Tell me Sweetmind... What's the percentage of deaf children born in hearing culture versus deaf children born in Deaf culture....?????
No, don't answer straight away... find out......
DUHIE neecy.. I know there is 90 percent hearing parent of deaf children if you mind... I feel that hearing parents should be more respectful toward their deaf children s need comes first before you ll come up with your own self centered and have to be your own ways as one way 100 percent.
So tell me it has not solved anything by oral method or devices in many ways.. You are ruining those deaf chidren s true indentity. Deaf chlidren has no choice but forced them to hve CI while it isnt working for them very well or at all. What a waste of time for you to destroy those deaf children s needs first.
I dont give a damn what u are saying because u dont make CP to walk straight like a normal person.. or Blind people that u cannot make them to see like a normal people.. you cannot make deaf people to hear normal like you as a hearing person. GET IT??????
JEEZ you dont get it or refused to accept the fact that we are still legally deaf.
Thank you!