Dad update

Dad's responding to the meds they have him on. Turns out, he has periotonitis caused by a fungal infection from the feeding tube. No idea when he will be released from the hospital, but not before the end of the weekend, at least. Dr wants to make sure the wound site is healing well before she discharges him. No idea on when the PEG will be replaced. But, he's stable for now and sounds a WHOLE lot better!

I am so glad for this little bit of good news.
Talked to Dad tonight and there's problems with the wound site. It's not healing well. The integrity of his skin is bad and it's ulcerated. There's three big places that have broken down that they are worried about. Tests were ordered today to see exactly what is going on inside of his belly, so we'll know more in a couple days. Meanwhile, no idea when he's coming home. Certainly, not this weekend; and maybe not Monday.

Sucks. *sigh*
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

So many ups and downs. I know that's hard on you.
:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

It's true, it's up and down, up and down and it's beyond stressful.
hope there will be answers soon what's going on with the wound.

I hope they can heal his wounds so that he can go home soon. Sending healing thoughts and energy his way...
Things are still precarious. Dad is still in the hospital.

Those holes in his abdomen turned out to be fistulas. Essentially, holes in his stomach that formed after the PEG was removed. He has been placed on clear liquids by mouth only, and is getting all of his actual nutrition and hydration through his bloodstream right now. He won't be able to consume anything by mouth for at least 4 wks; maybe 6 wks. Chemo has been put on hold until this heals. He also still has the infection. They isolated the organism and its multi drug resistent. He is very sick.

That's the update.

Thanks everyone for your support.
The fistulas aren't healing, so the Dr has decided to take Dad to surgery in the next few days. No idea when he's coming home.
That's gotta be rough. :(

Extremely. But, it's probably the best thing to do. He won't heal unless they go in there and deal with the infection. Then, close up the fistulas. I don't know if chemo will be restarted, but, he'll be more comfortable, at least.

REALLY want him home, though! I miss him! :(
Prayers continuing for you and the family and most especially Dad.
Thanks for the continuing updates, Ocean,
wishing you strength in all this and your Dad, too :hug:

Partial gastrectomy set for tomorrow. They will need to remove at least 1/3 of Dad's stomach to deal with the fistula. They are considering him high risk and don't expect him to survive the procedure. His lung function has declined considerably in the last few weeks. If he survives the procedure, they expect him be in the hospital for another week. But, the next couple days is going to be rough. He has to get through the surgery and handle coming off the breathing machine. Then, everything has to heal. We've got an uphill climb.

But, I'm holding onto the idea of "Where there's life, there's hope..." He was spitting mad last night, too, so I'm taking that as a positive. This man is literally fighting for his life. He tried like crazy to pick a fight with both Mom and my sister. We didn't bite, so he finally succeeded in reaming out a Dr. :lol:

If attitude is most of this, then nobody should count this man out!

We also got some good news. He seems to be responding to the chemo and the tumor is smaller. What little food he took in before all this drama started, he was able to swallow. So, I'll take whatever I can get.
Dad made it through the surgery. While the Dr was in there, though, he took a peek at Dad's liver and the cancer has advanced. His liver is nearly completely consumed by the cancer. I had prepared myself for Dad's death, so when I heard he had made it through, I was elated. The news regarding the liver is sobering, but not unexpected. At this point, any time we have with him is gravy. It's my hope that the end will be merciful; no matter how much time is left.
Dad made it through the surgery. While the Dr was in there, though, he took a peek at Dad's liver and the cancer has advanced. His liver is nearly completely consumed by the cancer. I had prepared myself for Dad's death, so when I heard he had made it through, I was elated. The news regarding the liver is sobering, but not unexpected. At this point, any time we have with him is gravy. It's my hope that the end will be merciful; no matter how much time is left.

Oh Lordy!! I am so thankful you got this minor reprieve and he made it through the surgery. Treasure and savor every moment you can. Know that I am here for you and know that you can get a hold of me. I will PM you my cell number in case you want to text.
Thank you, Ladies.

Kristina, thank you for your number. I'll use it, I promise.

Right now, though, just know I'm OK. My Sister and her family is living with us for the time being, and that has proved to be a Godsend. It's cramped in here for sure, but, I can't IMAGINE going through this alone.