Crack the myth: Reverse Audism does NOT exist.

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In many places children don't have a wide variety of placement options to choose from. Beyond that, some placements may or may not be appropriate for any number of reasons. In other words, sometimes there really aren't any other program options available to them.

If parents, medical communities and the education system prioritize appropriate education for the deaf, there wouldn't be such problems or it wouldn't be such a prevailing issue. As it is now, audist attitudes is resulting in lack of resources for deaf children. No one is taking current stats seriously enough to overhaul the system like they had done in Sweden. Why is that? Audism.
<in relation to post #165> think not....
though perhaps some would like it to be so they could be perceived as "victimized"
I hate to disappoint you but there are many more blacks in this world than whites.

We are currently talking about North America. Let's stick to relevancy, please. Otherwise, you're going to come up with something like "yeah well, in Thailand, there are more Asians than whites so there is no white power system."
'Stick it' to the man is popular hearing terminology. I can see why we are confused over rolling7's statement. Rolling, in case you didn't know this, Deaf culture does not utilize popular phrases and idioms generated from heairng society. Words to an SL user's thoughts can be interpreted literally.

stick it to the man
intransitive verb: to perform an act of vandalism or general civil disobedience in order to oppose the power of the man
"Dude, I just threw a brick at the head of the Nike corporation!"
"Dude! Way to stick it to the man!"

If you are gonna draw some statements, it's best to keep in mind who you are talking to. Not everyone here is well versed in hearing culture.

And you have illustrated a phrase that most would recognize. Rolling on the other hand was using "stick out".
Have you heard of Africa? Blacks are in power in almost every country.
So sorry to disappoint you.

Have you ever heard of Apartheid?

Black Afrikans are not the dominant and controlling group in Africa. It is more equitable than at one point, but whites are still very much in control in Africa.
Have you heard of Africa? Blacks are in power in almost every country.
So sorry to disappoint you.

Dunno about other African countries but I think blacks in South Africa would beg to differ with you.
Re-read the post

I did. I even copied and pasted where you said "stick out".

But your inability to articulate your ideas is not the topic of discussion. We are discussing the dominance and oppression of one group over another.
We are currently talking about North America. Let's stick to relevancy, please. Otherwise, you're going to come up with something like "yeah well, in Thailand, there are more Asians than whites so there is no white power system."

See #167 and please don't insult those AD members not in North America.
In many places children don't have a wide variety of placement options to choose from. Beyond that, some placements may or may not be appropriate for any number of reasons. In other words, sometimes there really aren't any other program options available to them.

I see in many threads that you frequently and strongly stated that you support any forms of accommodations if it's helpful.

so for those children who are in places where there isn't a wide variety of options to choose from.... then what?
That rubric will suit me. I can work within those confines.:giggle:
@ rolling... why 'racism'... the definitions below could be allied to racism or 'audism'... or 'sexism' if you like -just taking it apart.

Great, now discussion can commence!

Based on the above definitions...

Stereotyping hearies as stupid and obnoxious is something that can be done...

Choosing to not date a hearie or heir a hearie or breed with a hearie is based on that deaf's stereotype of hearies... (most people use "discrimination" for this but we are choosing not to as it is an incomplete use of the word.)

actually oppressing (all hearies) or causing (mass) discrimination to hearies (meaning loss of opportunity) or changing the culture so that (social and media) prejudice exist against (all) hearies is not possible currently.

So in the end there is 'reverse-stereotyping' which is foolish as any stereotype is just that a stereotype - not 'reverse' -
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