cochlear implants

Tell me Sweetmind... What's the percentage of deaf children born in hearing culture versus deaf children born in Deaf culture....?????

No, don't answer straight away... find out......

DUHIE neecy.. I know there is 90 percent hearing parent of deaf children if you mind... I feel that hearing parents should be more respectful toward their deaf children s need comes first before you ll come up with your own self centered and have to be your own ways as one way 100 percent.

So tell me it has not solved anything by oral method or devices in many ways.. You are ruining those deaf chidren s true indentity. Deaf chlidren has no choice but forced them to hve CI while it isnt working for them very well or at all. What a waste of time for you to destroy those deaf children s needs first.

I dont give a damn what u are saying because u dont make CP to walk straight like a normal person.. or Blind people that u cannot make them to see like a normal people.. you cannot make deaf people to hear normal like you as a hearing person. GET IT??????

JEEZ you dont get it or refused to accept the fact that we are still legally deaf.

Thank you!

Originally Posted by netrox
Ok, Sweetmind, there are audists out there. But don't you think you're equally guilty of being deafist - glorifying deafness when in reality, it's not all that great?

If she's so deafist, why am I friends with her? After all, I'm a hearing person, so by your logic, she has to hate me!

But the point here is that she is proud of who she is. We all should be proud of who we are. We just see attempts by people to change others to conform to "normalcy".

Very well said! gnulinuxman Thats how they get all mixed up in their heads as usual for many years that they get the wrong impression as usual.. They dont want to hear the truth that is nothing I can do about it.. However, they are hurting those deaf children more than ever .. Sighs!

Truth hurts but it s too bad for them who dislike me too well for my being outspoken and stand up for those deaf children s rights.

Sweetmind said:
I dont give a damn what u are saying because u dont make CP to walk straight like a normal person.. or Blind people that u cannot make them to see like a normal people.. you cannot make deaf people to hear normal like you as a hearing person. GET IT??????

Ahem ... no, you don't "make CP to walk straight like a normal person" - but lots of people with CP, children and adults both, get surgery to allow them to walk. I don't have CP myself, but without surgery when I was 3, 5, and 8, I would not be walking today. I have several good friends with CP, and for them, the same is true: without surgery at a young age, they would not be able to walk today.

So let me draw the analogy even closer: some of us (where "us" means people with a mobility related disability) have surgery as children that allows us to walk later in life. For some, that surgery won't work. For others, surgery is needed later in life. But no one argues that children with CP, or any other mobility disability, should be "given the choice", despite the fact that being in a wheelchair is not something most of us see negatively. And part of the reason for that is that being "given the choice" isn't being given the choice at all - waiting would make surgery that much less effective.

Your comparison just doesn't hold up.
Sweetmind said:
DUHIE neecy.. I know there is 90 percent hearing parent of deaf children if you mind... I feel that hearing parents should be more respectful toward their deaf children s need comes first before you ll come up with your own self centered and have to be your own ways as one way 100 percent.

So tell me it has not solved anything by oral method or devices in many ways.. You are ruining those deaf chidren s true indentity. Deaf chlidren has no choice but forced them to hve CI while it isnt working for them very well or at all. What a waste of time for you to destroy those deaf children s needs first.

I dont give a damn what u are saying because u dont make CP to walk straight like a normal person.. or Blind people that u cannot make them to see like a normal people.. you cannot make deaf people to hear normal like you as a hearing person. GET IT??????

JEEZ you dont get it or refused to accept the fact that we are still legally deaf.

Thank you!


Get your sources right - Cloggy asked you that not me!!!!
Sweetmind said:
I dont give a damn what u are saying because u dont make CP to walk straight like a normal person.. or Blind people that u cannot make them to see like a normal people.. you cannot make deaf people to hear normal like you as a hearing person. GET IT??????

Hate to rain on your parade here, but they're inventing the bionic eye:

Blind people will probably get their torture soon enough now... :(
ismi said:
Ahem ... no, you don't "make CP to walk straight like a normal person" - but lots of people with CP, children and adults both, get surgery to allow them to walk. I don't have CP myself, but without surgery when I was 3, 5, and 8, I would not be walking today. I have several good friends with CP, and for them, the same is true: without surgery at a young age, they would not be able to walk today.

