Dad update

I just got myself here and read all the threads here. I am sorry that your father has been sick with bad Cancer. Just make him comfortable as best as you and the hospice can help him. Oh, I hate Cancer. :mad:

I am praying for you and your father plus your family to have peace with each other. It is a very difficult time for all of you to deal with this disease. May the Creator watch over your father if he need to come home. Life is not fair. :(
I just got myself here and read all the threads here. I am sorry that your father has been sick with bad Cancer. Just make him comfortable as best as you and the hospice can help him. Oh, I hate Cancer. :mad:

I am praying for you and your father plus your family to have peace with each other. It is a very difficult time for all of you to deal with this disease. May the Creator watch over your father if he need to come home. Life is not fair. :(

Thank you. Our aim is to make him as comfortable as we can.
Thank you. Our aim is to make him as comfortable as we can.

That is the best. He will let you know when he has had enough. My dad pulled out his IV. He put up a fight for a long time. In the end he just got too tired. At that point it was a blessing that he passed. Watching a parent struggle is so difficult. God Bless.
Just got here. Glad to hear your Dad make it thru surgery, what a relief it must be to you all.
He does have so feisty a spirit :]

May he continue to improve, against all odds.
Hugs to you

That is the best. He will let you know when he has had enough. My dad pulled out his IV. He put up a fight for a long time. In the end he just got too tired. At that point it was a blessing that he passed. Watching a parent struggle is so difficult. God Bless.

It is. I don't know what I want right now. For him to be OK (not possible), but also for him to be comfortable. This is a stubborn man, though, and last I heard, he wanted to fight the cancer. Not sure what his feelings are now...

He has a Living Will signed, but, we haven't invoked it yet. We may be getting close to that point now. But, tell will tell.
Just got here. Glad to hear your Dad make it thru surgery, what a relief it must be to you all.
He does have so feisty a spirit :]

May he continue to improve, against all odds.
Hugs to you


He hasn't improved, Fuzzy. He's actually worsened; I'm sorry to say. The only thing this surgery really did was remove the infection and make him more comfortable. It was our only reason for doing it. Otherwise, we would have let things take their course. We're still on that same path.
It is. I don't know what I want right now. For him to be OK (not possible), but also for him to be comfortable. This is a stubborn man, though, and last I heard, he wanted to fight the cancer. Not sure what his feelings are now...

He has a Living Will signed, but, we haven't invoked it yet. We may be getting close to that point now. But, tell will tell.

I do not know you, but I know what your going through. In my opinion just make him comfortable. He knows you love him, that is so obvious. I never even thought about my parents going this way. I always thought my dad would die in his sleep of a heart attack when he was old. It happened like your dad. Since I have a background in pharmacology the doctors asked me about certain meds. I new what they were for. The end was near but it was ok. No struggle, no pain, he just went to sleep and we were all there. I pray for some kind of peace with your decisions. They will be the right one. God Bless you all in this difficult time.
I do not know you, but I know what your going through. In my opinion just make him comfortable. He knows you love him, that is so obvious. I never even thought about my parents going this way. I always thought my dad would die in his sleep of a heart attack when he was old. It happened like your dad. Since I have a background in pharmacology the doctors asked me about certain meds. I new what they were for. The end was near but it was ok. No struggle, no pain, he just went to sleep and we were all there. I pray for some kind of peace with your decisions. They will be the right one. God Bless you all in this difficult time.

I thought much like you did. In addition to this cancer, he has multiple other health problems that complicates everthing. I had hoped that the cancer would NOT be the thing that took him from us. Sadly, not only will it do that, but, he has one of the more aggressive forms of cancer known. To back up, two years ago, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. It had spread to his lymph nodes, but, no where else. He had that malignancy removed and he remained cancer free until Dec. In mid Dec, he went in for his PET scan and an endoscopy, and was diagnosed with a NEW cancer; stage 4 esophageal cancer. It had spread to his liver before it was diagnosed. At that point, he opted for treatment. Since treatment began, he had the other complications and here we are.... That pretty much gets you up to speed. It's been a long road. A very long road.

We've all been about palliation. It was Dad who chose to continue to fight. Whether or not, it was a good decision, is not up to us to judge. Its his life and he makes the decisions. However, at some point, we will stop treatment and he will go on hospice.

We have all the pertinent documents signed. It's really a matter of time and how much Dad wants to fight this. As I said eluded to, I'm not sure where his mindset is on this now. Time will tell. Im just grateful I have some extra time with him.
Sorry to hear that, Ocean :(
I was hoping once the infection will be removed, and since he seemed
to be responding to the chemo, a miracle will happen.

I am so sorry, SO sorry :(

Sorry to hear that, Ocean :(
I was hoping once the infection will be removed, and since he seemed
to be responding to the chemo, a miracle will happen.

I am so sorry, SO sorry :(


We're realistic. Chemo was a long, long shot. He chose to do it, but that doesn't mean it was going to improve his chances. Yes, the esophageal lesion is smaller, BUT, the liver is cancer ridden and we knew this upon diagnosis. Since diagnosis, there are more tumors on his liver and they have grown.

That bottom line is he won't survive. He had to give chemo a shot, and we respect that of him, but, we knew what we were facing with this.
:hug: I will be praying for you and your family, especially your Dad during this most difficult time.
I'm very sorry that he's taken a turn for the worse. :(

May God's grace sustain you. :hug:
:hug: I will be praying for you and your family, especially your Dad during this most difficult time.

Thank you. We've been on a rollercoaster. Things are really no better. The infection is gone, though, and he's more comfortable. That's all I really want for him now.

I'm not sure what the next step is, but, I'm fully prepared for him to transition to hospice soon. He's been on home health since the PEG was placed, but with the advancement of the liver metastasis, it may be time for him to transition. We'll just have to see how this plays out.
I'm sorry to hear about your father... hang in there.. it will be a tough battle. My prayers and thoughts to you, your family and your father.
Talked to Dad this morning. They're probably going to release him tomorrow!!! It'll be SO good to have him home! :D