check out my video

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I was just kidding, Guido, come on back here!!!!
Guido is not a 'tard, you are!! Let Guido hang out with deaf ppl like we are hearings.

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And don't forget her signature *fart*. At least she's actually trying to do something with her life and not mooch off SSI.

Well I am on SSI... because people like JULIA DAMERON, CHAD TAYLOR, WAYNE BETTS, other MOSDEUX film CREW, and other deaf people and
NORMAL HEARING PEOPLE don't want me to work with them..

think I AM TOO UGLY to be a member of their CREW and plus they don't
want me and my picture ON THEIR FANCY SNOBBY WEBSITE!!!!


So GUIDO, stop acting like you don't understand me...
I AM ON SSI, because people won't hire me because of the way I LOOK.

OKAY? Okay.
JULIA DAMERON, CHAD TAYLOR, WAYNE BETTS and other DEAF FILM CREW think I AM TOO UGLY to be a member of their CREW and plus they don't want me and my picture ON THEIR FANCY SNOBBY WEBSITE!!!!


So GUIDO, stop acting like you don't understand me...
I AM ON SSI, because people won't hire me because of the way I LOOK.
I call bullshit. I’ve never seen you, but I have it on good authority that you’re not as deformed as you make yourself out to be. I’ve been told that you resemble somebody with Down syndrome. Since people with Down syndrome are very often cute as a button, I’d say it’s all about attitude. Face it girl, it ain’t yer looks—it’s yer ‘tude.
How curious—the illustrious Miss P has suddenly fallen silent…
I call bullshit. I’ve never seen you, but I have it on good authority that you’re not as deformed as you make yourself out to be. I’ve been told that you resemble somebody with Down syndrome. Since people with Down syndrome are very often cute as a button, I’d say it’s all about attitude. Face it girl, it ain’t yer looks—it’s yer ‘tude.

My 'tude?

Well... I was with my classmates on Monday... June 4th and I hardly
know the black girl who is in her 20's...
I didn't know her name. It was the first day of class.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.... I had no class
with her. Then on Saturday morning at 10 am...
I was sitting in front row... and the black girl walked in late in class and
she was about to sit next to me, but look up and saw me...
and she walked the other way and sit somewhere else away from me.

It has nothing to do with my attitude....
It has to do with my looks....
She doesn't want to sit by me, because of my face...

You know how people can be so cruel...

Even children can be cruel...

Do you ever seen a person with burn on their face?

What the first thing would you do?

You would stare, right?

And you be too scare to sit by that person with burn on his face...
you would act like he is contagious... and feel uncomfortable
touching that person...

So that is how people treat me...

It has nothing to do with my attitude...

I am a very nice person, even tho I disagree with gay lifestyle...
cause the Bible said so...

Go out and ask any Christian or Muslim if they agree with gay lifestyle,
they would say it is wrong... and those people don't have bad attitude.
Never mind—what an incredible simulpost! 10:48 and 10:48! :shock:
You’re right, actually. When people see a deformed person they stare. Even when they know it’s impolite, they stare anyway because it takes them by surprise. So how come the people in your video who are getting on the elevator with you don’t even give you a second glance? You can’t tell me that it’s because the camera is covering your face. If you looked like the Elephant Man, a camcorder isn’t going to hide that fact.
I don't think the people have patience to wait for another elevator...

So they had no choice but to get on the elevator with me....

Even children stare and run away... scare of me.

What am I suppose to do with myself, kill myself cause I am ugly?
or be confine at home 24 hours and never go outside and have
guests come over and look at me like I am a freak show.

I have confidence... and I am just trying to learn films and
maybe I can make film just for fun of it...
Well anyway, I am not important...
Go ahead and ignore my email.... ignore my feelings...
That’s not what I asked. I asked why they didn’t look at you, not why they got on the elevator with you. And nobody is being cruel. We save that for the Uber-trolls. We’re just trying to make you wake up and smell the coffee.
That’s not what I asked. I asked why they didn’t look at you, not why they got on the elevator with you. And nobody is being cruel. We save that for the Uber-trolls. We’re just trying to make you wake up and smell the coffee.

they did stare, I edited that out... cause the shot was too long and boring.
in the elevator, I did set the camera down... when somebody else
was entering the elevator...
Even though they won't stare when I see them do it... but on the right side of the corner of my eye... they are gawking at me.

If you were in my shoes, would you be nice and have sweet attitude when
people stare at you, some people make fun of you.

Why I have to have a nice attitude?

Even deaf people have bad attitude, because hearing people make
them feel bad....

You know what I mean...

You think just because I am ugly on the outside, I must be beautiful
on the inside...

You are so dead wrong.

You watch too much the "beauty and the beast" cartoon.

I am just like everybody... I can be grouchy, I can be happy, I can be
sad, I can be moody, I can be a hateful person, sometimes I can
be friendly...
I have attitude just like everybody else... it is our own choice how
we act toward each other.
Meh. Prove it by posting a real pic of yourself. We've been asking you for years now, and you still won't do it. I think you won't post a pic because you don't want anybody to know that you're not really deformed.
Save us the bother. Just post a pic. How hard can that be?
Yeah Miss P, how difficult can that be? We aren't going anywhere...
geez, I only have a laptop and my clothes from memphis...
I don't have a scanner.

There's gotta be a scanner around somewhere. Look harder.
Sure! I'd love to see you pose nude in West Hollywood where it's 1025.83 miles away from us! and it's closer to ya!
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