Deaf view on a CI kid... its a bummer..

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uh-oh is that FUZZY male or female :/ ? lol Confusing as because they way Fuzzy typing like a male .. :X

Oh, and how is male typing as opposed to female? from right to left, or ...???
because I would never assume one's gender on how they are typing.
there are bios that can be checked first, you know? all it takes is click click.

BTW JILLIO I would apprecciate if YOU stop spreading your pseudo - psychological bull about me being angry and agrressive.
I can be agressive, I can be angry, yes,
but I am NOT "angry and agressive" personality, thank you.

I simply hate stupidity, people who pretend to be friendly while in reality they merely use their popular status to dirty manipulating their own opinions, I hate when people don't even bother to learn about subject yet dispute it, and how many people here have an uncanny abiloty to avoid the meritum and start disputing something completely out of topic, how some people repeat the same BS over and over despite being told that NO I am not against ASL, and yes I am DEAF, (like Sweetmind) and so on...

for example..
Oh wow...oooops. Thought she was a male. Shows what we dont know about each other, heh?

I have been on this forum since Jun 2005. And Shel still doesn't know my gender. click click.. She didn't care to research such a simple, menial fact and yet she is discussing so many important subjects here. with such research skills, what else is she missing, then I can only wonder? hiow careful she is, and other like her, to make sure she knows the facts straight??

I hope you don't take offense to this, Fuzzy, but deaf children are different from hearing children, and to tell them they aren't doesn't really help. You can tell a deaf child that he is no different, but everything in his experience tells him he is. Better to address the difference than to deny it.

I agree that a deaf child can do anything he/she wants, but the fact of the matter is, they will encounter some obstacles from those who misjudge or misunderstand deafness. Better to be aware of those obstacle, and to prepare the deaf child to deal with them.

welL, DUH!
and you think my parents were to stupid to told us that?

isn't that what everybody keeps saying here "WE ARE NORMAL AS HEARING PEOPLE"? some deaf people refuse to be thought of as "disabled".

anyway. of course our parents didn't tell us we are in no way different - they told us our deafness doesn't make us any less able to achieve what hearing children can achieve, or make us any less worth as human being as hearing children.
OF COURSE they told us we need accommodations for our deafness, and of course they told us we would have to work harder. Do I have to explain everything in minute detail to YOU, too?

That is a bit harsh. I'm sure that Cheri has done everything in her ability to provide for her children's needs. And hearing children require as much care and teaching as deaf children do. The situation is simply reversed: hearingparent/deaf child; deaf parent/hearing child. Both involve providing what is not inthe immediate home environment. Just a a hearing parent needs to seek out deaf resources for their deaf child, a deaf parent needs to seek out hearing resources for their hearing child. The difference is that hearing resources are readily available. Not so for the deaf resources.

yes, of course, but HOW MUCH did she had to do?
Not half as much as my HEARING parents did! Did she relocate 3 states like you, a LAZY HEARING PARENT, in order to provide the best for her son? and yet she has an audacity to publicly proclaim that "hearing parents are lazy", but the moment I turned the table on her, what did she do? she tried to pin this on ME!
and YOU, a hearing parent whom she insulted as well, are not only not protesting about such a blatant and untrue statement, you actually seem to be kissing her .. ummm, defendig her?? that is what makes me angry, not my deafness, hon.

And the difference between the amount of work, time and resources the HEARING parent spends on their deaf children is enormously higher than those of the deaf parents! nowhere close to the deaf parents. I have been many times a witness how ruthlessly the deaf parents use their children as interpreters, be it in life situation or telephone conversation, and they never have any other enviroment than the deaf. somebody knock at the door- here. sweetie, help mommy or daddy understand what this scary man at the door is saying, the telephone rings- here honey, this is not relay and mommy doesn't have a clue.. in the store - ask the lady how much is it, would you honey?

Hearing children don't need to be taaught speech. They acquire it from the environment. Not so with deaf children

Well duh, and this is exactly WHY a hearing parent has twice as much work to do with their deaf children as the deaf parent with their hearing.

I doubt seriously that Cheri required her children do do speech therapy for her. That's getting a tad ridiculas.

I was talking about how the the deaf parents are never required to undergo speech therapy in order to communicate with their hearing children.
Of course no deaf would ever go for that, because they are poor deaf victim, aren't they? why would somebody require THEM to obtain speech for her children, it's only the hearing parent who MUST do everything, immediately understand everything about something that is so foreing to him, and HAS TO acquire ASL.

