Crack the myth: Reverse Audism does NOT exist.

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And why did they have to be the ones to adapt? They were not a member of dominant society. That is what oppression is all about. That is the very foundation of audism. The hearing are not forced to make these adaptations. If it were not a case of the dominant holding power based in their own perspective, adaptation would go both ways.

Well, let's say they shouldn't have to adapt at all. This would mean every single person they come in contact with has to be equipped to communicate with the deaf on the deaf person's terms. That's not very realistic nor practical.

We would be talking about cab drivers, the guy who owns the corner store, the gas station attendant, etc etc. It's not feasible. In such situations, willingness to be adaptable and flexible is useful.
There have been crimes commited by white against blacks and other races that are simple racist in motive.
There have been crimes commit that been commited by blacks against other races that are simple racist in motive.

One, Patty LaBelle's group, happen in Houston recently.
This depends...if a deaf person cannot speak but can lipread - they can lipread and use pen and paper to communicate. If a deaf person cannot speak and cannot lipread well, pen and paper again. If a deaf person cannot speak nor lipread and chooses not to employ other methods of communication (pen and paper, cell phones, relay services, interpreter services, etc etc etc), then yes, they are left out of the hearing society.

I am thinking of deaf people who work, own homes, have hearing friends and family members, who interact with the hearing world in stores, restaurants, service counters, etc etc. Some of them don't speak and some of them don't speak nor lipread well but they were flexible and adaptable enough to find other ways to communicate.

Of course there are tons of things to do besides speak- but it seems that society as a whole expects verbal communication, and when they don't get that (especially in school as a child), things (seem to) get tougher socially and academically or economically.

(and if you would like even more modifiers I can do that too ;) this is about perception "me looking at us, looking at you, looking back at us?" )

But besides that 'it's expected' I don't know -why- this is... why does society expect everyone to speak verbally?

There are hundreds of post from oral deaf, or even ASL only that tell of how they are still -left out- of society, they interact with the whole but are still separate. That was all I was alluding to.
yes, this is all about who holds power.
Sometimes people like to be blind to that
but they have that power.....privilege...

"reverse-anything" is some phrase that seems to be thrown about when the dominant group refuses to acknowledge their own privilege

We are not talking about sex. We are talking about complicated sociolgical phenomena. Try to elevate your replies to the level the topic deserves.

Get a clue! "Stick it" has nothing to do with sex. As in Dem. stick it to Rep.
There have been crimes commited by white against blacks and other races that are simple racist in motive.
There have been crimes commit that been commited by blacks against other races that are simple racist in motive.

One, Patty LaBelle's group, happen in Houston recently.

We are not talking about criminal acts. We are talking about power stratification and oppression.
Stick out what?

It hadn't occurred to me that stick out could indicate anything other than a dagger. But now that I think about it, I can see why it could have another meaning and a more sexual one at that.
There have been crimes commited by white against blacks and other races that are simple racist in motive.
There have been crimes commit that been commited by blacks against other races that are simple racist in motive.

One, Patty LaBelle's group, happen in Houston recently.

No one is disputing racism exists in all racial groups. Japanese looks down on Chinese, Chinese looks down on blacks, blacks look down on Korean, Korean looks down on Indians, Arabs look down on Jews, jews look down on Arabs, black women who prefer to date white men, white men who prefer to marry phillipino women, racism exists EVERYWHERE. There are even people who think they are not racist but they unconsciously think racist thoughts or commit discriminatory acts based on racist thoughts.

However, comparatively speaking, blacks are a minority group - their beliefs do not dominate power systems such as the government, corporations, education systems, Wall Street etc, therefore creating oppression.
@ rolling>
@ Jillo>

We are currently using this rubric:

Oppression can only be caused by the dominant, consciously or not.

Discrimination is a widespread loss of opportunity cased by Oppression (see above definition)

Stereotype is the bias of in individual based on previous experience (positive or negative, at conciseness with that group or not) common to all humans

prejudice is the social pressure/bias based on incorrect information about a group, controlled by the culture of the dominant group and ignorance of that dominant group.

Is this correct?
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@ rolling>
@ Jillo>

We are currently using this rubric:

Oppression can only be caused by the dominant, consciously or not.

Discrimination is a widespread loos of opportunity cased by Oppression (see above definition)

Stereotype is the bias of in individual based on previous experience (positive or negative, at conciseness with that group or not) common to all humans

prejudice is the social pressure/bias based on incorrect information about a group, controlled by the culture of the dominant group and ignorance of that dominant group.

Is this correct?

That rubric will suit me. I can work within those confines.:giggle:
No one is disputing racism exists in all racial groups. Japanese looks down on Chinese, Chinese looks down on blacks, blacks look down on Korean, Korean looks down on Indians, Arabs look down on Jews, jews look down on Arabs, black women who prefer to date white men, white men who prefer to marry phillipino women, racism exists EVERYWHERE. There are even people who think they are not racist but they unconsciously think racist thoughts or commit discriminatory acts based on racist thoughts.

However, comparatively speaking, blacks are a minority group - their beliefs do not dominate power systems such as the government, corporations, education systems, Wall Street etc, therefore creating oppression.

I hate to disappoint you but there are many more blacks in this world than whites.
@ rolling>
@ Jillo>

We are currently using this rubric:

Oppression can only be caused by the dominant, consciously or not.

Discrimination is a widespread loss of opportunity cased by Oppression (see above definition)

Stereotype is the bias of in individual based on previous experience (positive or negative, at conciseness with that group or not) common to all humans

prejudice is the social pressure/bias based on incorrect information about a group, controlled by the culture of the dominant group and ignorance of that dominant group.

Is this correct?

No racism!!!??
Answer this

a) If the hearing stick it to the deaf, what is that? (the OP calls it audism)

b) If the deaf stick out to the hearing, what is that?

b is the reverse of a

'Stick it' to the man is popular hearing terminology. I can see why we are confused over rolling7's statement. Rolling, in case you didn't know this, Deaf culture does not utilize popular phrases and idioms generated from heairng society. Words to an SL user's thoughts can be interpreted literally.

stick it to the man
intransitive verb: to perform an act of vandalism or general civil disobedience in order to oppose the power of the man
"Dude, I just threw a brick at the head of the Nike corporation!"
"Dude! Way to stick it to the man!"

If you are gonna draw some statements, it's best to keep in mind who you are talking to. Not everyone here is well versed in hearing culture.
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