Why have I REPEAT to you that it´s NOT my POV but SHARE the hitler´s HISTORY. Don´t you read my LAST post over German homosexually, disablitiy, etc.? What I said the reason why Hitler killed the people is NOT my POV but SHARE the Hitler´s HISTORY WHAT and WHY Hitler DID to them since Hear Again brought up the reason why Hitler killed them... It´s NOT about JUST your boyfriend´s relatives/ancestors/descendants etc... it´s ABOUT ALL Jews, races and Germans who were victim under Hitler´s time. It´s not just your boyfriend but EVERYONE who lost their beloved one, including my hubby as well to Nazi´s time. You talk about your boyfriend but you really have no idea how and what everyone including my hubby´s family, Grandma etc had been through in Hitler´s time, not just Jews. I feel for everyone, not just for your boyfriend.
I convinced ADers that it´s about Hitler´s history, not my POV. It finally convince them that "jews are fiddle" is not my own word but share Hitler history why he do that.... I can see that it´s very, very, very, very, very, hard to convince you. Please ignore my post if you STILL cannot convince it.
Noooooo, Don´t fingerpoint me over human being and animal comparison because ADers have seen your posts and offended... I´m not only one who viewed your post... Don´t you read ADer´s postS how upset they are over your comparison post between human being and animal.
Endy, you will understand fully why ADers feel being insult by Maria´s posts when you read the whole thread here.
Maria, it´s good that you apologised ADers for your behavior here and then move on.