Deaf Boyfriend versus Hearing Boyfriend...

I think it's romantic when two people have to make adjustments to communicate with each other :)
I'm new to this forum so forgive if my posting ends up somewhere it shouldn't. I stay in Inverness in the Scottish Highlands. A few comments on here seem to point towards an underlying assumption that deaf people like to date other deaf people. That may be the case for some, but for others it's not. After all, we are all individual, and have choices. Don't let lack of ciommunication be a barrier. Sure it may take time to build up commnications - and make a genuine effort to understand each others commiunication needs on both sides - deaf or hearing. If you like the person - go for it! After all... 'Ships are safe in harbour - but that's not why we build ships!'

Hallelujah! Finally - a guy who gets that point across ... how the sun shines through the dark clouds!

Thank YOU, CraigD!
I have never dated a deaf man... there was someone I was interested in, and he was interested in me... but he chickened out when we were supposed to meet. Sometimes I think it would be "easier" to understand if you dated someone culturally similar to you... But, wouldn't it be amazingly fun to date a hearing man (Deaf man for me) to share each others world of differences? :) But yes I agree with some others, it doesn't matter, if you find someone special
I think only you can decide this for yourself. I am a woman and I never dated a hoh or deaf guy , I think I liked having a boyfriend that could hear , it made me feel safer know my boyfriend could hear incase some thing happen . And something did happen a guy living across the street shot and killed a guy and my boyfriend told me to get aways from the window as I did not heard the gun! I was glad my boyfriend was able to hear! I hope you'll find a boyfriend that will treat you nice , I think that is what count more than anything.
I can't fully explain this, but I feel like I'm destined to be with a deaf man.

I agree with many of these posts.

Yes, the deaf community does share a lot. however, in my experience in the hearing world, gay hearing men can be just as similar in what they share. I feel that the key components to a strong relationship are honesty, love, and trust. I think that picking a hearing/deaf person over the other seems a bit selective and that it should just fall into place naturally. Again, my feeling that I'll end up with a deaf guy is unexplained...

I agree that it is romantic when a hearing person learns ASL for love. My friend graduated from Gallaudet and her husband learned ASL to shyly start communications. They fell in love and have one cute boy and a little girl (we think) on the way!

Thanks for reading,

I agree with the earlier posts. If you love someone and they love you back, it doesn't matter they they are hearing or not. I am hearing but dated a deaf guy for many years. It was one of the best relationships I have ever been in.
I would definitely date a Deaf guy if I felt like he was even remotely interested in me. :P
My advice (worth what you paid for it): Date the guy that makes you hot! He could be hearing or hoh or deaf. It's the guy, not his ears that you should go for.