you to a deaf school, and your brother not giving you a chance to be a part of deaf culture is something you should explore, fuzzy. Most likely, it is the cause of all your anger, and your obstinance, and your abrupt and insulting manner.
I want to say I agree 100% with what you say - but even this will be picked apart by others and belittled and ignored, and it won't reach the target audience you intended. As much as we try to show the other side, the fact remains that nothing, NOTHING short of 100% ASL immersion and education in deaf schools, within the deaf community itself will please others who don't have CI's or CI implanted children themselves. I've finally realized that even trying to correct mistruths, misunderstandings, confusion and outright lies is an exercise in futility. This is why almost every other parent has left the forum or stops replying in this section. I understand the frustration they feel. Its not worth the stress, and I just give up.

Come on neecy. Have you caught fuzzitis? Don't start making innacurate accusations. No one here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL.. We are proposing an environment that provides both ASL and speech. We are proposing a BI-Bi atmosphere. Your refusal to recognize and admit this is what keeps the attacks going. If anyone is guilty of misrepresentation or of spreading innacuracies, it is those such as yourself who continue to insist that members who see the very real advantage to exposing a child to sign and speech are anti-CI. That's a leap in logic that just doesn't work.
I am not surprised!!!

It's sad that some hearing parents think CI itself can develop language and speech skill which it's not.

They are being brainwashed by doctors who claimed that CI itself can develop language and speech skill... I wish some parents open their mind and take BOTH sides, not one side.
I am with you. I told my friend "why did the doctor let it happen?" My friend said "I dont know." She felt so bad for this child.
Come on neecy. Have you caught fuzzitis? Don't start making innacurate accusations. No one here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL.. We are proposing an environment that provides both ASL and speech. We are proposing a BI-Bi atmosphere. Your refusal to recognize and admit this is what keeps the attacks going. If anyone is guilty of misrepresentation or of spreading innacuracies, it is those such as yourself who continue to insist that members who see the very real advantage to exposing a child to sign and speech are anti-CI. That's a leap in logic that just doesn't work.

I have, ever since coming to this forum, advocated BOTH sign and speech education for CI-implanted children. BOTH. NOT JUST SIGN... NOT JUST SPEECH.... BUT BOTH!!!!!

So before you start telling ME that I'm misrepresenting things and spreading in accuracies, PLEASE know who you are talking to.

And as to saying that nobody here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL - just read some of the threads Sweetmind has started on this very topic.
I have, ever since coming to this forum, advocated BOTH sign and speech education for CI-implanted children. BOTH. NOT JUST SIGN... NOT JUST SPEECH.... BUT BOTH!!!!!

How come some members included hearing parents and deaf as well have said that sign was not even requirement nor not even in needed? Yet, I don't see you supporting sign language either.
CI and HA are the biggest SCAM that doesnt make you hearing at all. It doenst make you able to hear everything that wastes of my time

Who said anything about hearing aids and cochlear implants makes you hear everything?...

Hearing/Deaf oralism with a very negative audist attitude parents are too much ignorant and dont understand what s it like to be deaf itself. Scoffs!

How so? I don't see any harm of learning to speak..

HA and CI are the same behavioral patterns as is. DONT TELL ME I am wrong. MIND YOU!

Please provide a link or two that says that....:ty:
And as to saying that nobody here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL -

Are you 100% sure? :hmm: hmm maybe you should re-read Fuzzy's post again...
Are you 100% sure? :hmm: hmm maybe you should re-read Fuzzy's post again...

I don't think you read my post correctly. *I* didn't say that, Jillio did. I was addressing that she said:

No one here is recommending complete immersion in deaf culture or ASL.

and I said that's wrong - thats what Sweetmind advocates.
How come some members included hearing parents and deaf as well have said that sign was not even requirement nor not even in needed? Yet, I don't see you supporting sign language either.

Then you've not paid any attention to my posts. I've said multiple times that I support speech with sign. Do you want me to dig up my past posts to prove it?
I don't think you read my post correctly. *I* didn't say that, Jillio did. I was addressing that she said:

Opps, :Oops: I'm sorry, I see it now Thank you..
Hearing aid, Cochlear Implant, and other hearing devices ARE NO GOOD for anyone exspecially for Deaf children.

CI and HA are the biggest SCAM that doesnt make you hearing at all. It doenst make you able to hear everything that wastes of my time

FOR YOUR INFO, I can hear the bird singing in a quiet environment that s all there is to it. DUHIE! YOU LIES about us not able to hear HA device.