So let me draw the analogy even closer: some of us (where "us" means people with a mobility related disability) have surgery as children that allows us to walk later in life. For some, that surgery won't work. For others, surgery is needed later in life. But no one argues that children with CP, or any other mobility disability, should be "given the choice", despite the fact that being in a wheelchair is not something most of us see negatively. And part of the reason for that is that being "given the choice" isn't being given the choice at all - waiting would make surgery that much less effective.

Your comparison just doesn't hold up.
My fiancee has CP but was forced to walk normally.
JEEZ you still dont get it.. CI is different situation that you have to have a surgery to put those stupid machine into their behind ears that is not having anything to do with that.... DUH...... there is no way to fix the deafness like the rest of other disability..

NO one can do anything with our deafness that will never cure or miracle to fix it.. you are wasting my time because some deafies got damaged by CI with their nervous system. That what it makes thing worse for them to be more disabled.. After all if the machine is broken then you have to go thru surgery, is that necessary to screw up their heads??? I THINK NOT!

Your comparsion is out of order. PERIOD!!
Sweetmind said:
JEEZ you still dont get it.. CI is different situation that you have to have a surgery to put those stupid machine into their behind ears that is not having anything to do with that.... DUH...... there is no way to fix the deafness like the rest of other disability..

NO one can do anything with our deafness that will never cure or miracle to fix it.. you are wasting my time because some deafies got damaged by CI with their nervous system. That what it makes thing worse for them to be more disabled.. After all if the machine is broken then you have to go thru surgery, is that necessary to screw up their heads??? I THINK NOT!

Your comparsion is out of order. PERIOD!!

I can talk on a phone. I can understand questions students ask from tables behind me in a classroom. I listen to the TV without closed captioning, and listen to music. I hold conversations in a car while I drive, without taking my eyes off the road. While I still am biologically deaf, I think my CI has taken the "disability" away from being deaf *smile*. I call my CI a miracle, not a stupid machine. My head is far from 'screwed up, thanks.

Yes there are failures -but then there are failures with *EVERYTHING* in life. Every single technological advancement comes with a risk. Heck even something as simple as wearing contact lenses can leave you blind (as some were recently from using contact-lense cleaner that was tainted.) What you need to realize is that just because something doesnt' work for you, or doesn't make you happy, does not mean it's stuipd, or wrong, or that it won't work for somebody else.

Try being more open minded to different possiblities and the diversity in the world. It would do you a world of good.

Please refrain from making harsh comments and respect other members in a positive or neutral manner. Thanks.
neecy said:
I can talk on a phone. I can understand questions students ask from tables behind me in a classroom. I listen to the TV without closed captioning, and listen to music. I hold conversations in a car while I drive, without taking my eyes off the road. While I still am biologically deaf, I think my CI has taken the "disability" away from being deaf *smile*. I call my CI a miracle, not a stupid machine. My head is far from 'screwed up, thanks.

Yes there are failures -but then there are failures with *EVERYTHING* in life. Every single technological advancement comes with a risk. Heck even something as simple as wearing contact lenses can leave you blind (as some were recently from using contact-lense cleaner that was tainted.) What you need to realize is that just because something doesnt' work for you, or doesn't make you happy, does not mean it's stuipd, or wrong, or that it won't work for somebody else.

Try being more open minded to different possiblities and the diversity in the world. It would do you a world of good.
It's nice that you benefit from it. I have no problems with that. I guess what it boils down to is:
  • Who can benefit from it?
  • Should kids be forced to use it?
  • Why are some hearing parents so violently defending a device that they don't know much about because they "love their kids so much"?
  • Why are these same parents attacking deaf culture without learning about it first?

Be yourself. If you are a CI implantee and like it, that's fine. If not, that's fine too. Just don't force others to conform to your standards.
Hey gnulinuxman!!! Have you seen this movie "At First Sight"? It s very good example and the same concept of what happens to deaf children that parents has a high hope for nothing. Smile!

It s very unnecessary for those deaf children to have CI becuse parents with negative view of deafness, who want your kids to be normal like a hearing child.. SCOFFS!!

There is no such thing about being a normal human beings.

have a great night! ;-)

gnulinuxman said:
Be yourself. If you are a CI implantee and like it, that's fine. If not, that's fine too. Just don't force others to conform to your standards.

