Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

because Zimmerman's record is much more violent than Martin's. Zimmerman's criminal record has reached a felony level while Martin's record was misdemeanor at best.

How many convictions? Which one posed with a gun and tweeted about killing people?
because Zimmerman's record is much more violent than Martin's. Zimmerman's criminal record has reached a felony level while Martin's record was misdemeanor at best.

More than a 10 year age difference....and with Martin's ongoing track record, feel by the time he got Zimmerman's age, his record would have been much worse.....drugs, not finishing school, fighting...seems his parents didn't do a very good job of raising he was sent to his Uncle's house.
More than a 10 year age difference....and with Martin's ongoing track record, feel by the time he got Zimmerman's age, his record would have been much worse.....drugs, not finishing school, fighting...seems his parents didn't do a very good job of raising he was sent to his Uncle's house.
I doubt it.

we're not talking about future - coulda woulda shoulda. the fact still remains that Zimmerman has a history of violence and criminal record. Tryvon didn't.
Don't undy why bringing up Z's record...when Martin himself was absolutely no "choir boy" matter the age. If my son had been suspended from school for drugs and fighting...he would have been home, grounded....period...not out and about at the store and being on video "swaying and high" and walking the streets...or even calling someone a "crazy-ass Cracker"...or even the "N" I feel that was "racist"?...yes I do....and if Zimmerman would have said..."Hey, "N"...get ur black-ass outta' here!"...that would be racist too.

I agree. I said that when this first happened. Trayvon had really irresponsible parents. If his parents did their jobs Trayvon would still be here today.

nonviolent. and he didn't have a gun at that time. Zimmerman did.

Posing for selfies with a gun and tweeting about killing people is non-violent? :lol: has Trayvon ever been in trouble for violence?
More than a 10 year age difference....and with Martin's ongoing track record, feel by the time he got Zimmerman's age, his record would have been much worse.....drugs, not finishing school, fighting...seems his parents didn't do a very good job of raising he was sent to his Uncle's house.

Trayvon was on a path to be dead or in prison by the time he was 21. No doubt.
I agree. I said that when this first happened. Trayvon had really irresponsible parents. If his parents did their jobs Trayvon would still be here today.

Agreed absolutely...and still feel the parents are making this to be a race issue....
I agree. I said that when this first happened. Trayvon had really irresponsible parents. If his parents did their jobs Trayvon would still be here today.

if Zimmerman's father did his job.... oh wait... he did... that's why Zimmerman's violent criminal history was washed down and he avoided jail time.... makes you wonder how the heck did he obtain a gun legally :hmm:
Was the gun that Martin was holding in the picture a real one?
if Zimmerman's father did his job.... oh wait... he did... that's why Zimmerman's violent criminal history was washed down and he avoided jail time.... makes you wonder how the heck did he obtain a gun legally :hmm:

That is a pretty serious allegation.