Oh, yeah. The funny thing is that I was having an interview with this ASL professor from Ontario (Canada) who is Deaf, and his parents are Deaf. We were having discussing Hearing culture vs Deaf culture. We both agree that Deaf people can tell everything no matter what it is.
He gave a few examples like this, a Deaf person asks a question, "How much do you make?"
Hearing person replies,"None of your business."
Deaf person replies," I make $40,000."
There ya go.
There you go!
Hearing person says, "None of your business." OBVIOUSLY!!
Deaf person gives information away anyway "automated at default." My theory is that Deafies have NO IDEA how valuable information is. And, Deafie thinks that any information has NO value at all. Therefore, they, without any reserve, give information away for free, at their will. I mean... freely. In another word, they hand out their personal lives to public for free. It's friggin scared to see that it may fall into some identity thief' hands. Hello??
Oddly, the officers would read you rights something along with, "whatever you say will be against you." Whatever they give out will be against themselves. It's best to think twice before saying something that MAY be against yourself. Drama is the major main cause to damage relationship. Hello??
Hearing person knows that information has worth something. They know the trades and negotiation in the business. Therefore, they'd use any information to against whoever is in their way. Clever! They usually win most times for their personal gains. Anyway, once you keep everything to yourself, keep your nose to yourself, the more it becomes more dignity, self-assurance, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-regard, self-worth and more. More people will look up at you - they would count on you, you would be more reliable and easy to trust in this manner. You would win many scores, probably promote some new position, new friends that confides in you, and this goes on. You know what I am saying? Information is pretty valuable and can use in the future when you need to accomplish your goal -- information is a weapon!
You see... Deafies fail to see that information is valuable. Drama and TMI tend to lead into major taboo. That's why I stay away from drama and I keep my information in my closet. I can reach a goal, nothing could pull me down because nobody could use any information that may against me. Welcome to the Politics. This is how information works in the trades. STOP giving information freely. TMI kills you. Drama kills you. Go clean! You will score many victories. I guarantee you. Your Call!
(endy - shut up! you are blahhing!)