CI children is totally deaf because they have no RESIDUAL HEARING so therefore they are (D)eaf because they are totally deaf on both ears. SO THERE! DONT LIE about us and our deafness anymore.

Hearing/Deaf oralism with a very negative audist attitude parents are too much ignorant and dont understand what s it like to be deaf itself. Scoffs!

HA and CI are the same behavioral patterns as is. DONT TELL ME I am wrong. MIND YOU!

Why do you feel the need to post the exact same thing twice, on two different threads?
Are you 100% sure? hmm maybe you should re-read Fuzzy's post again...

Oh yeah??? Exactly, WHAT am I recommending according to YOU, pray tell?
Exactly WHAT? I am so curious what did I do this time...

How come some members included hearing parents and deaf as well have said that sign was not even requirement nor not even in needed? Yet, I don't see you supporting sign language either.

Would you please explain to me what do you mean "sign not required or even needed"?

because I disctintly remember saying that hearing PARENT is not required to know ASL in order to specifically to communicate with his deaf child. That's all.

BUT that does not mean the hearing parent also excludes the possibility od providing the deaf enviroment for the very same child.
A hearing parent may chose not to sign himself, but he can very well chose to surround his deaf child with deaf peers, with sign courses, take the child to the deaf clubs and organizations. And won't that be enough for the child to be fluent in sign language and have connection with deaf culture?

don't need to move to different area for the education for my kids because they're hearing, they don't have needs.

EXACTLY. that's my point the whole time.
so, basically you confirm that deaf parents do not have to work as hard for their hearing kids as the hearing parenst have to for their deaf children. Period.

I did not say "All",

no, you only said MOST,
and in addition, you tried to make it look like once again the deaf people - this time - deaf parents, are being abused. never mind that this was almost exact copy of your text.

Again I did not insulted those hearing parents, I spoke the truth. Wake up and smell the coffee the world isn't black and white.

You didn't spoke the truth. You accused MOST hearing parents of being lazy. Do you have proof that MOST parents are lazy? do you have studies, statistics to back up your statement?

So, and your point? Stop being a bitter person and have a heart for others.

My point is, if you have audacity to insult MOST hearing parents as lazy, you better be a shining example as an extra hard working DEAF parent YOURSELF, or you have nothing.

Nobody is giving me a pat on the back, You are just seeing my opinion in a different way than they are. You see it as an insult, while they see it as the truth. It did happened in this world and it's no lie.

I am not denying that out there are SOME hearing parents that do not do what they should for their deaf children.
THE SAME WAY as out there are DEAF parents who do nothing to meet needs of their hearing children.
The same as any hearing parent may neglect its hearing children, and the same as any deaf parent may neglect its deaf children - everywhere.

I am seeying your opinion for what's it WORTH.

And yeah, the sheep-like followers jumped to your defence immediately, giving the pats to a suddenly "attacked" "good mother".

I never
said you were bad mother, or imply such - for the record.
I simply asked what did you do that would qualify as going out of your way to assist your hearing children. You did NOTHING. things developed naturally, by themselves. That's the point. and yet you pointed fingers at hearing parents as bad.

I am neutral to both fact and feeling... I am interesting about people's feeling than fact.

You were WRONG about your feeling many times before. and yet you still rely on it, instead on true hard FACTS.

Nobody says here that ALL hearing and deaf parents but SOME or MANY... Got it? I do not see "some" or "many" in your posts which I thought you mean ALL...

No, it was worse, somebody said MOST hearing parents.

How come when I mocked the post and put "deaf" in place of "hearing", suddenly everybody was in uproar, protesting? Didn't like it? didn't consider it to be true? Then how come it is OK to call hearing parents that, but not the deaf ones? all I did was switch words.

Did you relocated, went from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, therapy to therapy, hearing group to hearing group, and so on, in order to find the best accommodations for your children? did you got speech therapy in order to speak your best to your children? did you spend hours and hours trying to teach them sign langauge and lipreading WITHOUT knowing it yourself? and the list could go on...

Can you please show me about your experience with your parents. I must miss it? All what I read your positive post about your parents. ?

