Court of public opinion looms large in George Zimmerman murder trial

No need - he got charged with 2nd degree murder and he's on trial right now.

You can believe what you want, but I don't think 2nd degree murder does fit for him.

Right. But you said it was manslaughter in your opinion. I am asking why you think that. You could be right but I haven't seen anything to indicate that.
It most certainly does. You said "the trial isn't over" so I asked what you are expecting that would make things different.

I don't have any expectation and the prosecutor has a lot of thing to prove.

Right. But you said it was manslaughter in your opinion. I am asking why you think that. You could be right but I haven't seen anything to indicate that.

because his killing wasn't premeditated and malice.

Technically, he can get criminal charge dismissed because of Stand Your Ground law.
Wirelessly posted

We will see how this will play out. We all know a kid was killed in result.
Wirelessly posted

We will see how this will play out. We all know a kid was killed in result.

And he was killed because he was put into a threaten situation by being followed by Zimmerman. And Zimmerman never told TM why he was following him , if this had happen TM may had been able to tell Zimmerman he was visiting his dad and had a right to be where he was.
Wirelessly posted

We will see how this will play out. We all know a kid was killed in result.

I wouldn't call a 6 foot tall 17yo a "kid" but yep we will see how it plays out. Hopefully we get the truth whatever it is.
And he was killed because he was put into a threaten situation by being followed by Zimmerman. And Zimmerman never told TM why he was following him , if this had happen TM may had been able to tell Zimmerman he was visiting his dad and had a right to be where he was.

He could have kept going home.... He didn't have to stop.
He could have kept going home.... He didn't have to stop.

and Zimmerman could have kept going to grocery. He didn't have to pursue this potentially-hostile matter.
I wouldn't call a 6 foot tall 17yo a "kid" but yep we will see how it plays out. Hopefully we get the truth whatever it is.

but he was a minor.... a high school boy.

and nobody was breaking any crime.. therefore Zimmerman misjudged the situation and made a series of bad decisions.... as what he did in his life. that's why he was arrested by police a few times... even assaulted a police officer.

arrested for assaulting police officer. arrested for domestic violence. fired as a security guard for being too aggressive. and this guy is a neighborhood watch "captain" with gun? oh my... oh my.... *smh*

I wonder if his community was aware of his criminal record when he proposed to set up a program.
And an athlete that could have easily gotten away if he wanted to.


you do realize that Florida has "STAND YOUR GROUND" law? Trayvon was not required to run away. He was legally allowed to stand his ground and defend his life by any means.
and nobody was breaking any crime.. therefore Zimmerman misjudged the situation and made a series of bad decisions.... as what he did in his life. that's why he was arrested by police a few times... even assaulted a police officer.

arrested for assaulting police officer. arrested for domestic violence. fired as a security guard for being too aggressive. and this guy is a neighborhood watch "captain" with gun? oh my... oh my.... *smh*

I wonder if his community was aware of his criminal record when he proposed to set up a program.

Oh dear! Maybe we should blame the community.

you do realize that Florida has "STAND YOUR GROUND" law? Trayvon was not required to run away. He was legally allowed to stand his ground and defend his life by any means.

Looks like that was a bad decision on his part.
yes that is if the community is aware of his criminal history

Of the same time....we don't know that Trayvon wasn't in the process of committing a crime. We really have no way of knowing that.
Of the same time....we don't know that Trayvon wasn't in the process of committing a crime. We really have no way of knowing that.

I'm.... at loss for words....
Don't undy why bringing up Z's record...when Martin himself was absolutely no "choir boy" matter the age. If my son had been suspended from school for drugs and fighting...he would have been home, grounded....period...not out and about at the store and being on video "swaying and high" and walking the streets...or even calling someone a "crazy-ass Cracker"...or even the "N" I feel that was "racist"?...yes I do....and if Zimmerman would have said..."Hey, "N"...get ur black-ass outta' here!"...that would be racist too.
Don't undy why bringing up Z's record...when Martin himself was absolutely no "choir boy" matter the age. If my son had been suspended from school for drugs and fighting...he would have been home, grounded....period...not out and about at the store and being on video "swaying and high" and walking the streets...or even calling someone a "crazy-ass Cracker"...or even the "N" I feel that was "racist"?...yes I do....and if Zimmerman would have said..."Hey, "N"...get ur black-ass outta' here!"...that would be racist too.

because Zimmerman's record is much more violent than Martin's. Zimmerman's criminal record has reached a felony level while Martin's record was misdemeanor at best.