Bush Promises Veto of Stem Cell Bill

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I'm kind of confused why some of you think it's because of religious reason, how so?..
^Angel^ said:
I'm kind of confused why some of you think it's because of religious reason, how so?..

Alot of Right to Lifers are against stem cell research, because, they say that you destroy the embryo in the process of the research. A lot of Right to Lifers also happen to be Religious conservatives. Therefore, religion is playing a significant role since alot of the Republicans in Congress are ALSO relgious conservatives.
Taylor said:
deafdyke, please do not take my questioning the wrong way...I'm not being a smart-a$$ but hoping you can answer this. What is the 'leftover' that would not otherwise be born? Does it have the ability to be born (you mention the beginnings of a baby), or is this something that is totally different that is disposed of? I hope my question is coming out the right way....is it like food leftovers? I could throw them out because I do no *need* them.....but if I were starving, is it something I could eat? make sense.

Its one thing if these are medical wastes that are the byproduct of something else and are of no use....but I get the impression that these are created for stem cell research and are not the byproduct of something else. They specifically have to be created to be destroyed and its not a left over....am I understanding this correctly?

It's from IVF - in vitro fertilization. When you do IVF, you harvest dozens of eggs from the mother-to-be, and artificially inseminate them. You then implant a few at a time into her uterus. The expense of the procedures involved (and the likelyhood of failure) means that you generally harvest and fertilize far more eggs than you need; the other embryos are excess.

These embryos usually end up being thrown away. In theory, you can implant them into another woman's uterus; but the scale is such that this is not practical (there are an estimated 400,000 such frozen embryos in the US; only 81 have ever been implanted). Plus, many people aren't comfortable with the idea of having a genetic descendent running around in another family.

For the record: these embryos we're talking about consist of only a few dozen cells or hundred cells at most - we're talking tiny, even by a microbiologist's standards.

Anyway, that's why the Catholic Church, among others, is opposed to IVF, even if lay Catholics don't always know that. But you'll notice that the political and legal battles are always targeted at stem cells, not IVF, and I've never heard of Operation Rescue protesting at an IVF clinic or stalking the doctors there the way they do with abortion.
pek1 said:
Are you sure it's a "well thought out" bill? Seems that the pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money riding on this one.

Any bill that goes through Congress has "pork" in it. That is, alot of trash gets tacked onto an otherwise decent bill.

You can't have everything.
ismi said:
It's from IVF - in vitro fertilization. When you do IVF, you harvest dozens of eggs from the mother-to-be, and artificially inseminate them. You then implant a few at a time into her uterus. The expense of the procedures involved (and the likelyhood of failure) means that you generally harvest and fertilize far more eggs than you need; the other embryos are excess.

These embryos usually end up being thrown away. In theory, you can implant them into another woman's uterus; but the scale is such that this is not practical (there are an estimated 400,000 such frozen embryos in the US; only 81 have ever been implanted). Plus, many people aren't comfortable with the idea of having a genetic descendent running around in another family.

For the record: these embryos we're talking about consist of only a few dozen cells or hundred cells at most - we're talking tiny, even by a microbiologist's standards.

Anyway, that's why the Catholic Church, among others, is opposed to IVF, even if lay Catholics don't always know that. But you'll notice that the political and legal battles are always targeted at stem cells, not IVF, and I've never heard of Operation Rescue protesting at an IVF clinic or stalking the doctors there the way they do with abortion.

I'm not quite sure if I follow you but I think I got it, but why do some people feel that religious is the main part of the reason why Bush will veto it?
^Angel^ said:
I'm not quite sure if I follow you but I think I got it, but why do some people feel that religious is the main part of the reason why Bush will veto it?

Because, some believe that life starts at conception. They believe that during the process of taking the stem cells from the embryonic cell, you destroy it.

Relgious conservatives believe that life starts at conception, and stem research is tantamount to murder.
SHOULD I JOIN CINDY SHEEHAN BY GOING ON A HUNGER STRIKE? I Will Not eat again as long George Bush is in office!
Buckdodgers said:
SHOULD I JOIN CINDY SHEEHAN BY GOING ON A HUNGER STRIKE? I Will Not eat again as long George Bush is in office!

Sure! Thats one way we can get rid of you! :thumb:

Don't be stupid, Buck :roll:

Nobody really gives a flip about people who go on hunger strikes. People try this stunt all the time.