Go back and re-read some my earlier posts. All I did in them was talking about my hearing parents.
even with some possibly removed, even those to which you replied.
btw that shows how much you care about anything but your POV.

oh okay I'll do that for you
A hearing parent can find OTHER ways of succesful loving communication with his deaf child.
My parents never signed, but they went to great lenghts to speak to us slowly, with exaggerated lip movement to make lipreading easier for us, and they were always ready and patient to write things down. And while I never signed myself, my brother did, and never in my life I heard him complainign about our parents not signing.
anyway. of course our parents didn't tell us we are in no way different - they told us our deafness doesn't make us any less able to achieve what hearing children can achieve, or make us any less worth as human being as hearing children.
OF COURSE they told us we need accommodations for our deafness, and of course they told us we would have to work harder.
Not only did they told us that, they did their best to provide the most accepting, understanding enviroment for us as long as they could, And that was in the sixties and seventees, hon.

will that suffice?

Oh I see, what you talk here is not FACT but misleading... You beleive in TV more than the people with life experiences. You should say in your first post that you saw it on TV... It look like that you try to mislead hearing posters about deaf's way.

jesus. it was right next to NOT ONLY I witnessed it in real life, I stood up in defence - it's called sarcasm.

Nobody insult you for your parents because your parents are hearing. We talked general about our life experience what we know about our hearing parents.

yes, my parents were insulted by generalization "most hearing parents are lazy". If they weren't, why are you accusing me of this:

No, you don't insult hearing parents but deaf parents.

I said EXACTLY the same thing as someone did. in fact, ALL I did was to switch from "hearing" to "deaf" in appropriate places. It wasn't even my sentence. This is the exact SAME TEXT as somebody's who wrote it IN THE FIRST PLACE.
So how come "nobody" is insulting hearing parents, but I AM insulting the deaf ones?
That's having double morals.

Then accept her apology simply and ignore her English grammar.

I see. nobody is going to apologize to me for expecting me to read minds and know that she made a grammar mistake, but I am required to accept the apology.

I did, btw. but that is not the point.

I really don't have idea which choice I should make since you mentioned about yourself and some about your parents in your previous posts. *shrug*

You know, I wouldn't shrug if I was you, because it is YOU who constantly mixes two, three topics at once and confuses everything. That is why asked you to chose what you want to discuss.

Everything what CI children really needs is cover by public health insurance.

NOT everything.

Did you know the difference between good and bad stress?

and your point is?

It's Bear, I am referring to with my question, not anyone.

I am responding the same way YOU frequently respond to MY many questions directed at other people. I was aware your question wasn't for me.

Accord your question:
It's parent's decision to accept risk on their babies/toddlers's life that's because they want them to hear or not.

And what does that have to do with earlier question about CI suddenly failing in an older ALIVE and WELL child?

answer those question because I am mother of 2 hearing boys. Simple answer: We parents develop our hearing children's brain. Without parent's feed to their brain, they would not speak or learn lanuage skill... Again, did you know that hearing people can't read, speak or writing... ? My repeat question about them are being ignored. Please answer on this...

First of all, my question wasn't how parents help to develope children's brain. My question was, what exactly was SO SPECIAL somebody did to make her children hear?? the ansqwer is NOTHING special.

the kids were born hearing, and their hearing developed naturally. she didn't bent backwards to help develop the sense of hearing in them - that's my point. she wasn't one of those extra - hard working parents.

Besides I think it was you who told me that some hearing children of deaf parents are delayed in their oral langauge development, and don't speak until they start preschool or kindergarten. or special help comes home and help these children. something like that.

Again, did you know that hearing people can't read, speak or writing... ?

yes I know. what does that has to do with anything?

See my response on your post with graph...

I think I was asking Cheri. But I still don't see her reply.


And just for the record, when I use bold letters and underlying it because I want to accentuate the importance of these.
Oh yeah??? Exactly, WHAT am I recommending according to YOU, pray tell?
Exactly WHAT? I am so curious what did I do this time...

This >
Audiofuzzy said:
I for one, don't think a hearing parent is REQUIRED to learn sign language.

And this was my respond to you earlier in this thread

Angel said:
How are hearing parents going to communicate with their CI children when they're not wearing their implants?

And sign language is not only for deaf/CI/hoh, if you read this article you will see why others use them too....

Who Else Uses Sign Language?

It is not just deaf and hard of hearing children who use sign language. Another large segment of sign language users is hearing nonverbal children who are nonverbal due to conditions such as down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, trauma, and brain disorders or speech disorders. For parents, sign language provides a means of quick communication, particularly for those whose attention spans may be very short or language very limited. Or it may be a tool for language development prior to developing spoken language. For children, it is a means of expressing themselves so that they are less frustrated.
How do you feeling when you learn from a girl there?