As to forcing others - never have, never will. I firmly stand by the right for people to make the best choice for themselves (and for children - their parents will make the best educated decision they can). You'll never hear (no pun intended) me tell people they should get a CI or they should implant their child. If they want a CI I will encourage them to talk to the best person available who can answer their questions - an audiologist and/or CI surgeon. I have no standards to "conform" to. I simply state fact on *my own* personal experience. I acknowledge that everybody else is different. Just as you can't classify CI's as "stupid pieces of junk" I realize even I can't classify them as miracles that work for everybody. I *CAN* however say its a miracle that works for ME :)
As to forcing others - never have, never will.

Yea yea full of it.. I have approached by CI radical people who insulted us being so stupid for not having CI.. Deaf is dumb so whats that supposed to be?? it seems to me that they are forcing ppl to follow their ways ... Scoffs!

Whats more Deaf children never have their own choices if you mind!! They were forced their deaf kids to have CI because parent said so who have a very negative view of deafness and didnt know any better since CI professional told them a lie in many ways that parents realized they shouldnt have listened to them..
Sweetmind said:
Yea yea full of it.. I have approached by CI radical people who insulted us being so stupid for not having CI.. Deaf is dumb so whats that supposed to be?? it seems to me that they are forcing ppl to follow their ways ... Scoffs!
Huh??? :confused:

Sweetmind said:
Whats more Deaf children never have their own choices if you mind!! They were forced their deaf kids to have CI because parent said so who have a very negative view of deafness and didnt know any better since CI professional told them a lie in many ways that parents realized they shouldnt have listened to them..
She is talking about herself, not children.

If you don't want to see CI users forcing children to be implant with CI, then why are you forcing these deaf children to use ASL only and not to hearing CI or hearing aids?

What the difference in this?? care to explain that to me? it makes no sense whatsoever
^Angel^ said:

If you don't want to see CI users forcing children to be implant with CI, then why are you forcing these deaf children to use ASL only and not to hearing CI or hearing aids?

What the difference in this?? care to explain that to me? it makes no sense whatsoever
Yet another person who seems to understand Sweetmind...

Sweetmind, my fiancee, and I agree that forcing children to use a cochlear implant is wrong. We also agree that learning to speak should be optional. THIS DOES NOT MEAN that we think deaf people should only use ASL. Sweetmind's attitude comes from her past, where she was forced to speak and was punished if she DARED sign. Signing and literacy are probably the best forms of communication for deaf children to learn first, but it is possible to use those to teach them to speak. Contrary to popular belief, using literacy and signing to teach deaf kids to speak is more successful than oral-only training (and less frustrating for the student because by being able to read and write, they already know English grammar).

What's with this "either/or" assumption? Why do you keep assuming Sweetmind wants every deaf person to sign only? FYI, she can speak and lipread herself.
gnulinuxman said:
Yet another person who seems to understand Sweetmind...

Sweetmind, my fiancee, and I agree that forcing children to use a cochlear implant is wrong. We also agree that learning to speak should be optional. THIS DOES NOT MEAN that we think deaf people should only use ASL. Sweetmind's attitude comes from her past, where she was forced to speak and was punished if she DARED sign. Signing and literacy are probably the best forms of communication for deaf children to learn first, but it is possible to use those to teach them to speak. Contrary to popular belief, using literacy and signing to teach deaf kids to speak is more successful than oral-only training (and less frustrating for the student because by being able to read and write, they already know English grammar).

What's with this "either/or" assumption? Why do you keep assuming Sweetmind wants every deaf person to sign only? FYI, she can speak and lipread herself.

Pardon me? I'm assuming? the way I'm reading her posts lately sounds like she rather Deaf children to learn HER way of how they should be raise without the parents allowing to make a choice what type of language methods they will use for their own children, or what sort of device they want their children to wear, why is it her place to tell other parents HOW to raise their children when they're NOT her children....

Yet I'm seeing here is HER attacking us for HOW we see it, and we're not the ones that told her to speak or had force her to be implanted with CI, so instead of jumping and attacking everyone here, look at what she is doing same goes for you as well!!

