Bush Promises Veto of Stem Cell Bill

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Monday, July 17, 2006 7:44 p.m. EDT

Bush Promises Veto of Stem Cell Bill

In an emotional session marked by tales of death and hope, the Senate debated on Monday whether the government should pay for new embryonic stem cell research, pushing a measure to do it toward passage and President Bush's first veto.

"He would veto the bill," the White House declared in a written statement, underlining the words for emphasis.

Bush Promises Veto of Stem Cell Bill

Get Ready People!!! Its Time to put the democrats back in majority of the House and Senate! Bush is gonna veto the stem cell bill.Democrats have one thing in mind,,Is start impeachment hearings on George W Bush!Cause DICK CHENEY will sign the stem cell bill cause he has a bad heart.
I disagree. It's more feasible to get this by permission of the new parents instead of killing a human baby to get it (which is actually being done). There are better ways of doing this. Quite frankly, I don't believe there should be any cures for any diseases until the United States gets right with God.
pek1 said:
I disagree. It's more feasible to get this by permission of the new parents instead of killing a human baby to get it (which is actually being done). There are better ways of doing this. Quite frankly, I don't believe there should be any cures for any diseases until the United States gets right with God.

Why not? God created doctors and sciencists to find cures. It worked so far and why not to do many more alike find cure for AIDS and many other kind of diseases. Stem cells are beginning of it.
Pete just because you love being deaf but not everyone is proud of losing their hearing.Theres lots of people who want to hear again like me.George Bush is a very self fish and a self centered man the only thing he cares about is being in that oval office and growing billions of dollars of his oil stocks so he can be like donald trump when his 8 years of presidency is over.By impeaching him would be the right thing to do.If you ever saw the movie "" Fahrenheit 9-11 "" well 50% of his documentary is true.Including about the bush family having oil ties with saudi arabian Royal Prince.This guy,

Both George H Bush and George W Bush has ties with the saudi royal family on oil business.That is the truth micheal moore proved in that film.Thats all bush cares about is the oil business.He doesnt care about anybody else but himself.Thats why i want the democrats take over and do the right thing for all americans!
I am personally very upset that Pres. Bush is going to veto this bill. As I recall, this is the first time our Republican congress has achieved a consensus and passed a well-tought out bill. The last time any bill was put through Congress, it was to severely restrict stem-cell reseach.

*sigh* This is why I believe church and state need to be separate. This is a prime example of how the religious right is exacting their influence.
I wish Bush goes to Hell NOW! He uses his own religious to veto this. Shame on him. Religious and Gov't must be separated as a Wall of Seperation!
Dino65 said:
I wish Bush goes to Hell NOW! He uses his own religious to veto this. Shame on him. Religious and Gov't must be separated as a Wall of Seperation!

Actually, Dino65, no one said anything about the religious right, only those on this thread.
Buckdodgers said:
Pete just because you love being deaf but not everyone is proud of losing their hearing.Theres lots of people who want to hear again like me.George Bush is a very self fish and a self centered man the only thing he cares about is being in that oval office and growing billions of dollars of his oil stocks so he can be like donald trump when his 8 years of presidency is over.By impeaching him would be the right thing to do.If you ever saw the movie "" Fahrenheit 9-11 "" well 50% of his documentary is true.Including about the bush family having oil ties with saudi arabian Royal Prince.

Both George H Bush and George W Bush has ties with the saudi royal family on oil business.That is the truth micheal moore proved in that film.Thats all bush cares about is the oil business.He doesnt care about anybody else but himself.Thats why i want the democrats take over and do the right thing for all americans!

I'm well aware the H.W. Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England, but still, you have to realize and know who actually owns the oil and it is not the Saudis! They're just the "front men" of the operation.

I'd recommend you read Dr. John White's book, "Conspirator's Heirarchy: The Committee of 300" and see who actually owns more than you think, who is actually the president and much, much more. By the way, it's an underground book and the writer used to be a British MI6. I didn't see Moore's movie, don't need to, as he hasn't uncovered anything new. Go read the book.
jazzy said:
Why not? God created doctors and sciencists to find cures. It worked so far and why not to do many more alike find cure for AIDS and many other kind of diseases. Stem cells are beginning of it.

