Can't we all get along?

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Right, but so many have their own agenda that must be dealt with first: taxes, immigration, jobs, etc. Does not matter about people starting militias and lone gunmen blasting shopping malls. "Take care of me, and we can talk about getting along."

If thats not one of Americas mantras I don't know what else is :gpost:
This sounds exactly like what I said, its the governments fault for cutting taxes, no its the states fault, no its the peoples fault, no you, no you, no you,.... and all the while we are pointing fingers somebody gets shot and people die :squint:
Agreed. As long as the shooting is not in my town, I can keep pressing for my agenda.
He probably wasn't motivated by Rush and Beck and the others. I am just tired of all the pot stirring anger. Do you not see this?

I suggest we keep doing what we are; both sides digging in deeper and deeper. Let the divide grow. It has been working so well...:roll:

"Why should I back down. You go first!"
I see that you're trying to keep things stirred up. So much for "getting along."
I see that you're trying to keep things stirred up. So much for "getting along."
One other thing here; I think we can safely say you are Conservative. I think we can safely say I am a slightly left-leaning moderate. My entire topic has been about putting down the party shields and finding a middle ground. Note that at no time have I put blame on a party. Instead, I have seen Obama, Obamacare, and gun laws added to the mix. None of this was my goal. It was more attempts to hijack the thread into a bash Obama thread. Geez, we surely need more of those. I wanted to take a minute to ask "How did we get here? Are we happy to be where we are, a divided nation?"

Is anyone in the Conservative side ready to admit they are slightly glad this Liberal Congressional member that voted for Obamacare is probably gone? Are you ready to call for her replacement yet? Come on, I know you are out there...
...Is anyone in the Conservative side ready to admit they are slightly glad this Liberal Congressional member that voted for Obamacare is probably gone? Are you ready to call for her replacement yet? Come on, I know you are out there...
That is sick. :mad:
I'm a Conservative, a Republician. And NO, I'm not happy she was shot. There are and always will be sick people out there. We cannot weed them all out. This topic bothered me last night. We all are individuals, have our own likes and dislikes and strong opinions.

As far as "getting along" with each other, I do try. But my opinions remain the same, my likes and dislikes may differ from others, even you. But no apology here for that. Reminds me of the quote...."Lead, follow, or get out of the way."...which I don't agree with. That's about all I've got to say.
I am saying, why can't we get along? But after reading the replies here, I realize most people don't want to get along. "Peace and getting along? Only if you do what I want first, then I might consider it."

In fact, why should Aryan Nation have to hide their activities? Freedom of speech should be wide open. Let's have cross burnings in prime time. Let's have a reality show on trying to become a member in with the KKK.

I am saying that I am sick and tired of every time someone does something fucked up, there is always someone else to blame for the case of this guy, I have no idea why it is being made political. He didn't even vote in 2010, and not sure about you, but I don't meet too many conservative atheists whose favorite book is the Communist Manifesto. Evidently he had a personal grudge against this woman, and it has nothing to do with talk radio or the state of the country.

The way I see it, he is responsible for his actions. We are all are. Is he mentally ill? Even if he is, does that absolve him from responsibility? There are many degrees of mental illness, but being able to function in the world, for the most part, means you have a pretty good idea of what is right and what is wrong.

I have to add that although I don't agree with the Aryan Nation's philosophy, they have just as much right as anyone else in the US to speak their minds. That is what freedom of speech is all about, and there are no gray areas there. There either is freedom of speech or their isn't. When you start putting limitations on it, then it no longer is FREEDOM of speech. And another great thing about this country is that we are allowed to choose what we want to believe in or listen to, so for now, as the constitution stands, you can turn the channel when you don't like what is being said. Don't you see the connection between that and freedom of speech? Taking away freedom of speech is the same thing as telling people what they can and cannot listen to or think. Taking away freedom of speech changes everything that is true about freedom in this country. You can't mess around with one thing without creating a domino effect that topples into/effects all the rest.

And please, don't get me started on the reality shows. Having one about the journey to KKK membership can't be much more disgusting than most of them.
Jennifer, while I agree with most of what you said, there ARE a few limitations on freedom of speech; it isn't wholly free but I think you already know that.....
Arizona massacre gunman Jared Loughner's downward spiral may have been touched off by a broken high school romance and fueled by drug use -- but it was not politically motivated, according to his best friend in high school.

Zach Osler, in an interview Wednesday with ABC's "Good Morning America," said: "He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn’t listen to political radio. He didn’t take sides. He wasn’t on the left. He wasn’t on the right."
Report: Arizona Gunman Was Not Motivated By Politics -
Who is Zach Osler?

So why target a politician? A person who represents the alleged gunman was targeted. How is that not even partially not associated with "politically motivated"?
I hope republicans don't choose Palin as the Presidential nominee. I think it's a very solid chance that Palin is running in 2012 and will run tea party/independent if she isn't the nom for republicans (or democrats???...$ trail says no).
I hope republicans don't choose Palin as the Presidential nominee. I think it's a very solid chance that Palin is running in 2012 and will run tea party/independent if she isn't the nom for republicans (or democrats???...$ trail says no).
In other words, the speech Palin delivered was very much a signal that is trying to garner support for 2012.
Who is Zach Osler?
"his best friend in high school"

So why target a politician? A person who represents the alleged gunman was targeted. How is that not even partially not associated with "politically motivated"?
Maybe for a reason just as twisted as that of John Hinckley when he shot President Reagan.

Reagan was a political figure but Hinckley's reason wasn't political.

Politicians are well-know people--often that's the reason they are targeted.
Difference is that Loughner was "displeased" with the politician to a great degree.

Was there evidence that Hinckley was on the same sort if historical dislike prior to the shooting?
Loughner is 22. He graduated from high school in what...2005? People change. Way tO pin your impression of recent behavior of Loughner from the "best friend" from 5 years ago. Keep up the shoddy work Fox News.
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