Respect goes both ways hon, learn it by earning it!
^Angel^ said:
Pardon me? I'm assuming? the way I'm reading her posts lately sounds like she rather Deaf children to learn HER way of how they should be raise without the parents allowing to make a choice what type of language methods they will use for their own children, or what sort of device they want their children to wear, why is it her place to tell other parents HOW to raise their children when they're NOT her children....

Yet I'm seeing here is HER attacking us for HOW we see it, and we're not the ones that told her to speak or had force her to be implanted with CI, so instead of jumping and attacking everyone here, look at what she is doing same goes for you as well!!

Respect goes both ways hon, learn it by earning it!
Well, I've talked to her about that. I would agree that she can get harsh. She is just offering her opinion, but I do think she is assuming a lot about you guys too. I just wish the personal attacks would stop and that we'd get to the real issues here. I think I can understand both sides of the issue because I live in both worlds all the time.

My opinion on cochlear implants is this: I am OK with people who use them as long as they don't force others to get them too, and I am against implanting children because of possible health risks for something that isn't even necessary for survival.
If you don't want to see CI users forcing children to be implant with CI, then why are you forcing these deaf children to use ASL only and not to hearing CI or hearing aids?

HUH! where have you been?? many deaf kids were angry at their parent for force them to have CI. Many parents are being so rude for saying this is a hearing world.. Scoffs! they dont own this world if you mind

This is a diversity world that has many different kind of people in this society. We dont have to be the same as hearing people like communist because they want every deafies are hearing .. oh please!

Guess what I have seen some deaf children failed with their CI and doesnt have a great english written.. that is a big mistake for not having ASL that will help them better the concept of language first.. so therefore it s too late for them to learn english language in many ways..

Whats more I just cannot believe you dont realize many deaf babies do not have a language in early age after all they forced those kids to hear and speak only from the start.. HUH! you dont get it as I can see..

Some parents are so happy to learn ASL and help their hearing babies so therefore why cant deaf babies have that too?? HUH! Deaf children is not allowed what it works well for them that is not making any sense.

Oral method or devices only is not gonna to make a big difference to make it success.

ASL is more freedom and natural for those babies to express their feelings and let them know what those kids wants in a easy way to communicate.. why cant you just accept the fact?? sheesh where have you been?? my gawk. NO need to put those deaf children to be left out or isolated because of audist attitude says so.. Thats a child abuse for not giving their opportunity to have a good communication between the parents and deaf child..

As far as I know YOU dont sign english only. So be it! I know many of you are using PSE that includes ASL if you mind.

boy you are far behind about deaf issues since you have not been listening or reading very carefully at all after all I have explained it clearly in many topics.. I cannot believe that you still dont get it..

There is no such thing to force deaf chlidren to have ASL.. It s very natural method for deaf children that is our greatest gift tool if you mind. Thats our true language that exist in our lives.. why bother to take it away from deaf children all those years. What is your problem? jeez!

For pete s sake!
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gnulinuxman said:
Well, I've talked to her about that. I would agree that she can get harsh. She is just offering her opinion, but I do think she is assuming a lot about you guys too. I just wish the personal attacks would stop and that we'd get to the real issues here. I think I can understand both sides of the issue because I live in both worlds all the time.

My opinion on cochlear implants is this: I am OK with people who use them as long as they don't force others to get them too, and I am against implanting children because of possible health risks for something that isn't even necessary for survival.

Thank you Gnulinuxman, I have no problem with anyone speaking their view but the personal attack is what getting to me...

Honestly I haven't see one person here that had force others to get a CI, that what I don't understand where all of this is coming from, and why is being brought up, if something did happened in the past than I'm sorry that it did, but its wasn't me or anyone else here that had force anyone to have a CI, but it doesn't make it ok to attack us for how we raise our deaf children some hearing parents feel that implanting their deaf child with CI is the best choice since it helps develop their speech and language skills and be able to hear alot more than the use of hearing aids, and I think that's wonderful yet at the same time I don't expect those parents to keep their deaf children out of the deaf world cause no matter what devices they use, they're still deaf or hard of hearing and they should be part of the deaf world also, otherwise they will grow up unhappy cause they haven't been around children like themselves, it's important that their children to be around in both worlds so they can understand that they're not alone but there are other children out there that are just like them....

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