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There you go!! you say that gay people choose to marry. That's their choice.
Who banned the gay marriage??? Now, they cannot marry because People tell them "NO!" and "You cannot marry!" Now you know how gay people feel about that.
Well, I've read somewhere about somethin' that the Supreme Courts ( liberals ) will provide gay/lesbian people the rights. I will go back and read it what EXACTLY it says... then, I will post it here ( in this thread ). It won't happen overnight but as the time process, it will happen durin' Obama's presidency. It won't be people's decisions, but Supreme Courts. I think because, of too many complaints in between 2 groups about it ( gay/lesbian people want " marriage " and the other group people don't want them to marry ... etc., etc. ) It's very interestin' to read. And, there's other more also.
How can they change votes to let them to marry?
It takes years for each state to accept. For how long ? I don't know. But, there's some things that really upset me to learn about somethin'. I really don't want to say it here, because I am gettin' tired of some ADers callin' me " paranoid " or what ever and I refused to show it to gay.lesbian people here -- to help them to know what's goin' on about the future. I clam myself up and let them to suffer without knowin' what it really is. Some of ADers don't act their own age by insultin' me or sayin' that I just make it up. These articles I read are not my ideas or plans for people. Someone wrote the articles to TELL people or for the REVIEWERS to read.
Just like for example : Lieblin' was tellin' me that she has the right to share her POV about Hitler and history, but she refused to acknowledge that she really hurts my feelin' about Jewish " fiddlin' with money " ... oh, just because my boyfriend himself is a Jewish and he is NOT fiddlin' with money,no matter what and those Jewish people in Hitler's time could be my boyfriend's relatives/ancestors/descendants. Lieblin' don't really understand that part. I don't care if she wants to discuss about HITLER and other things, except sayin' " fiddlin' with money ". She also thinks that I COMPARE gay/lesbian people with animal. She don't get it. I was talkin' about MY feelin' if, a person said it is not natural to marry to an animal -- I mean, why that person FEELS that way ???? Because he or she feels that it is not right. Okay ? That's his/her common sense what their feelings tell them. It doesn't mean that gay/lesbian people marry to animal. That's NOT what I was talkin' about. I feel it is NOT right to GIVE the marriage to gay/lesbian people because, I don't feel it is natural since that marriage is supposed to belong to a man and a woman. It has been this way for many years. I can understand that gay/lesbian people would like to be an equal with heterosexual ( sp ? ) people, but it will make things more difficult for gay/lesbian people because, it don't make people to " recognize " them since they are not a man and a woman. THAT'S the problem. Because of breedin' by havin' children. Adoptin' is somethin' else - not the same as breedin' by both natural parents to give birth.
For gay/lesbian ADers -- I apologized if you feel that I offend you about " animal ". It doesn't mean you are doin' them. I was just tryin' to express my feelin' in hopin' that someone could understand what I mean about why I don't accept the marriage for gay/lesbian people. But,hey - don't worry about me. I will look for an article and post it in here for you all to read about Supreme Courts. Okay ?