There are better ways of finding cures than aborting a baby, wouldn't you think? Yes, there are. Just like there are better ways than testing on animals. There's even a product on the market for doctors to use in surgery that is basically 'fake blood,' did you know that? If they can fake blood, they can do just about anything if they want to instead of killing someone in order to do it. Don't believe the hype, jazzy, you're better than that and don't stoop to believe otherwise. No, I'm not right wing, nor am I left wing. If you read any of my posts, you would know where I stand.
Oceanbreeze said:
I am personally very upset that Pres. Bush is going to veto this bill. As I recall, this is the first time our Republican congress has achieved a consensus and passed a well-thought out bill.

Are you sure it's a "well thought out" bill? Seems that the pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money riding on this one.
I thought this bill only applied to expanding federal funding for the research. A veto doesn't ban the research, right?
Reba said:
I thought this bill only applied to expanding federal funding for the research. A veto doesn't ban the research, right?

It bans federal funding for new stem cell lines. And since most of the existing lines are either "petered out" or contaminated (which is to be expected - shit happens in the lab), it's effectively a ban.

And I know the argument is coming (not necessarily from you, Reba, but someone) that it's a ban on federal funding, not on research as a whole ... but that sort of argument shows a distinct lack of understanding of medical research. The truth is, the way the restrictions are set up, it's almost impossible to do research like this without federal funding.
Then Im gonna Help Hilary Rodham to become the first women president of the united states if Bush Vetos this bill Or i will Vote out my representive MARK FOLEY.And Vote for a DEMOCRAT so they can begin impeachment hearings on George W Bush.
Ummm Pek, FYI the stem cells come NOT from babies, who wouldn't otherwise be born, but rather the leftovers from in vitro fertitilization proceedures. These are medical wastes that would otherwise be thrown away....The stuff from In Vitro is not a baby....it's the very very beginnings of a baby.
Oh and I think that stem cell research should be limited to the worst disorders and diseases....
I happen to serve on the stem cell committee at the UCI hospital.

Nesmuth said:
I happen to serve on the stem cell committee at the UCI hospital.

Then help people get their hearing back.Cause jesus isnt gonna help us.
deafdyke said:
Oh and I think that stem cell research should be limited to the worst disorders and diseases....

The problem there is, where do you draw the line? Who gets to draw that line? I wouldn't give up my disabilities (well, maybe parts ...), even if it wasn't too late for me to benefit, but not everyone with my disabilities would agree. My friends with spinal cord injuries - quads and paras - are divided on whether they would take a cure or not, and that's if they even have an answer (a lot of them just aren't sure).

I think there are some where almost every patient would choose a cure - Parkinson's, Alzheimers, terminal disorders like Tay-Sachs or Gaucher. But there are many disorders and diseases that are extremely serious where the individuals in question do not speak with one voice as to whether they want a cure.
deafdyke said:
Ummm Pek, FYI the stem cells come NOT from babies, who wouldn't otherwise be born, but rather the leftovers from in vitro fertitilization proceedures. These are medical wastes that would otherwise be thrown away....The stuff from In Vitro is not a baby....it's the very very beginnings of a baby.

deafdyke, please do not take my questioning the wrong way...I'm not being a smart-a$$ but hoping you can answer this. What is the 'leftover' that would not otherwise be born? Does it have the ability to be born (you mention the beginnings of a baby), or is this something that is totally different that is disposed of? I hope my question is coming out the right way....is it like food leftovers? I could throw them out because I do no *need* them.....but if I were starving, is it something I could eat? make sense.

Its one thing if these are medical wastes that are the byproduct of something else and are of no use....but I get the impression that these are created for stem cell research and are not the byproduct of something else. They specifically have to be created to be destroyed and its not a left over....am I understanding this correctly?
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