The only time i really saw this work was when an advovate for Cuban exiles protested against the Wet Foot, Dry Foot policy here in FL. This person actually did some good, and got something accomplished, but most people don't. It's a waste of time and energy.

But hey, if you want to deprive yourself of food, go right ahead. We won't stop you.
Breezy Some of US want our hearing back like me.I want to Enjoy music again like listening to these guys again

I also wanna listen to Rush Limbaugh on the Radio again.But i cant cause i need at least 70DBs before a hearing aid can work.I only have 95DBs and my Audilogist says no hearing aid is powerful enough to reach beyond 70 DBs and i need 90% of Speech Clarity in order it will work i have 10% Clarity.But Geirge Bush has anger me when i watched Fox News when he vetoed the stem cell reserach bill a yelled and said THATS THE LAST STRAW FOR HIM!
I have Send all my emails out to democratic candidates let em know my voter confidance for them and gave them ideas on impeach george bush when they get in office.
Buckdodgers said:
Breezy Some of US want our hearing back like me.I want to Enjoy music again like listening to these guys again

I also wanna listen to Rush Limbaugh on the Radio again.But i cant cause i need at least 70DBs before a hearing aid can work.I only have 95DBs and my Audilogist says no hearing aid is powerful enough to reach beyond 70 DBs and i need 90% of Speech Clarity in order it will work i have 10% Clarity.But Geirge Bush has anger me when i watched Fox News when he vetoed the stem cell reserach bill a yelled and said THATS THE LAST STRAW FOR HIM!
I have Send all my emails out to democratic candidates let em know my voter confidance for them and gave them ideas on impeach george bush when they get in office.

So, you want to go on a hunger strike? Give me a break! You can go on a hunger strike, but it won't do diddy poo. Wanna know why???

Bush is a lame duck. He can't run for President in '08. Therefore, he can veto whatever bill he wants to, because, there's no politcal pressure on him not to.

As to your point about impeachment, that's stupid, too. He's NOT going to be impeached. He's not done anything impeachable. And, anyway... As i said, he's going to be going out of office in '08, anyway. So, you're just being stupid.

Now, here's something you and I might be able to agree on...

Stem cell research should be furthered. But, I don't think you truly believe in it. You just want it benefit you. If you didn't think it could benefit you, you'd be against it just like any other extreme right winger. I don't believe for one min that you're going to support the democrats beyond this momentary hissy fit you're throwing. If you were consistent with your statements, I might be able to give credence to it. But, the only thing you've been consistent about has been "I want my hearing back.." You've been saying that since before you were banned. You're selfish, Steve! And, everyone knows it.

Grow up! Accept your hearing loss, and learn to adapt. You might find that you're happier because of it.
He has done a lot of things is an impeachable offense. Like Wiretaping,Prisoners are denied lawyers in Gitmo bay..They must have a lawyer.Many other things too.
Buckdodgers said:
He has done a lot of things is an impeachable offense. Like Wiretaping,Prisoners are denied lawyers in Gitmo bay..They must have a lawyer.Many other things too.

Okay. Go on a hunger strike.

No one is stopping you.
Bush promise me on stem cell for place new ear inner, so I can hear!
EDGE said:
Bush promise me on stem cell for place new ear inner, so I can hear!
Yeah Hes another Bill Clinton.Just like Bill Clinton didnt give 2 shits about how much the lil guy has to pay in taxes.George Bush doesnt care about soldiers lives in Iraq or peoples disablities or cancers they have.I wish GOD would give georges MOM barbara or his wife laura a heart or lung diease tommorow and i bet he`ll change his mind then. :mad:
Just Like Justice Souther Voted for eminain domain the Government can take your home away from you.And this Council man wants to take Judge Southers home away from him to punish him with that liberal vote.
Remember what Nancy Reagan Did? She got even with Ollie North cause he lied about her husband ronald and It cost Ollie Norths Governors Bid.And George Bush did promise her about stem cells reserach after Ronald Reagan Died and George Bush lied again.Republicans and Democrats do cross political lines..Just like Ronald Reagan did with the Brady Bill Signed it and Crossed the NRA because he owed James Brady his life during the assassination attempt on his life.And Nancy Reagan might get even with George W Bush and Cost the Republicans the Election in november.Theres an Old saying,,, WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND!!
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