Did they simply tell you that, or did they provide you with the environment that demonstrated that to you on a daily basis? Did you get the same message from your hearing teachers and peers?

Not only did they told us that, they did their best to provide the most accepting, understanding enviroment for us as long as they could, And that was in the sixties and seventees, hon.
But you know what, gimme a break with these exploratory "psychological" questions - I am not naive. They did their BEST, period.
BTW with the excellent self -esteem foundation as a deaf person that they gave us, we couldn't care less what everyboy else thought of our abilities.

I taught my son to defend himself. That is what leads to independence. Mommy can't be there all the time!

That was a question directed at Cheri.

Lazy means more of moving slowly in teaching their CI children sign language, cause they rather to relay more on oral than signs...

lazy means what lazy means.
A rose is a rose by any other name hon. No matter how much will you try to whiten out what Cheri did, she was insulting, manipulative and disrespectful.

How about concentrating on the REAL issues, which is

CHERI INSULTED HEARING PARENTS. and sadly she is getting away with it. hush hush hush is happening very quickly.
how's that fair? why nobody is doing what is RIGHT?

Yep cuz it is just a simple question. U keep ranting and raving so it is hard to make sense of some of the stuff u have said.

Unbeliveable.... how about a word about what my post was ALL ABOUT:
CHERI INSULTED HEARING PARENTS. and sadly she is getting away with it.
how's that fair?

I already apologized for my mistake,

WHERE, SHOW ME WHERE. all I see is:
I made a mistake and I apologized,

SHOW me where did you apologized. Or you can't because you DIDN'T???
If you can find the apology I missed, I will apologize to you.

for Cheri! I give you the Good Mom Award! I know how hard it is to be a single parent!

Yay!! excuse me, but what it excatly is that Cheri did besides what millions and millions of other single moms did and are still doing?

how come nobody is applauding MY hearing parents who were suddenly raising two deaf kids in times where the only choice was deaf school with terrible level of education after which the best prospects for the deaf was to be a menial laborer???
hmmm??? wher eare the accolades for HEARING parents who like Jillio are ready to relocate for her son?? or Cloggy who spends time, money, energy on his daughter Lotte? or Jackie? or Ricky?
and you, are you blind, Jillio or what?

I am not angry because I am deaf and HoH or anything.
I am perfectly comfortable with my deafness, altough I do wish I could hear better. I was never made feel like worthless human being because of my hearing impairment, and the friendships that started in early childhood continue to this very day!!

what makes me angry is this sheer phonines on the forum, the way how some people who are undeniably wrong pat each others back - like the way things ended up with kissing Cheri's behind, which is making me just retch.

you are calling for fairness, and yet NO ONE had enough face and honor to say "hey, maybe it is wrong to say these things about hearing parents.."

No, not only NO ONE did, but some even demanded to have my posts removed.
How HONORABLE, how JUSTFUL, how objective. indeed.

Oh Gawd Fuzzy, You're still at it again?

Sorry, that I didn't use the correct term of word 'apology' for mis-read your post, But, on post 32, I was trying to say I was sorry. You had to pick on my English grammar error? Since when anyone was ever perfect at spelling the correct word?

The bottom line is that I have nothing to apology for what I said about hearing parents, I spoke the truth, If you can't handle the truth I'm sorry, this is how I feel. I did not even use any other members name to insult them the way you did to me. You broke the rule of AD, Yet I haven't, I spoke my opinion based on how I feel about hearing parents in general, nobody in participially.
Oh Gawd Fuzzy, You're still at it again?

Sorry, that I didn't use the correct term of word 'apology' for mis-read your post, But, on post 32, I was trying to say I was sorry. You had to pick on my English grammar error? Since when anyone was ever perfect at spelling the correct word?

The bottom line is that I have nothing to apology for what I said about hearing parents, I spoke the truth, If you can't handle the truth I'm sorry, this is how I feel. I did not even use any other members name to insult them the way you did to me. You broke the rule of AD, Yet I haven't, I spoke my opinion based on how I feel about hearing parents in general, nobody in participially.

It's all about " winnin' " who wins debate.

Let it go, please ? You can't win debate against anyone to give in. They are entitled to their views/pov/experiences/and opinions. Ok ? :)
Oh Gawd Fuzzy, You're still at it again?

