The federal law says the hospital must render
EMERGENCY CARE to a person - either legal or illegal. For preventive medicine, the illegals are on their own. That's why I'm telling you about Obamacare. Obamacare was all about preventive medicine and it's not going to cover illegals. An interesting read here -
so what kind of medical care have they been receiving?
Long-term care for brain injuries and amputations, dialysis, and chemotherapy, for example.
Hospitals Feeling Strain From Illegal Immigrants -
...One way or another - the illegal kids are easily identified and eventually, the parents will eventually get caught and deported back. It'll work out eventually in the end....
"Illegal kids" are NOT easily identified. No, they are NOT allowed to be identified by the schools, and the schools are NOT allowed to report the parents for deportation.
They do get foreign language interpreters for parent/teacher meetings, and English tutoring for the students, no questions asked.
well we have social responsibility.
Social responsibility and legal benefits are two separate issues. The question was about which benefits they were getting to which they were not
legally entitled.
It might interest you to know that churches and private groups take upon themselves the expenses and services to provide aid and assistance to illegal aliens. That help is NOT a legal entitlement but acts of conscience and humanity. I'm fine with that. If anyone, out of the goodness of their hearts wants to provide help (without breaking laws), that's fine.
I don't want to go into details but I do put my money where my mouth is on a regular basis about my viewpoint on this.
and how is it federal government's fault with illegals being able to obtain driver license? Most of states didn't want to adopt
REAL ID Act. The state is the one that issued license to them, not federal government.
I didn't say it was the federal government's fault. I just listed what the benefits were. How to resolve the inconsistencies is another topic.
My state (SC) requires a burden of proof for identification. I've had personal experience in this procedure for some friends, so I know it's not as easy to get a fake ID in SC.
It's up to the citizens of the other states to compel their DMVs to do more.
The other part of the driving benefit is that many illegal aliens who can't get a legal DL because they don't have documentation continue to drive anyway. That means, they get the benefit of using our roads without having to pass a driving test or getting/keeping insurance.
oh? so you know which one is an illegal or not? Better call Arizona Governor Brewer to train the officers!!!
Well, it's the participants themselves who admitted they were "illegal" so they could be lying.
"More Immigrants Take to Streets to Protest Proposed Laws
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
WASHINGTON — As many as 100 cities across the country served as hosts Monday to rallies and protests against any get-tough measures federal lawmakers are considering to crack down on illegal immigration.
Protests were held in cities such as Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Atlanta and Phoenix, and Texas cities such as Houston, Austin and El Paso. In North Carolina and Dallas, immigrant groups called for an economic boycott to show their financial impact. Rally participants sang "We Shall Overcome" in Spanish at the Mississippi Capitol in Jackson.
...Elsa Rodriguez, 25, talked about the baby girl she expected to give birth to in about three months.
'This is why I had to be here,' she said. 'She's going to be a U.S. citizen and
I'm here illegal?'
...Cruz Luna, his wife and their four children all wore T-shirts reading "God Bless America" at a demonstration in Pensacola, Fla. The two oldest children — ages 8 and 9 —
were born in Mexico and are in the U.S. illegally; their younger siblings, ages 4 years and 8 months old are U.S. citizens.
...In Phoenix, Miguel Penate, a fast-food restaurant manager who moved from El Salvador six years ago, said
being in the country illegally was his only option...."
More Immigrants Take to Streets to Protest Proposed Laws - Politics | Republican Party | Democratic Party | Political Spectrum -
Currently - the police can investigate the person's immigration status AFTER they commit the crime.
Too bad they couldn't have
prevented the crime, especially the violent ones. Some of the illegal aliens not only cross the border illegally but also have criminal records in their home countries.
yes but this doesn't mean the state should take matters into its own hands if the federal government isn't doing enough. I don't support vigilantism.
This is no different from the citizens taking matters into their own hands (via Amendment 2) if the cops aren't doing their jobs good enough to combat against high crime rates. I don't support vigilantism.
How is a state cracking down on employers "vigilantism?" The state passes and enforces laws that prohibit the hiring of undocumented workers. That's
not vigilantism.