Deaf view on a CI kid... its a bummer..

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Why is she even criticizing parents in the first place? Who is she to criticize any one of us? Has she ever met us? More importantly, has she ever met anyone of our children? Why does she think she knows our children and their individual needs any better than the child's actual parents?

Perhaps, as Fuzzy has aptly suggested to satisfy her need to reassure herself of her parental decisions?

Think about that as you blindly defend her each and every time.

I've met the consequences of your inaction (you as a group that does not provide sign to your children and focus ontheir weaknesses rather than their strengths). I see what happens to these children as young adults and what they have to struggle with academically and personally. I do not need to reassure days are spent reassuring kids that have been raised in such an atmosphere.
Ohhh come on, Fuzzy !! That word " physical " means the " shape of your body ", not to mention of the " ears ". It doesn't mean that deafness is handicapped for pete's sake. That's different !

Jillio's son is NOT handicapped since he has the " doable " body that he CAN DO things with his 4 limbs without any device to help him with. That word " handicapped " is very serious offensive to some deaf people, because deaf people with " doable " body can walk, move, and such things that their 4 limbs can do, except hear. What part of word don't you understand, Fuzzy ?

Of course, it may not sound offensive to you, because it don't even bother you.
Please stop spreading lies about me.

Show me the post wherein I told any parent, deaf or hearing that they were wrong for not implanting their deaf child.

I have consistently supported a parents' right to make the decision to implant or not to implant.

So quit trying to turn this into an attack on you and show me the post.

Here comes that defensive again. No need to turn anything into an attack on me.....that's quite obvious to all. Difference is, I let it roll off my back and don't allow it to make me question my decisions. You on the other hand, react with defensiveness and bluster. Who's looking for reasurrance now?
You haven't got banned for breaking the rules of AD, So don't even go there with this "fairness" crap.

Fuzzy isn't interested in fairness. She's only interested in gaining an advantage. Talk about asking for special treatment!:rl:
Depends HOW the word handicapped is looked upon;
Merriam Webster definiton states it's SOMETIMES offensive, yes,
but also:
sometimes offensive : having a physical or mental disability;

Definition of handicapped - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

I reffered to your son as having physical disability, and he has one- he is deaf.
So I wasn't offending your son. I simply stated he is handicapped because he can't hear. I don't see it as offensive, YOU DO. I also said I because I am deaf, I am this way handicapped too. am I offending myself? I don't see it that way.

Is he not deaf, hence disabled, and according to Merriam Webster- hence handicapped?

I didn't accused you, I wondered about it...

what names? btw names, what is "ass nose"?????

And YOU didn't?
Do you I have to dig up every post NOT intended for you but for others and purely between others and me, where you stuck YOUR nose in?
Putting me in straughtjacket is NOT offensive?, ridiculing me (and not only me- remember Rick's crack pipe, hon?) in revenge for proving you wrong - is NOT offensive?

Sorry to let you know but YOU on the other hand are incapable of refrain from nasty, sarcastic and ridiculing remarks that cause conflict.
And you say you got courses in psychology? I think now you understand why I DOUBT it.

Excuse, me, for one this is NOT TRUE, second you do realise have you said that all publicly I would have excellent grounds to take you to court for harrassment and smearing ? you only get away with it because it's internet forum.
and by saying things like these above, YOU ARE smearing my person for the others, influence how they look at me. if you do have certain degress in psychology you should know you
a/ have no right to assess anybody WITHOUT seeying that person in real life
b/ assesments patient-therapist/doctor are confidential.

Throw the first stone, hon, only when you are without sin. otherwise don't say a word.


Number one, I find the word "handicapped" offensive, explained completely why I did not see my son as "handicapped", and why he does not view himself as "handicapped". Many other posters have cited their opbjection to this word, as well. If you had any social skills at all, fuzzy, you would have taken that as a clue to stop using the word in reference to any one with a difference. However, you insist on using terminology that people find offensive, so you come across as offensive. And you did not refer to my son as having a physical defined his very person as "handicapped". These are exactly the communication and language problems that are so evident in children who were raised without sign.

I find it laughable that one such as yourself would even attempt a discussion regarding ethics. And, I would suggest that unless you are employed in my profession, you refrain from attempting to outline my professional duties or ethical obligations.
Why is she even criticizing parents in the first place? Who is she to criticize any one of us? Has she ever met us? More importantly, has she ever met anyone of our children? Why does she think she knows our children and their individual needs any better than the child's actual parents?

Perhaps, as Fuzzy has aptly suggested to satisfy her need to reassure herself of her parental decisions?

Think about that as you blindly defend her each and every time.

Ok whatever...
I reffered to your son as having physical disability, and he has one- he is deaf.
So I wasn't offending your son. I simply stated he is handicapped because he can't hear. I don't see it as offensive, YOU DO. I also said I because I am deaf, I am this way handicapped too. am I offending myself? I don't see it that way.