Sorry, that I didn't use the correct term of word 'apology' for mis-read your post, But, on post 32, I was trying to say I was sorry. You had to pick on my English grammar error? Since when anyone was ever perfect at spelling the correct word?

The bottom line is that I have nothing to apology for what I said about hearing parents, I spoke the truth, If you can't handle the truth I'm sorry, this is how I feel. I did not even use any other members name to insult them the way you did to me. You broke the rule of AD, Yet I haven't, I spoke my opinion based on how I feel about hearing parents in general, nobody in participially.

yes I am still at it, and I will until some things won't be straightened out.
And I can also see, you learned nothing:

The bottom line is that I have nothing to apology for what I said about hearing parents, I spoke the truth,

the bottom line is, you DIDN'T spoke the truth, you insulted hearing parents.

I am not suprised at your answer. I knew you wouldn't have the guts to admit you were wrong.

btw I used your name and supported it with your own words/posts, so I didn't broke any rules.
It's different from talking behind one's back - I was open and HONEST while talking about you.

It's all about " winnin' " who wins debate.

oh geez yet another person who can't see the forest for the trees.
I couldn't care less about winning. I am simply demanding the wrong to be righted.
If you didn't got it yet - it's wrong to insult hearing parents the way SOMEONE did.

That's all.

the bottom line is, you DIDN'T spoke the truth, you insulted hearing parents.

I am not suprised at your answer. I knew you wouldn't have the guts to admit you were wrong.

I'm not even wrong at the fact that there are many hearing parents out in the society who doesn't know any signs, or don't want to sign anymore, or don't want to take up signs for their deaf child. I spoke the truth. Many of us have hearing parents and most of us have parents who never signed or did signed for a short period of time. It's no lie.

It's not my fault that you're blind to the world. I walked all my life seeing this and it breaks my heart.

You don't even know the differences between "the truth" and "insulting" Good Grief.
oh geez yet another person who can't see the forest for the trees.

I can see the forest for the trees. Okay ? Don't make an assumption. It's gettin' old to keep goin' the same issue of your arguments.

I couldn't care less about winning. I am simply demanding the wrong to be righted.

Oh, yes you care about winnin' until you satisfied. She already said her apologize. Just leave it be as is.

If you didn't got it yet - it's wrong to insult hearing parents the way SOMEONE did.

That's all.


Well, it's wrong to insult deaf people a 2nd class or low rank class the way some hearin' people did. No difference. Both ways are the same.
Well, it's wrong to insult deaf people a 2nd class or low rank class the way some hearin' people did. No difference. Both ways are the same.

Oh, yes and how could I forget, after all it all started because of that - and I see already is working, sadly.

It is VERY WRONG to pin something on other people. I merely MOCKED "someone's" post - get it thru your head already, please.

Oh, yes and how could I forget, after all it all started because of that - and I see already is working, sadly.

It is VERY WRONG to pin something on other people. I merely MOCKED "someone's" post - get it thru your head already, please.


I am not goin' to argue with you there, girl. Move on, please.
Oh, and how is male typing as opposed to female? from right to left, or ...???
because I would never assume one's gender on how they are typing.
there are bios that can be checked first, you know? all it takes is click click.

BTW JILLIO I would apprecciate if YOU stop spreading your pseudo - psychological bull about me being angry and agrressive.
I can be agressive, I can be angry, yes,
but I am NOT "angry and agressive" personality, thank you.

Maybe you don't see it in yourself, but it certainly is there.

I simply hate stupidity, people who pretend to be friendly while in reality they merely use their popular status to dirty manipulating their own opinions, I hate when people don't even bother to learn about subject yet dispute it, and how many people here have an uncanny abiloty to avoid the meritum and start disputing something completely out of topic, how some people repeat the same BS over and over despite being told that NO I am not against ASL, and yes I am DEAF, (like Sweetmind) and so on...
Oh, I thought you were hearing impaired.

for example..

I have been on this forum since Jun 2005. And Shel still doesn't know my gender. click click.. She didn't care to research such a simple, menial fact and yet she is discussing so many important subjects here. with such research skills, what else is she missing, then I can only wonder? hiow careful she is, and other like her, to make sure she knows the facts straight??

Why should shel have taken the time to research your gender? How is that pertinent to anything? Doesn't matter if you are male or female. And if it is important for you that people know these things, then it is your responsibility to share them. Otherwise, your gender has absolutely nothing to do with a discussion of CI, deaf ed, ASL, or anything else.

welL, DUH!
and you think my parents were to stupid to told us that?

