I know perfectly well what you mean about feeling like you are banging your head against a wall.
Here is the exact quote by Jillio from post #150:
"I don't have a problem with someone who wants to provide services that will allow their child to develop oral skills, either. My problem is with parents who insist that oral skills are the ONLY skill a deaf child needs and treaat manual language as a crutch."
When you challenged her to back up her baseless allegation with facts, we get the old Jillio double talk and non-answer in post #157:
"Get your facts straight. Rick said that his daughter started learning sign after she started college and made some deaf friends. You need to read these posts a little more thoroughly before you jump into the conversation and start criticizing me."
Oh Jillio, instead of constantly trolling after Cloggy and me and now Jackie, it is you who need to get your facts straight and please do not attach my name to your misrepresentations and distortions. My daughter has had many deaf friends since she was a toddler. Her deaf friends and her hearing friends are integrated with each other. What I said is that, as her circle of deaf friends has expanded, she took ASL in college in order to better communicate with those who do not have the same level of oral skills she has. What I did not say then but will add now, is that she also took it to fulfill a liberal arts requirement as well. Oh well, Jillio, I guess it is you who needs "to read these posts a little more thoroughly".

But then, why let the facts get in the way of one of your attacks upon me and others who chose a different path for their children then you did for your child.
Did you notice how Jillio completely ignored the manual language as a crutch part? That is because none of us has ever said it and rather then admit what she posted was not true, or gasp!!! a mistake, she just ignores it. The fact is, that the person who repeatedly uses the term crutch in connection with manual language is her pal, DD. I guess she won't be able to give herself a self-congratulatory pat on the back this time