Physical disability? He doesn't have minimal limitations. There are different types of disabilities and physical is no where rules out for deafness. It just shows how ignorant you are. :giggle:

Some deaf do not think of themselves as handicapped, impaired, or disabled, just deaf period, so just let them labeled themselves.
No reasurrance necessary. And if you would see yourself as more than just your ears, you would be a much less obnoxious person. You are so focused on the bitterness you feel over not being able to hear that you have no idea how offensive you are. You need to work less on working your way into the hearing community, and more on your social skills.

If you were as sure as you claim you are, you wouldn't spend so much time analyzing me.
I know I am very important to you, but please- the amount of your attention is beinginng to embarass me.

Ohhh come on, Fuzzy !! That word " physical " means the " shape of your body ", not to mention of the " ears ". It doesn't mean that deafness is handicapped for pete's sake. That's different !

Jillio's son is NOT handicapped since he has the " doable " body that he CAN DO things with his 4 limbs without any device to help him with. That word " handicapped " is very serious offensive to some deaf people, because deaf people with " doable " body can walk, move, and such things that their 4 limbs can do, except hear. What part of word don't you understand, Fuzzy ?

Thank you for explaining that to me. In this light, I can see why so many people object to the word. I still don't understand though why would "handicapped" mean offensive.
I can understand "retard", " smashie" but "handicapped"? what's wrong with that word? why there are "handicapped" parkings, then? isn't that offensive?

Of course, it may not sound offensive to you, because it don't even bother you.

It doesn't mean offensive to me because I am secure in my self -worth. I know that me being deaf doesn't make me any less of a person. Even if somebody has called me "retard" I would just shrug "kiss my ..".

If you were as sure as you claim you are, you wouldn't spend so much time analyzing me.
I know I am very important to you, but please- the amount of your attention is beinginng to embarass me.

I analyze because its fun. And that's another problem you have. Overestimating your importance to people. Frankly, fuzzy, I could never read another post of yours and my life would go on in the same wonderful way it always has. You are not a are an annoyance. And the best way to deal with an annoyance is to laugh at it.
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Thank you for explaining that to me. In this light, I can see why so many people object to the word. I still don't understand though why would "handicapped" mean offensive.
I can understand "retard", " smashie" but "handicapped"? what's wrong with that word? why there are "handicapped" parkings, then? isn't that offensive?

It doesn't mean offensive to me because I am secure in my self -worth. I know that me being deaf doesn't make me any less of a person. Even if somebody has called me "retard" I would just shrug "kiss my ..".


You are one of the LEAST secure people I have ever encountered, hearing or deaf. You are a therapist's dream, fuzzy. So many issues to work on and so little time!

And shrugging off an insult rather than standing up for yourself is called lack of courage, not self esteem.
WHEN WILL MOD CLOSE THIS THREAD?? It is getting old!! Enough is Enough!!!
I still don't understand though why would "handicapped" mean offensive.
I can understand "retard", " smashie" but "handicapped"? what's wrong with that word? why there are "handicapped" parkings, then? isn't that offensive?

Terms which are NOT acceptable to the majority of deaf and hard-of-hearing people include:

deaf and dumb
deaf mute


This term is not acceptable, as it carries many negative implications. 'Handicapped' comes from the term 'cap in hand', an idea that many disabled people would find offensive.

Advice. Hearing Concern, a national charity for deaf and hard of hearing people.
WHEN WILL MOD CLOSE THIS THREAD?? It is getting old!! Enough is Enough!!!

Hey, Redhead, we are doing fine; close to the line but okay. Don't come in if it disturbs you.
Hey, Redhead, we are doing fine; close to the line but okay. Don't come in if it disturbs you.

As usual, with any bucket or barrel of apples, there'll be a few rotten apples...doesn't mean to put a 'lid' on it. 'Tossing' it out (the few rotten apples) usually does the trick. ;)

I'm one of these rotten apples....:D
Mod Note:

Thread's back it another chance. Happens again--it'll stay locked up.

I started the thread to show that it goes both ways. Bot "sides" have a view on children with CI.
Both "sides" show positive and negative attitudes. (and depending of the point of view.) And THAT has to change.

A lot of the negative remarks and attitudes is due to misinformation and misinterpretation.
But at least the facts should be correct:
I realize that something implanted inside the skull is a lot more intrusive than on the outside, and that opinion regarding CI can be based on that. However, the CI is on the outside of the skull. The procedure is relative easy.

Sure, the bandage around the heads of the children looks as if the skull was lifted, a laptop computer was implanted, and the skull closed again ....
In fact, the incision is quite small, and in the case of my daughter, she was up and running (yes, running and riding a tricycle) within 5 hours. The only medicine she got after surgery was 1 paracet. That's it...
So forgive me for not considering the operation "life-threatening" and "very risky".

Getting in my car, driving on a 2-lane road through Norway (or any other country I'm sure) is more "life-threatening and risky".
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