I'm sure they told you fuzzy. But did they provide the environment that allowed you to develop those skills? Judging from the bitterness you exhibit, I'd say not.

isn't that what everybody keeps saying here "WE ARE NORMAL AS HEARING PEOPLE"? some deaf people refuse to be thought of as "disabled".

Most deaf don't think of themselves as disabled. It is the hearing that think of the deaf as disabled, and sets the policy that continues that perception. That's the whole point of the discussion.

anyway. of course our parents didn't tell us we are in no way different - they told us our deafness doesn't make us any less able to achieve what hearing children can achieve, or make us any less worth as human being as hearing children.

That isn't what you said in the other post.
OF COURSE they told us we need accommodations for our deafness, and of course they told us we would have to work harder. Do I have to explain everything in minute detail to YOU, too?

I don't need minute detail, just accurate detail.

yes, of course, but HOW MUCH did she had to do?
Not half as much as my HEARING parents did! Did she relocate 3 states like you, a LAZY HEARING PARENT, in order to provide the best for her son? and yet she has an audacity to publicly proclaim that "hearing parents are lazy", but the moment I turned the table on her, what did she do? she tried to pin this on ME!
and YOU, a hearing parent whom she insulted as well, are not only not protesting about such a blatant and untrue statement, you actually seem to be kissing her .. ummm, defendig her?? that is what makes me angry, not my deafness, hon.

How did she insult me? The statement about lazy was qualified, and in no way included me.

And the difference between the amount of work, time and resources the HEARING parent spends on their deaf children is enormously higher than those of the deaf parents! nowhere close to the deaf parents. I have been many times a witness how ruthlessly the deaf parents use their children as interpreters, be it in life situation or telephone conversation, and they never have any other enviroment than the deaf. somebody knock at the door- here. sweetie, help mommy or daddy understand what this scary man at the door is saying, the telephone rings- here honey, this is not relay and mommy doesn't have a clue.. in the store - ask the lady how much is it, would you honey?

My goodness! Why are so so bitter toward the deaf?

Well duh, and this is exactly WHY a hearing parent has twice as much work to do with their deaf children as the deaf parent with their hearing.

No it isn't. The deaf parent has to insure that their hearing child is exposed to spoken language. The hearing parent should insure that their child is exposed to sign language, but chances are they don't. Instead, they create the work by insisting onan unnatural environment for language acquisistion.

I was talking about how the the deaf parents are never required to undergo speech therapy in order to communicate with their hearing children.
Of course no deaf would ever go for that, because they are poor deaf victim, aren't they? why would somebody require THEM to obtain speech for her children, it's only the hearing parent who MUST do everything, immediately understand everything about something that is so foreing to him, and HAS TO acquire ASL.

Deaf parents don't need speech therapy in order to communicate with their hearing children. They communicate in sign. The childhas been exposed to it from birth, and fully understands the communication. There are no language delays. The deaf child, on the other hand, cannot understand the oral communication because they cannot hear it. A hearing child can see the signs. There's a big difference there.

Not only did they told us that, they did their best to provide the most accepting, understanding enviroment for us as long as they could, And that was in the sixties and seventees, hon.
But you know what, gimme a break with these exploratory "psychological" questions - I am not naive. They did their BEST, period.
BTW with the excellent self -esteem foundation as a deaf person that they gave us, we couldn't care less what everyboy else thought of our abilities.
Methinks you doth protest too much. Who are you trying to convince, fuzzy. Us, or yourself?

That was a question directed at Cheri.

lazy means what lazy means.
A rose is a rose by any other name hon. No matter how much will you try to whiten out what Cheri did, she was insulting, manipulative and disrespectful.

How about concentrating on the REAL issues, which is

CHERI INSULTED HEARING PARENTS. and sadly she is getting away with it. hush hush hush is happening very quickly.
how's that fair? why nobody is doing what is RIGHT?

Unbeliveable.... how about a word about what my post was ALL ABOUT:
CHERI INSULTED HEARING PARENTS. and sadly she is getting away with it.
how's that fair?

WHERE, SHOW ME WHERE. all I see is:

SHOW me where did you apologized. Or you can't because you DIDN'T???
If you can find the apology I missed, I will apologize to you.