I was interested in her story naturally, but as a previously hearing person, I wanted the chance to be able to hear something again. I knew there were risks involved when I did the surgery. I weighed those risks against what I hoped to achieve and decided the risks were worth it to me.

Mind you, Im not saying hearing is everything and you must hear to have a good life and success, I AM saying that for me hearing was something I was used to and always had. I can accept my deafness but what is wrong for me to have what I am used to having?

I advocate a CI in an adult as they are old enough to make those choices and weigh those decisions on their own. I do not advocate CI's in children at this point for many reasons.

When that girl told me her CI failed I was like wow ya know? But at the same time I realized a CI is just a device, and that ANY device can experience failure. No matter if it is a CI or a Hearing Aid or a Computer. They all still are devices that we use and all can fail. Its a risk you take when using any device. A pacemaker, however very rare can fail.

So her device failing did not deter me from getting implanted. Just because her device failed does not mean all will. Just like a hearing aid, one can fail while many others have a working hearing aid 20 years later. It happens.

I was interested in her story naturally, but as a previously hearing person, I wanted the chance to be able to hear something again. I knew there were risks involved when I did the surgery. I weighed those risks against what I hoped to achieve and decided the risks were worth it to me.

Mind you, Im not saying hearing is everything and you must hear to have a good life and success, I AM saying that for me hearing was something I was used to and always had. I can accept my deafness but what is wrong for me to have what I am used to having?

I advocate a CI in an adult as they are old enough to make those choices and weigh those decisions on their own. I do not advocate CI's in children at this point for many reasons.

When that girl told me her CI failed I was like wow ya know? But at the same time I realized a CI is just a device, and that ANY device can experience failure. No matter if it is a CI or a Hearing Aid or a Computer. They all still are devices that we use and all can fail. Its a risk you take when using any device. A pacemaker, however very rare can fail.

So her device failing did not deter me from getting implanted. Just because her device failed does not mean all will. Just like a hearing aid, one can fail while many others have a working hearing aid 20 years later. It happens.

Good points, Bear. From my experience, I know of 3 cases where the CI itself stopped working. That's 3 in about 20 CI users I have worked with in the last 5 years. The others do have working CIs but about half of them don't fully benefit from their CIs for whatever reasons while the other half do. Those numbers may not be 100% accurate but that's in the ballpark figure from my experience alone. Like Dreama said, what worked in controlled settings may not always work in non-controlled settings.

Whatever it is worth, I am just glad those children can communicate in ASL. I wonder what happens if the child doesn't know sign language and that child's CI malfunctions? I know of one story that was posted here on AD last year about a boy's CI getting stolen. That's a perfect example of how critical of knowing ASL is.
Then you've not paid any attention to my posts. I've said multiple times that I support speech with sign. Do you want me to dig up my past posts to prove it?

You did? :eek3:

As I remember when I got in a debate with you way back, You said something along a line about how it was the parents choice to choose which communication method that they prefer to use with their child Do you remember even saying that?

I for one, don't think a hearing parent is REQUIRED to learn sign language.

Yeah, SO ?????????????????????????

How is that related to my general opinion of ASL for the deaf children of the hearing parents ? and how is that excluding the full immersion in ASL and deaf culture if parent himself doesn't sign?

Did you bother to read this:

BUT that does not mean the hearing parent also excludes the possibility od providing the deaf enviroment for the very same child.
A hearing parent may chose not to sign himself, but he can very well chose to surround his deaf child with deaf peers, with sign courses, take the child to the deaf clubs and organizations. And won't that be enough for the child to be fluent in sign language and have connection with deaf culture?

AT ALL ?????

Maybe it's you who should re-read.

how it was the parents choice to choose which communication method that they prefer to use with their child

And it ISN'T so ????

is there a LAW that says it's ONLY ASL that is allowed to use with deaf child? when did we miss such proclamation?

And why is the parent who decides NOT to sign JUST HiMSELF is excluding his child from participating in deaf culture in OTHER WAYS?

I think ALL hearin' parent/s should LEARN sign language for the sake of a deaf child. It also will help a deaf child to KNOW that she/or he is NOT alone who is deaf. ASL is somethin' that it will represent to this deaf child that there's many DEAF people out there where she/or he will meet someday. That's HOW the ASL is introduced. Without ASL, it will NEVER be introduced for the deaf child to meet new DEAF people when the deaf child grows up.

I believe that a deaf child has that rights to get to know what's the " other " side of the world really is.
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