Endy, had the Third Reich continued what they were doing with genocide, there is a chance that USA would end up following similar laws set in place by the Third Reich. In fact, some of what the USA did inspired the Third Reich in some way. For instance, sterilization of people who were deemed unfit to be parents. They did it to deaf, blind, mentally challenged, African-Americans and more in the USA. In fact, one of the biggest advocates was Alexander Graham Bell.
Genocide will not happen in the United States. This is becoming more multi-national country soon. US Constitution stays because the founding fathers wanted it to be way for many generations. It's the American History and it imprint in every US-born citizens. They can guarantee that it will not happen.
Obama will not turn into somewhat similar to Third Reich. McCain could turn into some fanatic christian government that would allows them to stone everyone who sinned. (That's my impression, mind ya!) Palin's religion scares me shit! It'd turn into freaking show if country changes their colors, and we will be all religious persecuted based on our sins. We will be stoned because they say that Bible says so! It'd be big interesting if anyone with different religion in the US, they'd stoned for being non-Christian. That's what I perceived McCain/Palin. Now, Obama??? How can you relate Obama with Hilter? Obama fought civil rights, he stood up for protection rights. He got involved with Senate Committees. He was born in US and he is strong christian and loving person.
We are evolving into new age. We are evolving into Social Movement and Technology. Education helps us so much. We have disability rights and protection in the US. We have civil rights and protections for minorities including Blacks. We have rights and protections for both Christians and non-Christians. Obama is totally into civil rights. Obama believes in Equality. He has his mind set in the course in a good example of Martin L. King, "I have a dream." "I have a Dream" has a great example how he wants the World Peace. Especially Peace in his country.
By the way, He will not going to brand anyone with armbands.
For God's sake, WHY is everybody comparing Obama with negativity? Please COMPARE McCain with someone else. Funny thing is that Americans in 1980's calling Ronald Reagan as the Anti-Christ because of his great skills. Regan led World Peace by ending the the Cold War. Unbelievable!! Americans in 1950's, John F Kennedy was called as the Anti-Christ because of his religion, someone shot him because he did not share the same belief with Americans. Remember the late 1960s, how many people treating American communists in the past, based on false education.
Everybody learned their mistakes, they will not allow it happening again.
Now, tell me what this comparison has to do with Obama. I dare you to compare McCain with someone else.