Yay!! excuse me, but what it excatly is that Cheri did besides what millions and millions of other single moms did and are still doing?

how come nobody is applauding MY hearing parents who were suddenly raising two deaf kids in times where the only choice was deaf school with terrible level of education after which the best prospects for the deaf was to be a menial laborer???
hmmm??? wher eare the accolades for HEARING parents who like Jillio are ready to relocate for her son?? or Cloggy who spends time, money, energy on his daughter Lotte? or Jackie? or Ricky?
and you, are you blind, Jillio or what?

No, fuzzy, I am not blind at all. The only accolades I need are the ones my own son gives me. But, as a bonus, I have received support and praise from many, many AD members, Cheri included. The most dissention I have experienced is from other hearing parents whose philosophy differs from mine.

I am not angry because I am deaf and HoH or anything.
I am perfectly comfortable with my deafness, altough I do wish I could hear better. I was never made feel like worthless human being because of my hearing impairment, and the friendships that started in early childhood continue to this very day!!
If you wish you could hear better, you are not perfectly comfortable with your deafness, fuzzy.

what makes me angry is this sheer phonines on the forum, the way how some people who are undeniably wrong pat each others back - like the way things ended up with kissing Cheri's behind, which is making me just retch.

you are calling for fairness, and yet NO ONE had enough face and honor to say "hey, maybe it is wrong to say these things about hearing parents.."
Or maybe, everyone realized that Cheri was making a statement about those hearing parents who refuse to provide their child with exposure to sign language and deaf culture, and we simply agree with her philosophy. Perhaps it isn't always laziness, but by the same token, it is a harmful practice.

No, not only NO ONE did, but some even demanded to have my posts removed.
How HONORABLE, how JUSTFUL, how objective. indeed.

What is so unjust, fuzzy? That others disagree with you? I think youhave been treated very fairly. Youhave been given the same opportunity as any other member of AD. You have the opportunity to post your POV, just as we all do. That's fair...that's just. What you are asking for is personal revenge, and that ain't gonna happen.
Mod Note:

Due to several reports made on this thread, thread's closed for review--

Posts may be removed or edited.

Mod Note:

After reviewing the whole thread in its entirety--several things stand out. One, as the rules states herein for AD:

9.) No bashing, flaming or harassing other members. Period.

10.) No enticing or provoking other members to cause them to get into trouble.

To continue so will result with a warning, possibly a ban if it warrants it.

Also, with a comment that was made about 'hearing parents are lazy' isn't or wasn't directed to no one in particular...the comment is a no-brainer...more of a generalized statement in which it can be related to many various of reasonings or content, however, if one or more members here in AD felt 'insulted' with such is duly noted that the member making the statement has apologized with the intention of not purposefully directing such statement to any particular member here in AD. No need to further create more problems or flame-war whatsoever.

On the other hand--personally, a thought or question came across my mind--what would 'we' (hearing, deaf, CI users, Hoh,...etc.) see or think IF deaf children are the ones being 'insulted'..unknowingly or blindly (or even intentionally) by having to adhere to the standards or expectations within the 'hearing world'??? Hmm..a provoking thought at that, but surely can be discussed (civilly) in another thread.

Let's put aside the bickering or trying to stir up further problems in this thread. Meanwhile, keep this rule in mind:

Even though we support freedom of speech, show some respect, use common sense, and keep an open mind when participating in discussions.

Thank you!!

Peace out--

Thread's re-opened for further posting--.
:bowdown: Thank you RR and I agreed....
Cloggy said:
That's one of those non-sense arguments... Why would CI suddenly fail.

Cloggy this is the only comment I have on your post. When I was doing my appointments to get my own CI, I met a girl at the doctors office who had a previously working CI that suddenly quit working. She was there to see if she would need reimplanted. So a CI can and does suddenly fail.
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wow, it look like that I missing the whole posts since my last post here... :shock:

Yes, I am with you on this, RR.
Cloggy this is the only comment I have on your post. When I was doing my appointments to get my own CI, I met a girl at the doctors office who had a previously working CI that suddenly quit working. She was there to see if she would need reimplanted. So a CI can and does suddenly fail.

How do you feeling when you learn from a girl there?
oh geez yet another person who can't see the forest for the trees.
I couldn't care less about winning. I am simply demanding the wrong to be righted.
If you didn't got it yet - it's wrong to insult hearing parents the way SOMEONE did.

That's all.


No, I do not see that anyone point their finger to insult hearing parents here but share in general way what anyone including me have experience in real life with our hearing parents. It doesn't offend to some hearing parents here because they know anyone stated in general way without point their finger to them.
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